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Do negative societal views of the stigmatized create a self-fulfilling prophecy? (Not always) Crocker & Major (1987) Believing the test is biased - (Major,

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Presentation on theme: "Do negative societal views of the stigmatized create a self-fulfilling prophecy? (Not always) Crocker & Major (1987) Believing the test is biased - (Major,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do negative societal views of the stigmatized create a self-fulfilling prophecy? (Not always) Crocker & Major (1987) Believing the test is biased - (Major, Spencer, Schmader, Wolfe, & Crocker, 1998) Stereotypes as Self-Fullfilling Prophecies

2 Major, et al. (1998)

3 Do negative societal views of the stigmatized create a self-fulfilling prophecy? (Not always) Crocker & Major (1987) Believing the test is biased - (Major, Spencer, Schmader, Wolfe, & Crocker, 1998) Yet sometimes they do - Stereotypes Threat and Achievement Women and math (Spencer, Steele, & Quinn, 1999) Stereotypes as Self-Fullfilling Prophecies (cont.)

4 Spencer, Steele, & Quinn (1999)

5 Do negative societal views of the stigmatized create a self-fulfilling prophecy? (Not always) Crocker & Major (1987) Believing the test is biased - (Major, Spencer, Schmader, Wolfe, & Crocker, 1998) Yet sometimes they do - Stereotypes Threat and Achievement Women and math (Spencer, Steele, & Quinn, 1999) Blacks and verbal performance (Steele & Aronson, 1995) Stereotypes as Self-Fullfilling Prophecies (cont.)

6 Steele & Aronson (1995)

7 Do negative societal views of the stigmatized create a self-fulfilling prophecy? (Not always) Crocker & Major (1987) Believing the test is biased - (Major, Spencer, Schmader, Wolfe, & Crocker, 1998) Yet sometimes they do - Stereotypes Threat and Achievement Women and math (Spencer, Steele, & Quinn, 1999) Blacks and verbal performance (Steele & Aronson, 1995) Commercials and Women’s Career Aspirations (Davies, Spencer, Quinn, & Gerhardstein, 2002) Stereotypes as Self-Fullfilling Prophecies (cont.)

8 Davies, Spencer, Quinn, & Gerharstein, (2002) Math and Science CareersArts and Humanities Careers

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