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Presentation on theme: "STUDYING MARKETING & OPERATIONS MK1HO2N Lecture 2 Tutor: Debbie Holley."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDYING MARKETING & OPERATIONS MK1HO2N Lecture 2 Tutor: Debbie Holley

2 COMMUNICATION THEORY Advertising SOURCE ENCODINGTRANSMISSION Marketer (sender) Advertising Agency Salesperson Marketer Media TV Sales person Direct mail (channel ) DECODING Consumer (receiver ) FEEDBACK ACTION Indirect feedback Direct feedback Consumer



5 COMMUNICATION THEORY Learning SOURCE ENCODINGTRANSMISION Lecturer (sender) Lecture/ Textbooks Lecture/ Seminar/Text (channel ) DECODING Student (receiver ) FEEDBACK ACTION Indirect feedback Direct feedback Writes notes/ Assignments/ essays exams


7 INFORMATION PROCESSING COMPREHENSION ( Interpretation) INFORMATION INPUT Stimuli – sights, sounds, smells, tastes, textures, EXPOSURE ATTENTION Source: Mowen & Minor Ch 3 p63 INVOLVEMENT MEMORY PERCEPTION PROCESS

8 How we assess learning outcomes Knowledge: The use of common terms used in marketing business operations. Concepts and principles Competence: Must be able to recall information (MEMORY) How are these skills demonstrated by the student? By mastery of the subject matter e.g. define, recall, describe, name, collect order repeat, reproduce.

9 Example Can you: Recall all of the elements used in the marketing mix? Define what marketing is ? Describe the marketing mix List the macro environmental factors which affect a business Define JIT

10 For degree level students need more…. Comprehension: The ability to grasp the meaning of the material. Going beyond just simply remembering. Translate the material from one form to another. Interpreting material. Competence: Understands what is being communicated (COMPREHENSION) How are these skills demonstrated by the student? The student grasps meaning. Translates knowledge into a new context. Interpret facts, compare and contrasts, associates, discuss, explains,infers causes, predicts consequences.

11 Example: Marks and Spencer Example: Marks & Spencer have segmented their market based on lifestyle and demographic segmentation

12 Which audience? Will this promotion work? How can you remember the key points of our discussion?

13 Information how do you know which is most important? “Marks & Spencer is one of the UK's leading retailers of clothing, foods, homeware and financial services, serving 10 million customers a week in over 300 UK stores. The Company also trades in 30 countries worldwide, and has a Group turnover in excess of £8 billion. We're the first retailer in Europe to trial the use of a virtual sales assistant. 'Lisa' will be able to guide customers through the self- checkout process and answer various questions through the use of a fully interactive touch screen Our innovative Shapewear collection offers customers the all- important combination of comfort and control. By incorporating the control as an integral part of the garment, we have reduced the need for bulky seams, which means that you look as smooth as you feel.” M&S website accessed 12/10/04

14 How can you comprehend and recall information? Reading and writing notes Think about the information – is it: IMPORTANT? RELEVANT? CREDIBLE ? Note making is the key

15 Objectives of Note taking To understand a theory or concept To enhance understanding To expand your applied knowledge of a subject To find alternative view points To act as a future reference To enable the retention of information To act as a revision aid notes, notes and more notes!

16 Note making in a lecture This is an active listening process which requires you to be selective 1. Prepare for the lecture 2. During lecture watch for cues from lecturer e.g. Headings,emphasis on key points Linear Note taking - Jotting down ideas under headings Short pattern notes - A diagrammatic approach

17 A diagrammatic approach Note taking Types Highlighting Diagrams Marginal notes Precis Objective Organizing thoughts Notes on Lecture Seminar Textbook Electronic Revision Future reference Meaning& understanding

18 Top tip for successful notes Always review your notes within 24 hours. Which means: rewriting them in your own words and supplementing them with additional notes from your reading.

19 What is Plagiarism ? Presenting somebody's else work as your own

20 Good practice 1. Summarise in your own words what somebody else has written – and reference it 2. You can repeat a small section of what somebody else has written providing you use quotation marks and reference it 3. Never use somebody else is work without referencing the source This includes internet sources. Cheating is copying another student/ persons words or ideas and passing it off as your own Source: S. Drew (2000) Learning and teaching Institute Sheffield Hallam University

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