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Social Darwinism and Anti-Semitism. Herbert Spencer Herbert Spencer is both an early sociologist and also the father of social Darwinism, against which.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Darwinism and Anti-Semitism. Herbert Spencer Herbert Spencer is both an early sociologist and also the father of social Darwinism, against which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Darwinism and Anti-Semitism

2 Herbert Spencer Herbert Spencer is both an early sociologist and also the father of social Darwinism, against which most early sociology was directed. A way to explain the “success” of some societies and the “demise” of others. Spencer saw individualism and competition as the key to social progress. Argued that government programs are ineffective and lead to dependency.


4 Anti-Semitism Jews portrayed as murders of Christ Early usurers when money lending was illegal for Christians.( only way for many Jews to survive) Often ridiculed and mistreated by the dominant group in society.

5 Dreyfus Affair Alfred Dreyfus- French Captain and Jewish Accused of selling secrets Accused and convicted despite the evidence Eventually pardoned


7 Pogroms 1880-1890’s pogroms est. in Russia Anti-Semitic parties established in Germany and Austria.

8 Symbolism Modernism Symbolism Post Impressionism

9 Imperialism

10 What is your definition of Racism?

11 New Imperialism Extension of a nation’s power over another nation Economic or political Why? Raw materials

12 Reasons 1.Economic 2.Superiority 3.Expansion 4.Protection “Cartoons”


14 Who and where? Good and bad?

15 Africa Europe driven by rivalry Slave trade Goods Europe establishes Protectorates and annexes land throughout the continent.

16 North Africa Muhammad Ali Suez Canal

17 Central Africa Dr. Livingston Henry Stanley King Leopold of Belgium Congo (N and S)

18 East Africa Britain vs Germany Berlin Conference 1884

19 South Africa Boers (Afrikaners) 1880’s Rhodesia and Cecil Rhodes Boers vs. Zulu Boer War 1899-1902 Concentration Camps 1910 Union of South Africa


21 Boer war


23 Remember Me?

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