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2006 Pursuit of Excellence Idea Exchange. Best of the Best A new award developed to recognize the innovative and creative ideas implemented by Pursuit.

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Presentation on theme: "2006 Pursuit of Excellence Idea Exchange. Best of the Best A new award developed to recognize the innovative and creative ideas implemented by Pursuit."— Presentation transcript:

1 2006 Pursuit of Excellence Idea Exchange

2 Best of the Best A new award developed to recognize the innovative and creative ideas implemented by Pursuit of Excellence participants.

3 Idea Exchange was always intended but not very effective Our members need better ideas faster! Size independent Helps NFDA communicate with media and others Why Best of the Best?

4 How were they chosen? Taken from the essays Requires additional documentation Scoring system used No more than 10 each year No duplicate recognition the following year

5 2006 Best of the Best Recipient After attending the dedication ceremony for the World War II Memorial, a Connecticut firm decided to take over 250 veterans to Washington, D.C. - Carmon Community Funeral Homes Windsor, CT

6 Carmon Community Homes


8 2006 Best of the Best Recipient A firm in Louisiana created a three-day program for children and youth that was a “…hands-on approach to grief recovery through the medium of art.” Three professional counselors were on hand to answer questions and address issues. -Kilpatrick Funeral Homes West Monroe, LA

9 2006 Best of the Best Recipient With help from a local historical society, a firm in Indiana organized a tribute to Lincoln and the Civil War. Volunteers dressed in period clothing and artifacts included tents, rifles, mess kits and portraits of local citizens that served in the war. - DeMoney-Grimes Countryside Park Funeral Home Columbia City, IN

10 DeMoney-Grimes



13 2006 Best of the Best Recipient A firm in New Jersey has a continually growing program that helps veterans with issues such as pre-need contracts, burial in a veterans cemetery and Veteran Service Cards, which lists vital information. -Patti Funeral Directors, Inc. Fort Lee, NJ

14 2006 Best of the Best Recipient A firm in Washington typically holds an event on Memorial Day. This year they organized a “Tribute to Ulysses S. Grant and the Civil War.” Attendees enjoyed documentaries, displays and patriotic décor. -Heritage Funeral Home & Crematory Spokane, WA

15 Heritage Funeral Home




19 2006 Best of the Best Recipient A firm in Illinois is accustomed to giving military funerals, but the staff also wants to give a “personal tribute” to the families of the veterans. One example of this personal touch is a postcard the firm sends to the family that is inscribed with the military flag being flown at the funeral home to honor the veteran. -Targhetta & Wooldridge Funeral Home Brighton, IL

20 2006 Best of the Best Recipient A firm in Michigan celebrated their 73 rd annual Easter Egg Hunt. With hundreds of children in attendance, all 8,000 eggs were full of goodies. The firm wanted to break down the fear and anxiety that is often associated with a funeral home. -Spencer Family Funeral Home Athens, MI

21 Spencer Family F.H.



24 2006 Best of the Best Recipient A firm in Mississippi continually tries to “…maintain, adjust and extend…” their services to families. In order to recognize family members of the deceased, Waller Funeral Home has created embroidered red heart “stick- ons” that are provided during visitations and funeral services. -Waller Funeral Home Oxford, MS

25 2006 Best of the Best Recipient A firm in Michigan celebrated a century in service by sponsoring a Holiday Magic Parade and receiving recognition in two Sunday-edition newspapers. Several local businesses placed advertisements in the newspapers that congratulated the firm on their anniversary. -Wm. Sullivan & Son Funeral Directors Royal Oak, MI

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