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FAMILY MAN in the COMMUNITY (FMC) Safe Ground and Hampshire Probation Trust (HPT) 15 th March 2013 Alison Jones Moran – Family Man in the Community Development.

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Presentation on theme: "FAMILY MAN in the COMMUNITY (FMC) Safe Ground and Hampshire Probation Trust (HPT) 15 th March 2013 Alison Jones Moran – Family Man in the Community Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAMILY MAN in the COMMUNITY (FMC) Safe Ground and Hampshire Probation Trust (HPT) 15 th March 2013 Alison Jones Moran – Family Man in the Community Development Co-ordinator; Safe Ground Maria Galovics – Director of Offender Management; HPT

2 Aims for today To: provide you with an overview of our newly developed relationships intervention describe our journey give you a taster of the programme and associated methodologies Present our next steps

3 How FMC came about..... There was no father specific support available in the community for offenders on licence or offenders subject to community penalties. Family Man in the Community’ (FMC) is aimed at filling this gap. Designed to enable fathers to improve their relationships with their partners, family members and their children to enable them to improve the quality of their lives. FMC is made up of 3 components that wrap around the offender and their family. 1.Family Man in the Community Programme (FMP) 2.Family Support Worker (FSW) 3.Offender Manger (OM) Developed in collaboration between Safe Ground, Spurgeons and Hampshire Probation Trust. A small scale pilot was delivered in Southampton in 2011/12 to test the concept. There were sufficient outcomes to warrant Phase 2. We have produced a high quality programme for use with offenders and their families. FMC will be available for delivery 2013/14


5 Where we started Safe Ground Safe Ground is a charity that works to promote relationships skills as tools for empowering people to change so reducing the risk of reoffending and building stronger communities. Using an arts based methodology we engage large groups of resistant learners to produce results. We manage complex relationships and partnerships between organisations and provide opportunities for new dialogues. In partnership with MoJ we developed Family Man (FM) and Father Inside (FI). FM/FI were launched in 2000, have been delivered in over 40 male establishments with over 5000 graduates and the involvement of over 10,000 family members. Manage the FM/FI Network that consists of 20 delivery sites HPT Had the opportunity to contribute to the city plan for Southampton. With the support of the LA and Chamber of Commerce was selected to head a project focussing upon improving the health, employment, accommodation and family relationships of offenders across custody and community. Became aware that Spurgeons had drawn down lottery money to run a 3 year Family project in HMP Winchester called “Invisible Walls” a local custody focused project. Learnt about Safe Ground and their work with families and invited them to work with HPT. HPT funded Safe Ground to develop a family relationships programme called ‘Family Man In The Community’ with accompanying training and programme materials for facilitators.

6 A Shared Strategic Vision To create a sustainable, holistic & multi agency/sector approach To: improve outcomes for offenders who were difficult to engage in the community and were unlikely to access other services take the work delivered in custody into the community provide a robust service to offenders and their families involved within the Criminal Justice System Safe Ground and HPT together developed Family Man in the Community Dedicated Family Support Worker role a 3 way relationship between FMC Programme, FSW and OM

7 The FM Programme It focuses on clearly identified objectives with outcomes measured through agreed performance targets. Students participate in 14 lessons which use a variety of arts based activities, discussions and portfolio work and require them to work with a nominated family member and their Offender Manager. They complete a presentation to family members and take part in a ‘What Next’ session which require them to access support from appropriate agencies. Students address areas such as; Social Problem Solving, Impulsively, Hostile Thinking, Problem Recognition It is solution focused, aims to develop self awareness, and addresses attitudes and values. It develops responsibility for self and others.

8 The FSW role Provides the point of contact at operational level between the Family Man Programme and the Offender Manger Provides the pivotal role for a family – building trust but using persistent and assertive approaches; motivating and challenging families; building on family strengths and empowering families to achieve the agreed goals. Develops a Family Needs Assessment and Support Plan agreed with the family and other colleagues (as appropriate) and FMC programme participants – with clear SMART actions and timescales. Will co-ordinate and monitoring the interventions set out in the support plan. Will hold at least 18 cases per annum (but no more than 15 at one time) Providing regular contact with the family – up to 6 hours per week reducing over time (phone, visit, drop-in) – with an expectation of cases being open for up to 12 months but with varying levels of support in that time. Provide a key point of contact for the families for other FM Lead Professionals facilitating links into existing provision in their area (Provision or funding for the FSW to be drawn down from the LA)

9 Offender Manager To: be the single point of contact for the offender motivate and hold the offender on course reinforce and support the outcomes identified by the offender fulfil the statutory elements of the manage the sentence ensure that risk is managed.

10 FamilyEnrolment by at least X % of families with children under 5 with Sure Start or similar Children’s Services Community Support Worker / P&Q Manager During the 12 month period of involvement with FMC FamilyEnrolment by at least X % of families with children over 5 in other Children’s Services supported programmes Children’s Services Community Support Worker / P&Q Manager During the 12 month period of involvement with FMC FamilyImproved school attendance with X % of familiesChildren’s Services Community Support Worker / P&Q Manager During the 12 month period of involvement with FMC OffendingLower than predicted rate of Offending against OGRs HPT OMsLiaison with police PPU During the 12 month period of involvement with FMC OffendingX% increase of engagement with relationship support and community agencies During the 12 month period of involvement with FMC OffendingReduced instances of DA & police call out post programme against pre-sentence levels. HPT OMsLiaison with police PPU During the 12 month period of involvement with FMC EmploymentX % of unemployed fathers to find and secure employment during the period of FMC involvement. HPT OMsLiaison with DWP During the 12 month period of involvement with FMC EmploymentOf those who have found employment to sustain it for: 6 weeks X % 12 weeks X % 26 weeks X % HPT OMsLiaison with DWP During the 12 month period of involvement with FMC EmploymentX % of unemployed fathers to register onto employment courses to improve employability HPT OMsLiaison with DWP During the 12 month period of involvement with FMC OtherTo receive feedback from 75% offenders on the effects of the programme which demonstrate a positive impact upon their ability to work towards being better parents Community Support Worker / P&Q Manager Questionnaire administered to offenders by OMs During the 12 month period of involvement with FMC Suggested outcomes

11 Next steps Safe Ground and Hampshire Probation have been working together to develop FMC so that it can be delivered in a variety of settings either as: 1.Family Man Programme standalone 2.FMP with Offender Management 3.FMP with Offender Management and Family Support Worker For further information please contact: or

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