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Sampling (and HPA) Update 2012 East Midlands Councils 5 Pack + 1 Rob Johnston Health Protection Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "Sampling (and HPA) Update 2012 East Midlands Councils 5 Pack + 1 Rob Johnston Health Protection Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sampling (and HPA) Update 2012 East Midlands Councils 5 Pack + 1 Rob Johnston Health Protection Agency

2 Health Protection Agency and Partners The HPA and Public Health England The HPA and FW&E Laboratory Update The HPA - working with partners on Olympic Activities Infectious diseases – few incidents of interest Working together on public health, sampling and food safety

3 Health Protection Agency – to April 2013 ……………. Public Health England Public Health White Paper 2010 Deliver specialist public health services to national and local government and the NHS (including lab services) Deliver information and intelligence to support effective action, locally and nationally Provide national leadership and coordination of public health emergency preparedness and response

4 Health Protection Functions of PHE Surveillance Expert advice Public Health Response Specialist reference and diagnostic laboratory services Research Training Expert advice and support to international agencies

5 Updates in the HPA FW&E Network 2011 - 2012 HPA FW&E laboratories reconfiguration Relocation of Southampton to Porton 2011 Relocation of Leeds to York Closure of Bristol laboratory Appointment of more Food Examiners

6 FW&E Sample Transport Cool boxes supplied by the HPA Data loggers and sample packing system CitySprint - the courier for FW&E samples

7 Sample Transport and FW&E Laboratory Service Provision FW&E Micro lab York FW&E Micro lab Birmingham

8 Proactive Sampling Studies Year 20122013 Months of sampling JFMAMJJASONDJFMA New studies Study 47. Olympic preparation & response sampling Study 48. Pâté study: comparison of ‘in- house’ produced and large-scale produced offal-based pâté Study 49. Reactive response study* Ongoing from the 2011/2012 Programme Study 45. Pennington response study 3 Study 46. Reactive response study – pre- cut fruit Regional/Liaison Group studies Reactive sampling; outbreaks, incidents interventions etc HPA studies – to go onto the ‘Knowledge Hub’ –




12 FW&E Laboratory Olympic Activities; How did we do it ….. and what did we do? Working in partnership …. Advice, Training and Sampling Support Local support and advice as normal On-call rota of FW&E microbiologists during Olympic period (24 hours, 7 days per week) Training to JLARS, LOCOG, LAs, PHAs, FW&E sampling and sampling support User Manual On site expert support

13 FW&E Laboratory Olympic Activities: Monitoring In collaboration with JLARS, LOCOG, Local Authorities, Port Health Authorities & DWI Drinking water monitoring on Olympic sites, particularly the park Verification of the commissioning process Results converted into public health interventions relaying water pipe runs assurance of cleaning for water fountains Water, food and environmental monitoring Marinas, hotels training camps and ships used by competitors and Olympic staff ­swimming pools ­spa pools ­Water systems ­Food service Mobile food vendors around routes for: ­torch ­cycling ­running Seawater monitoring (Weymouth) Monitoring of other sites around Olympic Park water quality of a water feature

14 FW&E Laboratory Olympic Activities:

15 4 hygiene problems with food manufacturers in Olympics food chain FBOs producing sandwiches (x2), meat pies, sliced meats Sampling resulting from monitoring and incident investigation Initial sampling sometimes in different parts of country Microbiological results and advice to LAs, FSA and HPUs Improvements in manufacturers’ environments No adverse public health events detected 2 Norovirus outbreaks amongst athletes Advice to LAs and HPUs Legionella pneumophila detected in water system of ship Results from routine monitoring Ship providing accommodation to Olympic Park staff Advice to London Port Health Authority and HPU Supporting the media messages

16 2012 - not just the Olympics Anthrax – Botulism – Bacillus – Campylobacter – injecting drug users in Italian olives shepherds pie and (haricot beans) in chicken liver pate

17 Has 2012 just been the Olympics? Cryptosporidium - E coli and an open park – Legionnaires’ disease – Pseudomonas … in water and food?? ? Edinburgh, Stoke and a place near you? Not just pool water ….

18 Legionnaires’ disease Local Authorities, HSE, PCT and HPA Legionnaires’ disease – cooling towers, spa pools and water systems

19 Legionnaires’ disease Local Authorities, HSE, PCT and HPA

20 Multi-agency Working – Foods that aren’t the usual suspects ??? Pork pie purchased from Boston Case travels home to Hants – becomes ill Further food sample bought from Boston; pork pie and pate and taken to Hants Food samples tested at HPA FW&E Porton Listeria isolated and sent to HPA Ref lab at Colindale fAFLP typing links food isolates with previous cases LA, HPA, FSA involvement in incident Boston Porton Colindale Barnsley Sheffield

21 HPA in the East Midlands Outbreak Management East Midlands North and South Joint Outbreak Control Plans / Operational Framework - 2012 Determination of an outbreak Outbreak management Outbreak response Outbreak/incident control Closure of the outbreak



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