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Ardent Adventure Trust DofE Group Welcome

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Presentation on theme: "Ardent Adventure Trust DofE Group Welcome"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ardent Adventure Trust DofE Group Welcome

2 Introduction Independent not for profit community trust Staffed entirely by volunteers Affiliated to WAYC Solihull MBC licensed Bronze, silver and gold award groups £1Om Public Liability Insurance Licence to operate from Arden Academy Open to all qualifying participants

3 Team Team DBS/ child safeguarding/ DofE trained Leaders all hold BEL expedition leadership qualification (or equivalent) Senior leaders Mountain Leader trained First aid qualified and competent Incredibly experienced team

4 Meet the team Paul Spencer – Coordinator, Gold and Silver lead, BEL, REC first aid, DofE assessor, ML trained, BCU Coach Martin Fortune – Bronze lead, BEL, first aid, DofE assessor, ML trained Doug Finlay – Bronze lead, BEL, first aid, DofE assessor Richard Leach – Silver lead, BEL, first aid Diana Dawson – Silver lead, first aid, open country validation Richard Tubey – Volunteer, first aid Mark Routledge – Volunteer, first aid Sara Jaskiewicz – Volunteer, first aid, Safe Guarding Officer Jane Porter – Volunteer, first aid Colin Winstone - Governance

5 DofE... It’s up to you...

6 Bronze Age 14 for Bronze (some flex) You have to complete the following sections: – Skill – Physical – Volunteering – Expedition

7 Bronze Skill section Physical section Volunteering section – Two for 3 months – One for 6 months

8 Bronze Expedition Plan and complete 2 day, 1 night venture, including 6 hours of planned activity each day. Practice Assessed – Practice – 18 th & 19 th April 2015 – Assessed – 13 th & 14 th June 2015

9 Silver Age 15 for Silver (some flex if already have Bronze) You have to complete the following sections: – Skill – Physical – Volunteering – Expedition

10 Silver 6 months Volunteering 6 months for either Skill or Physical 3 months for the Skill or Physical not done for 6 months If you are a direct entrant (not previously completed Bronze), you must do an extra 6 months in either of the sections you do for 6 months (i.e. one section will take 12 months).

11 Silver Expedition Plan and complete 3 day, 2 night venture, including 7 hours of planned activity each day. Practice Assessed – Practice –2 nd 3 rd & 4 th May 2015 – Assessed – 17 th 18 th & 19th July 2015

12 First Aid Before doing practice expedition: – Must complete first aid and other training at Monday evening sessions Before doing assessed expedition: – Satisfactory practice expedition – Must complete at least two of the other sections and be well on the way to completing the third

13 Places AAT will take a maximum of 36 participants for Bronze, 30 participants for Silver and 16 participants for Gold.

14 Cost - Bronze The cost of doing the Bronze Award with AAT £160 which includes:- AAT costs – insurance, licences, compulsory volunteer training and registrations, academy & container hire Tracking equipment Solihull MBC and DofE fees Consumables 2 x 2 day expeditions Purchasing and maintenance of loan equipment for expeditions Loan equipment includes tents, cooking equipment, roll mats, group shelters, rucksacks, maps, compass, whistles, dry bags, first aid kits, waterproofs etc.

15 Cost - Silver The cost of doing the Silver Award with AAT – £185 which includes:- Same as Bronze Plus extra day on each expedition Expedition costs are non refundable – a place is a cost NOTE: Expedition costs exclude transport to and from expedition areas at all award levels. You will need a sleeping bag, boots, suitable outdoor clothes.

16 What we require from you Commitment & enthusiasm Attend every term time Monday evening Lots to learn – first aid, map & compass, camp craft Some classroom style activities Skill, physical activity and volunteering No No No mobile phones

17 What next? Take the application pack Refer to DofE website and research YOUR DofE statement. This is critical if we are over subscribed. Return completed forms by post to arrive by 6pm on Sunday 21 st September 2014 (i.e. 6 days) Together with a cheque for the full fee (£160 or £185) which will be returned if you are unsuccessful (i.e. we will not cash the cheques)

18 Important All future correspondence will be by email therefore the email address that you supply needs to be printed carefully and needs to be one that someone (preferably an adult) looks at each day. All participants that are initially accepted are taken on a provisional basis, previous awards need to be finalised and the three non-expedition sections entered and approved onto eDofE again by the deadlines set by individual group leaders. Failure to comply with this may result in places being forfeited on those on any reserve list offered the place.

19 What happens then? Bronze & Silver No meeting next week (22 September) You will be notified in any event by email and if we are unable to offer you a place (any cheques will be returned) First session 7:30pm Monday 29 th September at Arden Academy Library

20 Gold – Do you have what it takes? Age 16 12 months volunteering Physical and skills 12 months on one, 6 months on other 3 day practice water based expedition 4 day water based expedition in wild country (Scotland) 5 day residential No direct entrants at AAT (unless under subscribed) Cost is £525 to include all water based training, 9 session programme and 2 expeditions. To include canoes and all water based equipment, paddles, bouyancy aides, dry bags, safety lines, helmets, wet weather gear. Separate informal meeting after this session.

21 Website For further information on doing your DofE

22 And finally…

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