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Brain mobility: an added value in your career planning Peter Marynen, Vice-president for Research 27 March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Brain mobility: an added value in your career planning Peter Marynen, Vice-president for Research 27 March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brain mobility: an added value in your career planning Peter Marynen, Vice-president for Research 27 March 2013

2 Brain Mobility 1. KU Leuven international 2. Young researchers at KU Leuven 3. Brain mobility & ‘competence profile’ 4. YouReCa

3 1. KU Leuven: diverse & international TotalNon-Belgian diploma Students (2012-2013) 41.2556.724 (16%) … from France (2012-2013) 105 PhD students (2011-2012) 4.5921.812 (39%) PhD diploma’s (2011-2012) 626232 (37%) Postdocs (2011-2012) 1.067390 (37%)

4 1. KU Leuven publications: European ranking Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

5 1. KU Leuven in FP7 Number of contracts in the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

6 1. KU Leuven in the European Research Council

7 2. ‘Incoming’ mobility

8 2. ‘Outgoing’ mobility JuMo mobility allowances (6 months – 12 months): 32 awarded in 2012 FWO travel grants (5 weeks – 12 months): 47 awarded in 2011 (of which 32 for stays >6 months) Other opportunities: Marie Curie Actions, country- or discipline- specific fellowships, …

9 3. Career paths Public sector Enterprise Academic professorship (ZAP) Academic 9% of PhD graduates Non- academic 91% of PhD graduates NGO Source: VRWB 34% 66% 18% Post- doc Academic career PhD Non- academic career 82% Permanent research staff (BAP)

10 Leadership & change management Intellectual skills Self management skills Academic and technical skills Relational skills 3. Brain mobility & competence profile

11 Leadership & change management International Focus Intellectual skills Interdisciplinary thinking/ broadmindedness Academic and technical skills Methodological skills Language skills Relational skills Diplomatic skills Networking Self management skills Autonomy Planning, organising and prioritising 3. Brain mobility & competence profile

12 4. YouReCa YouReCa (“Young Researchers’ Careers”) aims at improving and widening the career perspectives of KU Leuven’s young researchers. To this end, YouReCa will organize a broad range of activities for PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and assistant professors that are related to: Career development and the improvement of career prospects Strengthening the international orientation of researchers’ careers Training and education

13 4. YouReCa – Career development YouReCa will establish a Career Centre for young researchers a Junior Researchers Mobility Programma ‘JUMO’ As more than 90% of PhD graduates will pursue a career outside of academia, focus will be on the transition to the non-academic job market. Youreca will provide general and personalized career guidance.

14 … the university Fresh blood Fresh insights in sciences Complementary expertises International network … the researcher Independence Exploring new research domains, technologies and cultures Enlarging your network 4. YouReCa – International mobility

15 4. YouReCa - JuMo JuMo (Junior Researcher Mobility programme) A financing programme intended to stimulate the international or intersectorial mobility of young KU Leuven researchers. Financial support for research stays (6 to 12 months) outside Belgium in a high-quality environment. o A monthly mobility allowance on top of the researcher’s own scholarship or salary. o Reimbursement of travel expenses Next deadline: 22 August 2013

16 Thank you ! Our coordinates (for your postcards or further information): Reserach Coordination Office Schapenstraat 34, 3000 Leuven, Tel: 016/32.40.44

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