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Mad Men Jamie Jeon Katie Cleveland Jake Shapiro Nick Chang.

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Presentation on theme: "Mad Men Jamie Jeon Katie Cleveland Jake Shapiro Nick Chang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mad Men Jamie Jeon Katie Cleveland Jake Shapiro Nick Chang

2 Who was Thomas Malthus? * February 13, 1766 – December 23, 1834 * Political economist * Wrote essay called The Principles of Population (1798) * Response to Jeremy Bentham - Utilitarianism * Bentham; population growth = good * Malthus; population growth = bad * Analysis on human population * Demand for food > supply of food

3 What does Malthus argue in his Essay On Population? Evaluate population to prevent complete starvation Population: 2-4-6-8-16-32-64 (Exponential) Food: 2-4-6-8-10 (Linear) Preventative vs. Positive Checks o Preventative = reduced birth rate:  Moral restraint  Vice  Birth control o Positive = increased death rate:  War  Famine  Plague

4 Origin of the Species was published two years before Great Expectations. What are the five main points of Darwin’s work? 1.Species exists in permanent states of change 2.All life struggles to exist and produce greatest # of offspring 3.Natural Selection 4.Evolution requires long periods of time 5.Genetic variations that increase rate of survival are random

5 What do these stages suggest about mankind? Man ≠ center of creation All organisms derived from a common ancestor Contradicts Christian Creationism Universe = realm of flux "Survival of the fittest" Man has ability to enhance desired traits through breeding

6 What do these stages suggest about mankind? # of individuals per species ↑ o survival rate ↓ o r ecurring struggle for existence Some individuals vary to adapt better o survival rate ↑ o naturally selected o reproduce more

7 What impact might this have on the literature of the day? More secular works published Religious authors published works on science Racial topics began to appear Authors have new ideas to write about Provided different (secular) answers to life's mysteries (Aileen Fyfe) Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland expressed reactions to these new ideas o Duchess' baby transforms spontaneously into a pig o Alice given new mindset to challenge her current values

8 Further Connection to Modern Literature and History Intellectuals - various applications of Natural Selection o Herbert Spencer - Social Darwinism  Human society progresses through competition  Justifications for imperialism and nationalism (Alvin Wee) o Francis Galton - Eugenics Literary Works o Of Mice and Men  Killing Candy's dog  Slim killing smaller pups  Curley vs. Lennie  Curley's wife vs. Crooks  Competition among even the weakest (farmers) of society

9 Citations Slide 1 Picture - Slide 3 Picture - Slide 4 Picture - Slide 5 Picture - Shirt%20(8154).jpg Slide 6 Picture - Slide 7 Picture - Slide 2 - Dhamee, Yousuf. "Thomas Robert Malthus." The Victorian Web. 9 August 2003. Web. 8 Feb 2010.. Slide 3 - Bloy, Marjie. "Thomas Malthus' "Essay on Population"." The Victorian Web. 9 August 2003. Web. 8 Feb 2010.. Slide 4 - Landow, George P. "Darwin's On the Origin of Species (1859)." The Victorian Web. 2 January 2001. Web. 8 Feb 2010.. Slide 5 - Jenkin, Fleeming. "Review of The Origin of Species (1867)." The Victorian Web. 1 October 2002. Web. 8 Feb 2010.. Slide 6 - Murray, John. "ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION, OR THE PRESERVATION OF FAVOURED RACES IN THE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE.." The Complete Works of Charles Darwin Online. 1 January, 2010. Web. 8 Feb 2010.. Slide 7 - Fyfe, Aileen. "Victorian Science & Religion." The Victorian Web. 11 June, 2002. Web. 8 Feb 2010.. AND van Wyhe, John. "Victorian Science & Religion." The Victorian Web. 11 June, 2002. Web. 8 Feb 2010. Slide 8 - Wee, Alvin. "Herbert Spencer." The Victorian Web. 11 October 2002. Web. 11 Feb 2010..

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