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Sue Francis Solent Skills Development Zone Rachel Hawkins Jobcentre Plus.

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2 Sue Francis Solent Skills Development Zone Rachel Hawkins Jobcentre Plus

3 Vision Fully integrated ‘Employment & Skills Escalator’

4 Key Principles ‘Demand Driven’ by the needs of local labour market A key contributor to the City and Sub Regional Growth Strategy Increasing Gross Value Added (GVA) Balancing Economic Competitiveness & Social Justice

5 Key Elements Integrating employment and skills activities (mostly public funded) Provision of a single ‘offer’ and entry point for employers Retaining those who have developed skills in Southampton for the benefit of the City economy Better value and results through collaborative working

6 Development Strategic Steering Group Southampton Solent University Vice-Chancellor (Chair) Chief Executives: Southampton City Council NHS Southampton City Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust Jobcentre Plus District Manager Learning and Skills Council Area Director Southampton Public Sector Pilot

7 Delivery From Autumn 2009 Employment and Skills Programme Three project strands: Worklessness & Newly Unemployed Apprenticeships Graduate Retention Task focused Operations Group Delivery Partnership: Public; Private; Education; Third sectors Collaborative working model

8 Project Strands Project Leads Worklessness & Newly Unemployed Jobcentre Plus Apprenticeships University Hospital Southampton NHS FT Graduate Retention Southampton Solent University

9 Challenges 1.Private Sector Expansion - Apprenticeships 2.Provider Engagement 3.Collaborative working in a competitive market 4.Development of the single ‘offer’ 5.Development of the single entry point 6.Capturing outputs and outcomes

10 Collaborative delivery model Worklessness & Newly Unemployed Project Sector & Activity Leads Section 106 Employment & Skills Plans Community Engagement Essential Skills Specialist Services (Employers & Employees) Enterprise Employment Sectors Work Programme Providers

11 Single ‘offer’ Employer Offer Sector-based work academies Pre Employment Training Work Experience Job Interview Guarantee Recruitment Service Apprenticeships Work Experience Workplace Visits Work Shadowing Work TrialsInternships Volunteering

12 Single entry point Employment Sector & Activity Leads Skills Employment Sector College Lead RecruitmentJobcentre Plus Section 106 Employment & Skills Plans Southampton City Council

13 Ongoing Challenges 1.Collaborative working in a competitive market 2.Measuring added value and success 3.Key Personnel changes 4.Maintaining high level ‘buy in’ 5.Maintaining link to City strategic priorities 6.Maintaining link to sub-regional priorities 7.Employer Engagement

14 Adoption across the City SSDZ Steering Group Apprenticeships Graduate Retention WorklessnessEnterprise Educational Progression

15 A measure of success “It is easier to recruit in Southampton because services are more joined up” Construction Sector Employer Focus Group (May 2012)

16 Further Information Sue Francis Solent Skills Development Zone  023 8084 2919  07710 609741 Rachel Hawkins Jobcentre Plus  023 8053 8833  07920 783866

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