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English 10 Grammar & Writing #13 Mr. Rinka Gerund Phrases TOEFL Vocabulary List #8.

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1 English 10 Grammar & Writing #13 Mr. Rinka Gerund Phrases TOEFL Vocabulary List #8

2 Gerund Phrase Verbals are formed from verbs but function as other parts of speech. The three verbals are: Participles Gerunds Infinitives

3 Gerunds A Gerund is a verbal that ends in –ing and acts as a noun. Running is a good exercise. My brother likes swimming.

4 Gerunds Like any noun, a Gerund can be a subject, predicate nominative, direct object or object of a preposition in a sentence. Smiling will help you make friends. Smiling = Subject

5 Gerunds My favorite activity is bicycling. bicycling = Predicate Nominative My sister loves reading. reading = Direct Object These are great shoes for hiking. hiking = Object of a Preposition

6 Gerunds Like all nouns Gerunds can be modified by adjectives and adjective phrases. Competitive skiing is a great sport. The singing of the National Anthem moves many people.

7 Gerunds Like verbs Gerunds can be modified by adverbs and adverb phrases. Dancing gracefully takes a lot of practice. I do not appreciate talking during a test.

8 Gerunds Words ending in –ing can function in different ways. Listening to her teacher, Kim was keeping a journal for her writing.

9 Gerunds Listening to her teacher, Kim was keeping a journal for her writing. Listening = Present Participle keeping = Action Verb writing = Gerund

10 Find the Gerunds I love laughing and talking with friends. Breathing correctly is important for good health. Last weekend, my family went camping. I was planning on sleeping all morning. Following lunch, I enjoy reading quietly. Memorizing formulas is very difficult. The children enjoy playing music together.

11 Find the Gerunds I love laughing and talking with friends. Breathing correctly is important for good health. Last weekend, my family went camping. I was planning on sleeping all morning. Following lunch, I enjoy reading quietly. Memorizing formulas is very difficult. The children enjoy playing music together.

12 Gerund Phrases A Gerund Phrase contains a gerund and all its modifiers and complements. This entire Gerund Phrase functions as a noun. Gerund Phrases can be subjects, predicate nominatives, direct objects, and objects of a preposition.

13 Gerund Phrases Subject: Playing in the jazz band at school is exciting and fun. Predicate Nominative: My hobby is collecting old record albums from the 1960’s.

14 Gerund Phrases Direct Object: My friends and I love playing chess in the park on the weekends. Object of a Preposition: Juan was awarded a prize for writing a poem about world peace.

15 Find the Gerund Phrase There are few people who question the benefits of encouraging teens. Walking the path in the woods is good exercise. The teacher ended Jim's disrupting behavior.

16 Find the Gerund Phrase There are few people who question the benefits of encouraging teens. (OP) Walking the path in the woods (S) is good exercise. The teacher ended Jim's disrupting behavior. (DO)

17 Find the Gerund Phrase We should teach our children the necessity of helping others in need. You should try singing tenor. Kristin's dream was singing in the local musical.

18 Find the Gerund Phrase We should teach our children the necessity of helping others in need. (OP) You should try singing tenor. (DO) Kristin's dream was singing in the local musical. (PN)

19 Find the Gerund Phrase Bart received an award for having perfect attendance. The chorus began singing the song. Some people enjoy mowing the lawn. Reading the classics is my goal this summer.

20 Find the Gerund Phrase Bart received an award for having perfect attendance. (OP) The chorus began singing the song. (DO) Some people enjoy mowing the lawn. (DO) Reading the classics (S) is my goal this summer.

21 Gerund Phrases A noun or pronoun coming before a Gerund Phrase should be possessive. Jim’s pacing back and forth made me nervous. I enjoyed his playing the banjo.

22 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 The following is a list of vocabulary words that often appear on the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) test. c/pau/course/webword.htm

23 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 paradox (noun): a statement that seems to contradict itself but contains some truth para (beside)+ dox (thought, idea) The paradox of the matter is that I want to see the opera, but I also want to stay home.

24 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 decorate (verb): to make something look attractive or suitable dec (suitable) + or (n. activity) + ate (v. came to be) Linda decorated her apartment with paintings and plants.

25 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 decent (adjective): conforming to standards, good, kind dec (suitable) + ent (adj. indication) This magazine contains a decent article on home improvement.

26 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 dignity (noun): quality of being worthy, noble, honored dign (suitable) + ity (state or quality) I haven't yet had the dignity and honor of being grand marshall of the parade.

27 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 conduct (verb, noun): v. to lead or guide, n. a person's behavior con (together, with) + duct (lead) Jared was conducted into the doctor's office by the nurse. Arnelle's conduct was inexcusable.

28 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 educate (verb): to train, to provide schooling for e (out) + duc (lead) + ate (v. cause to be) The school tries to educate its students to be productive members of society.

29 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 induct (verb): to install in office or to enroll in military service in (into) + duct (lead) Mindy was inducted into the army last month.

30 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 deduct (verb): to subtract de (to take away from) + duct (lead) The salesperson deducted five dollars off the purchase price of the radio.

31 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 deduce (verb): to make a decision or draw a conclusion by reasoning de (to take away from) + duce (lead) I deduced from the trail of crumbs and the empty milk carton that the children were home.

32 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 produce (verb, noun): to bring forward, to make to bear or yield; something made or grown pro (forward) + duce (lead) The lawyer produced new evidence. The produce from the farm will go to the market next week.

33 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 seduce (verb): to persuade (especially into doing something wrong), to tempt se (move away from) + duce (lead) Money and power have been known to seduce many honest people.

34 TOEFL Vocabulary List #8 induce (verb): to persuade, cause, or bring about by artificial means. in (into) + duce (lead) If a child swallows poison, it is suggested that vomiting should be induced.

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36 English 10 Grammar & Writing #13 Mr. Rinka Gerund Phrases TOEFL Vocabulary List #8

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