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The world is changing. How we communicate is changing.

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Presentation on theme: "The world is changing. How we communicate is changing."— Presentation transcript:

1 The world is changing. How we communicate is changing.

2 Postgraduate Diploma in Public Communication: New Media Introduction By Spencer Hudson

3 Day One 09 15Registration and coffee 09 30IntroductionSpencer Hudson 11 00COFFEE 11 15On line access for allBim Egan 12 45LUNCH 13 45DirectGovWill Stengal 15 15TEA 15 30Hands onSpencer Hudson inRoom IT1 AKLC

4 Day Two 09 30 Webs/BloggsStuart Bruce 11 00 COFFEE 11 15 The evolving face of TVBill Gash 12 45 LUNCH 13.30 Bringing all the elements Spencer Hudson together 15 00 TEA 15 15 Assignment discussionSpencer Hudson 16 00 Close

5 Future In Context Painting a picture On the horizon Asking new questions “how can..” Ever changing landscape

6 Welcome to the ideas economy Popular culture Convergence Business Examples from the wild How we begin to understanding

7 Popular Culture Mobile phone SMS MP3 Player Broadband Online Banking Satellite TV/Radio Digital Photos Play station Nintendo Xbox

8 New Business Culture Legislation Standards/Methods Security Cycle time (diminishing returns) Value focused Ethics (growing) Communication is fundamental

9 New Culture Google Blogging / Blogsphere Podcasting Skype HD TV

10 Taking a peek - out in the wild “A brave new world”

11 Cheque deposit receipt A scan of each item is provided as a receipt of what was deposited. We are becoming used to very high this levels of sophistication.











22 end

23 Postgraduate Diploma in Public Communication: New Media Hands on By Spencer Hudson

24 end

25 Postgraduate Diploma in Public Communication: New Media Brining all the element together By Spencer Hudson

26 What do you think of it so far?

27 Some final points

28 Segmentation Television channels Magazines Radio shows Papers Games Leisure activities

29 Convergence Television Telephone Mobile Phone Play Station… Broadband Computing Ubiquitous/Ambient Computing. Focus on the task not on the device

30 Technical Culture Boo hoo Broadband Comfort level –Gmail –Online banking Hardware costs Open source No longer millions to deliver large (1,000+ user) network systems est. 40k


32 Understanding: Mental Models As ‘they’ see it – in their shoes Experts and Novices Segmentation Convergence Usability testing

33 Following up on a few things








41 Conclusion Communication is changing –Who are you talking to? –How are you talking to them –How do they want you to talk to them? Ever changing landscape Experiment, Evolve or die… –Less is so much more –Simple is best (KISS)

42 end

43 Postgraduate Diploma in Public Communication: New Media Assignment & Questions By Spencer Hudson

44 tips Think about the presentation and their key points … all of them had underlying issues Ask questions Avoid assumptions, or at least document Carefully select your discussion points. ie. website(s) – selection based on topics you wish to raise/discuss/relevant Use the appendix eg. screenshots etc. Document your thinking … diary/blog????

45 a positive force for Public Communication You should select one or two web sites that are related to some aspect of government policy and discuss their effectiveness from the point of view of their stakeholders. Particular attention should be given to both all internal stakeholders as well as the external consumers (ie. citizens). This is an academic piece of work so you must bring into your discussion aspects of academic theorisation that support your argument. These should be, as always, appropriately referenced.

46 a positive force for Public Communication 3000 Word Assignment To be completed and sent to Katherine Hill no later than 26 MAY 2006

47 end

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