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Supervision – A Discourse Analysis 2012 Margaret Spencer.

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Presentation on theme: "Supervision – A Discourse Analysis 2012 Margaret Spencer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervision – A Discourse Analysis 2012 Margaret Spencer

2 Aims of the session Briefly identify what discourse analysis is Explore and analyse the process of supervision Critically analyse the written aspect of supervision Identify any changes to the assessment form that would enhance your role as an educator in the written aspect of supervision

3 My experiences of supervision

4 Discourse Analysis 'Analysis and deconstruction of dominant 'common -sense' views (discourses) of how the world/everyday life is' 'To cast a critical eye over 'how things are' and 'how things might be'

5 Key Elements of Supervision Supportive, developmental, non- judgemental Led by student where possible Opportunity for student to reflect and evaluate and share experiences Continuing process Educator to offer balance of support and challenge

6 Written record of supervision 1.Reflection, feedback, dialogue 2.Review of achievements 3.Revision of learning contract 4.Exploration of practice issues at deeper level

7 Exercise In groups of 5 Discuss in term of feedback what you find useful about the form How you would improve it to give better feedback

8 Exercise Continuing in your groups of 5 Identify the top 3 useful aspects of the form Identify 3 changes you would like to see 'how things could be' to improve your feedback to the student

9 Aims of the day Briefly identify what discourse analysis is Explore and analyse the process of supervision Critically analyse the written aspect of supervision Identify any changes to the assessment form that would enhance your role as an educator in the written aspect of supervision

10 Margaret Spencer

11 References Bernard, J,M.(2005) 'Tracing the developments of supervision' The Clinical Supervisor ' 241, 3-21. Ferguson,K. (2005) 'Professional Supervision In M.Rose and D.Best (eds) Transforming Practice Through Clinical Edn, Professional Supervision and Mentoring. Edingburgh||:Elsevier Churchill and Livingstone. Fisher, A Savin- Baden, M (2002) Modernising Fieldwork Part 1: realising the Potential British Journal of Occupational Therapy 65 (5)229-236. Healey, J and Spencer, M. (2008) Surviving your placement in Health and Social Care. A student handbook McGraw and Hill Higgs, J. Tichen, A. (2001) Rethinking the Practice-Knowledge Interface in an uncertain World: A Model for Practice Development. British Journal of Occupational 59(11)526-533

12 Hobson, S. et al (2001) Fieldwork Education Occupational Therapy News April (17) Sweeney, G. Webley, P and Treacher, A (2001) Supervision in Occupational Therapy, Part dilemma British Journal of Occupational Therapy 564 (12; The supervisee’s 1) (526-533) Sweeney, G. Webley, P and Treacher, A (2001) Supervision in Occupational Therapy, Part 3: Accommodating the Supervisor and the Supervisee British Journal of Occupational Therapy 564 (11) 526-533 Whitcombe, S. (2001) Using Learning contracts in fieldwork education, the views of O.T. Students and those responsible for their supervision. British Journal of Occupational Therapy 64 (11) 552-557.

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