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CECCAC Creating a European Cross- Cultural Advertising Campaign.

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Presentation on theme: "CECCAC Creating a European Cross- Cultural Advertising Campaign."— Presentation transcript:

1 CECCAC Creating a European Cross- Cultural Advertising Campaign

2 Content 1. What is an IP? 2. What is CECCAC? 3. Participants 4. Locations 5. Topics 6. Modus operandi Who Where How Why

3 7. The winning campaigns 8. Side events 9. Intercultural setting 10. Perspectives 11. Conclusion: benefits

4 1. What is an IP? Erasmus – Intensive Programme (IP) short programme of study students and staff from universities of different countries specialised topics multinational teaching international classroom environment exchange views on teaching

5 the content is revised each year annual grants transnational academic co-ordination by Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerp, Belgium

6 2. What is CECCAC? Creating a European Cross-Cultural Advertising Campaign European IP for marketing and communication students from EU countries Students work in multinational teams during one or two weeks Competition and pitch at the end Pan-european subject

7 3. Participants - 8 European countries UK: Southampton Solent University, departement Media and Art France: Université de Savoie d’Annecy, département sciences humaines et sociales Germany: University of applied sciences Darmstadt, department marketing and communication Netherlands: Hogeschool Inholland Alkmaar Spain: Universidad Cardinal Herrera, department Communication and multimedia Finland: Pirkanmaa Polytechnic, University of Applied Sciences (Pirkanmaan ammattikorkeakoulu) Turkey: Anadolu University Eskisehir Belgium: Plantijnhogeschool Antwerp, communication departement

8 4. Locations 2003: Annecy 2004: Antwerp 2005: Darmstadt 2006: Valencia 2007: Southampton 2008: Alkmaar 2009: Eskisehir

9 5. Topics Coca-Cola as a breakfast-drink (2003 – Annecy) Boxershorts with small condom-pockets (2004 - Antwerp) Campaign against obesity (2005: Darmstadt) Stimulate elder people to volunteer for the Red Cross (2006 - Valencia) Promotion of public transportation (2007 - Southampton) European youth discussion forum (2008 - Alkmaar).............(2009 - Eskisehir)

10 6. Modus operandi Preliminary meeting in autumn Research – 5 months IP- week in springtime Evaluation

11 6.1 Preliminary meeting Evaluation of former IP Subject proposals, research brief Practical arrangements: accommodation for students, working facilities.. Budget Week programme: guest colleges of specialists, deadlines, leisure activities

12 6.2 Research brief background information guidelines (research paper – digital platform) desk research + field research  current status of the topic in each country  image of the topic  identification of potential target groups  former campaigns

13 6.3 IP-week Research presentations Formation of the multinational teams/agencies Campaign strategy Creative brief – creative concept Media choice Pitch

14 6.4 Evaluation a SWOT- analysis is made based on questionnaires filled in by the students at the end of the IP-week The results are discussed on the next preliminary meeting

15 7. Winning campaigns: Red cross- Valencia 2006



18 Public transport: Southampton 2007



21 Youth discussion forum - Alkmaar 2008

22 8. Side events Seminars on the topic and on advertising techniques by professionals and academic staff

23 Cultural happenings Evening events - parties Touristic sightseeing tours

24 9. Intercultural setting Students learn the different mindsets of various cultures on socio-cultural, political and economic problems. Students practice their intercultural communication competences combined with the professional marketing skills

25 10. Perspectives collaboration with companies or advertising agencies real Pan-European assignments

26 11. Conclusion: benefits variety of cultural backgrounds international context exchange of data and techniques communication through the provided web applications guided and controlled by professionals

27 Thank you for your attention Sandra Femenía Almerich Helga Van den Bulck EFCCE Conference, Paris,17 May 2008

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