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MOOCs in a modern University: Is this the end of the campus? Professor Don Nutbeam Vice-Chancellor, University of Southampton.

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Presentation on theme: "MOOCs in a modern University: Is this the end of the campus? Professor Don Nutbeam Vice-Chancellor, University of Southampton."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOOCs in a modern University: Is this the end of the campus? Professor Don Nutbeam Vice-Chancellor, University of Southampton

2 End of the campus...? Clicks not bricks?

3 The Hype: This is the end of the campus – the avalanche is coming Education’s “Napster moment” Once University content is available for free (or nearly), who will ever pay £9000+ for a university education? Once University content can be delivered when and where people want it, who will turn up at lectures ever again? The conclusion is obvious - MOOC or die (and do it quickly) Neither quality nor reputation can stop the avalanche

4 Opportunities real (and hoped for) off campus Enhance reputation – focus on your best Marketing, especially for international students – try before you buy New markets - Pull through new paying students from MOOC learners Enhance CPD Public Service After a while, you will stand out if you don’t have MOOCs Southampton’s first two MOOCs – Web Science and Oceanography

5 Massive new options for campus-based students MOOCs and the technologies they foster will advance innovations in teaching and learning, and expand markets for education MOOCS add to options for learning on campus, extending access to content Challenge is to optimise the campus experience by embracing the digital movement, and freeing up the timetable to allow for higher quality contact time More like acceleration of an existing process of evolution than seismic revolution

6 The end of the lecture?

7 Several universities now using the flipped classroom The added value of a campus education will come increasingly from higher quality, interactive teaching and learning, and through the development of highly prized transferable skills More time for hands-on laboratory experience, small group work, and for group working with fellow students. Wider range of opportunities for creative assessment and feedback

8 More choice & flexibility on campus

9 MOOCs on campus – it’s all in the wrapping Campus students use MOOC material with an intelligent “wrapper” designed by the University –flipped classroom, quizzes, homework, further self-study, assessment and feedback With high quality MOOCs available for free, the quality of the wrapper determines the quality of the course. MOOCs become the new textbooks

10 Whose degree? Vanderbilt University already currently teaches campus students using Harvard MOOCs, plus a wrapper. Some universities are looking at accepting passes in MOOCs as credit for degrees. How can universities that are notoriously unable to develop even joint degree programmes offer options to take modules unavailable in the host institution? Is it all about the student, or all about the institution?

11 Making it all work

12 Solve the issues: regulation, quality, ownership Campus designed for MOOCs and blended learning Need high quality “wrapper” as well as high quality course Use MOOC technology and thinking for all teaching – classroom, online CPD and MOOCs Ride the wave and focus on strengths

13 End of the campus...?  Clicks AND Bricks

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