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A horrifying female juvenile criminal.. Description of crime  Brenda Ann Spencer is a convicted American murderer who carried out a shooting spree from.

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Presentation on theme: "A horrifying female juvenile criminal.. Description of crime  Brenda Ann Spencer is a convicted American murderer who carried out a shooting spree from."— Presentation transcript:

1 A horrifying female juvenile criminal.

2 Description of crime  Brenda Ann Spencer is a convicted American murderer who carried out a shooting spree from her home in San Diego, California. She fired over Cleveland Elementary School in January 29, 1979 (Day).murderershooting spreeSan DiegoCalifornia  During the shooting spree, she killed two people, Burton Wragg and Mike Suchar, injured eight students, and a police officer.  Spencer showed no remorse for her crime. Her full explanation for her actions was “I don't like Mondays; this livens up the day("The Shooting of Innocents).”

3 Pictures of Victims

4 Background Info on Victim(‘s)  Burton Wragg – school principal, he was attempting to rescue children in the line of fire when he was shot and killed.  Michael Suchar – School Custodian, he was trying to help Wragg and got shot.  She also wounded a police officer and 8 school children. (killed randomly)

5 Pictures Of Brenda Ann Spencer  She was 16 years old at the time.

6 Background info on offender.  Brenda spent her childhood bouncing back and forth between her mother and father due to their divorce.  Brenda felt like her mother didn’t care if she visited or not.  Was in to drugs and got in trouble for theft and vandalism ("The Shooting of Innocents).”

7 Impact on family of victim.  Charles “Cam” Miller, a boy at the age of nine at the time of the shooting had been plagued by nightmares and fear after the shooting.  In addition, children in the elementary school suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.




11 Punishment Received  She was found guilty of to two counts of murder and assault with a deadly weapon. She was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison with a chance of parole.

12 Where is offender now?  She was eligible for parole four times and each time she was denied.  This is because she claims to have no memory of the crime and the parole board deems her unable to take responsibility.  She is currently still in prison.

13 Our groups belief on whether or not punishment was just.  Chris- “I believe the punishment wasn’t harsh enough. In my opinion she was given a easy sentence when you look at the horrible motive of the crime.”  Jerry-“ In my opinion, she deserved more…whether was right, the justice system is not very accurate regardless of sentences”  Hayley-”At first, I thought she was just a horrible person, but after I heard what happened to her child hood, I pity her. She did deserve prison time but I think she has suffered enough.”

14 8-10. Day, Elaine, dir. I Don't Like Mondays. September films, 2010. Film.. 6. "THE SHOOTING OF INNOCENTS." CMM-Crime, Mystery & Mayhem. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar 2012.. 7. THE SHOOTING OF INNOCENTS." CMM-Crime, Mystery & Mayhem. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar 2012.. 9. THE SHOOTING OF INNOCENTS." CMM-Crime, Mystery & Mayhem. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar 2012.. 10. THE SHOOTING OF INNOCENTS." CMM-Crime, Mystery & Mayhem. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar 2012..

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