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Designing URI Sets for INSPIRE John Goodwin Senior Research Scientist (and Chair of UKLP Linked Data Working Group) 30 May 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing URI Sets for INSPIRE John Goodwin Senior Research Scientist (and Chair of UKLP Linked Data Working Group) 30 May 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing URI Sets for INSPIRE John Goodwin Senior Research Scientist (and Chair of UKLP Linked Data Working Group) 30 May 2012

2 Linked Data Linked Data: Use URIs to identify things.URIs Use HTTP URIs so that these things can be referred to and looked up ("dereferenced") by people and user agents.HTTPdereferenceduser agents Provide useful information about the thing when its URI is dereferenced, using standard formats such as RDF/XML.RDF/XML Include links to other, related URIs in the exposed data to improve discovery of other related information on the Web.

3 Identifying Things with URIs Use HTTP URIs to identify things, e.g. people, places, organisations “John Goodwin” “The City of Southampton” “Ordnance Survey”

4 Making These URIs Dereferencable

5 Making These URIs Dereferencable URI identifying the City of Southampton: URI identifying the document describing the City of Southampton: URI identifying the HTML document describing the City of Southampton: URI identifying the RDF document describing the City of Southampton:

6 INSPIRE The EU INSPIRE Directive calls for “a common framework for the unique identification of spatial objects, to which identifiers under national systems can be mapped in order to ensure interoperability between them”

7 Spatial Things and Spatial Objects TermDefinitionSource Spatial Thing “Anything with spatial extent, i.e. size, shape, or position. e.g. people, places, bowling balls, as well as abstract areas like cubes.” Spatial-Things are that subset of 'real-world phenomena' which relate to a location. W3C “WGS84 Geo Positioning: an RDF vocabulary” Spatial Object An abstract representation of a real- world phenomenon related to a specific location or geographical area. This INSPIRE term is synonymous with the ISO 19100 term "(geographic) feature", and distinct from ISO "spatial object", which specifically contains the positional information for a feature. INSPIRE Glossary item 67

8 Spatial Things and Spatial Objects

9 URI Sets “A collection of reference data published using URIs, about a single concept, governed from a single source.”

10 Identity TermDefinitionSource Unique Object Identifier Identifier associated with a spatial object INSPIRE Glossary Item 77 Thematic Identifier Descriptive unique object identifier applied to spatial objects in a defined information theme E.g. an administrative code for administrative area spatial objects in the administrative units theme, a parcel code for parcel spatial objects in a cadastral theme INSPIRE Glossary item 73 Geographic Identifier spatial reference in the form of a label or code that identifies a location [ISO 19112] E.g. Postal codes: 53115, 01009, SW1, IV19 1PZ INSPIRE Glossary item 32

11 Unique Object Identifiers namespace – intended as a unique identifier prefix to enable delegated administration of local identifier within a framework of globally unique identifiers. localId – a character string that is unique within a given namespace such that the combination of namespace name and localId form a globally unique spatial-object identifier (i.e. consistently identifies the same spatial-object). versionId – an optional component that is used to distinguish between multiple versions of a spatial object designated by a namespace/localId combination. A versionId is unique within the scope of a given namespace/localId combination ie. within the scope of a given namespace/localId, a versionId consistently designates a single version of the spatial-object that corresponds to the given namespace/localId.

12 URIs for Spatial Things http://{your domain}/id/[{concept}]/{reference} http://{sector}{concept}/{reference} [/{version}]{theme}/{concept} [/{codeset}]/{reference}[/{version}]

13 Examples of URIs for Spatial Things

14 URIs for Spatial Objects{theme}/{class}/ {namespace}/{localId}[/{versionId}] http://{authority}/so/{theme}/{class}/{namespace}/ {localId}[/{versionId}]

15 Example of URIs for Spatial Object

16 URIs for documents describing spatial things http://{your domain}/doc/[{concept}]/{reference} [[.|/]{rendition}] http://{sector}{concept}/{reference} [/{version}][[.|/]{rendition}]{theme}/{concept} [/{codeset}]/{reference}[/{version}] [[.|/]{rendition}]

17 URIs for document describing spatial objects{theme}/{class}/ {namespace}/{localId}[/{versionId}] [[.|/]{rendition}] http://{authority}/doc/{theme}/{class}/{namespace}/ {localId}[/{versionId}][[.|/]{rendition}]

18 URIs for Classes and Properties URIs for classes:{theme}[/{package}] [/{concept|class}][/{version}]/{class} URIs for Open Domain Properties:{theme}[/{package}] [/{concept|class}][/{version}]/{property} URIs for Closed Domain Properties:{theme}[/{package}] [/{concept|class}][/{version}]/{class}/{property}


20 Acknowledgements Stuart Williams

21 Discussion Early days yet – so seeing how this works Does the ‘linked data way’ fit with the ‘INSPIRE way’ ?

22 Representing Geometry: GeoSPARQL “The goal for the OGC GeoSPARQL standard is to support representing and querying geospatial data on the Semantic Web. GeoSPARQL defines a vocabulary for representing geospatial data in RDF, and it defines an extension to the SPARQL query language for processing geospatial data. “

23 Contact for further information John Goodwin Customer Service Centre Ordnance Survey Adanac Drive SOUTHAMPTON United Kingdom SO16 0AS Phone: +44 (0)8456 05 05 05 Fax: +44 (0)8450 990494

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