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Published byLatrell Thruston Modified over 10 years ago
2015 LDS Friends of Scouting Coordinator & Presenter Training Presented by Rob Cornilles, Cascade Pacific Council Board Chair Spencer Young, Director of LDS Scouting
Why Scouting?
Why Friends of Scouting? “The Church supports the BSA’s annual Friends of Scouting drive. These funds provide financial support for the BSA local council.” “Stake presidents and bishops oversee the drives in their units.” – Scouting Handbook – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Key Facts about LDS FOS Campaigns The Church is committed to Scouting as an integral part of our Primary and Young Men programs for the development of Aaronic Priesthood holders. Friends of Scouting is how the Church chooses to provide financial support for our local BSA council. All FOS contributions stay in our local council. LDS packs/troops have historically contributed less per boy than non-LDS packs/troops.
Keys to Success for LDS Campaigns 1.Campaign MUST be VISIBLY SUPPORTED by Bishop and Stake President. 2.Identify and assign the RIGHT PERSON for the job (coordinating and/or presenting). 3.Give every adult member MEANINGFUL OPPORTUNITY to contribute thru all 3 stages of the campaign.
Goals of the Campaign 1.Convey message that Scouting is an integral part of developing young men for priesthood duties. 2.Inspire members to “hasten the work” through Scouting. 3.Give every adult a meaningful opportunity to contribute.
Convey Message that Scouting is an Integral Part of Developing Young Men for Priesthood Duties The RIGHT PLACES (Make presentations in Priesthood, Relief Society and Primary) The RIGHT MESSAGE (Remember your audience; use the quotes from the Church Leaders; and personalize the message) The RIGHT PERSON (Who is the right person to make the presentation and ask for each group?)
5 Elements of an Effective FOS Presentation 1. Explain why Scouting matters (to “all boys” and the Church). Share video presentation Review quotes from Church leaders Personalize message 2. Explain why Friends of Scouting matters (to the local BSA council and to “all boys”). FOS money stays in local BSA council It costs $200 per boy to provide Scouting programs Council reaching out to at-risk youth 3. Hand out LDS FOS brochures to all households. 4. Invite every adult to consider a generous contribution. 5. Be clear about how to contribute, your follow up plan, and your timeline.
- Preparation Stage - FOS Coordinator kick-off & weekly status reporting (January 12 th ) Announcement #1 in ward bulletin (January 18 th and 25 th ) Bishop endorsements in church (January 18 th and 25 th ) Identify and train all FOS Presenters (2 weeks prior) [Bishop’s letter printed & mailed (2 Weeks Prior)]
- Campaign Stage - FOS presentations in Priesthood, Relief Society, and Primary (Kick-Off – February 1 st ) Announcement #2 in ward bulletin (February 1 st Kick-Off thru completion) Reminders in Priesthood, Relief Society, and Primary (weekly thru completion) FOLLOW UP with each household (via phone or email)
- Close Out Stage - Collect money and turn into BSA Council office (Friday, March 6 th for Full Incentives) Announcement #3 in ward bulletin (March 1 st ) Formal “Thank You” & report to Priesthood, Relief Society, and Primary (March 1 st ) Collect any additional money that comes in
Keys to Success for LDS Campaigns 1.Campaign MUST be VISIBLY SUPPORTED by Bishop and Stake President. 2.Identify and Assign the RIGHT PERSON for the Job (Coordinating and/or Presenting). 3.Give Every Adult Member MEANINGFUL OPPORTUNITY to Contribute.
Key Dates & Milestones Monday, January 12 th - FOS Coordinator Kick-Off Deliver announcement #1 to ward bulletin specialist Identify and approach all FOS Presenters Confer with Bishop about “Do Not Contact” list [Prepare mailer for ward members] Begin weekly status reporting (Stake/District/Council contact) Sunday, January 18 th – 2 Weeks Prior to Kick-Off Announcement #1 appears in ward bulletin Bishop announces and endorses FOS campaign Ensure all FOS Presenters are trained [Mailer is printed for Bishop’s signature and sent] Email weekly status report
Key Dates & Milestones Sunday, January 25 th – 1 Week Prior to Kick-Off Announcement #1 continues in ward bulletin Bishop announces and endorses FOS campaign Deliver announcement #2 to ward bulletin specialist Email weekly status report Sunday, February 1 st – Ward FOS Kick-Off Announcement #2 appears in ward bulletin Make FOS presentations in Priesthood, Relief Society, and Primary Email weekly status report
Key Dates & Milestones Sunday February 8 th,15 th & 22 nd – FOS Campaign Continues Announcement #2 appears in ward bulletin Announce FOS reminders in Priesthood, Relief Society, and Primary Collect FOS contributions Deliver announcement #3 to ward bulletin specialist (February 22 nd for March 1 st ) Email weekly status report
Key Dates & Milestones Sunday, March 1 st – FOS Campaign Concludes Announcement #3 appears in ward bulletin Give formal “Thank You” and report in Priesthood, Relief Society, and Primary Inform people how to make post-campaign contributions (read ward bulletin) Email weekly status report Friday, March 6 th – Final FOS Turn-In Final turn-in of contributions to Scout Office Collect and turn-in additional contributions as they come in
For More Information Scout Office – 503-226-3423 – 2145 SW Naito Parkway Portland, OR 97201 Friends of Scouting Website – – Click “I’m an FOS Worker” for LDS Materials Spencer Young Contact Information – 503-225-5729 (Office) – 503-314-2089 (Cell) – LDS Scouting Resources – – – Priesthood/Scouting – in Primary – – growth-peer-peer-recruitment-campaignqe3 growth-peer-peer-recruitment-campaignqe3 Church Publications – “Scout Training Was the Answer” – Ensign, July 2014 – “A Century of Scouting in the Church” – Ensign, October 2013 – “Fulfilling Your Duty to God Through Scouting” – The New Era, September 2013 – “David and Dad at the Derby” – The Friend, November 2013 – “A Century of Honor” – Nationwide Scouting Open House Broadcast, October 29, 2013 – Many Others...
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