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INTERACT with QAPI Tracking and Trending Readmissions Foundational Track October 9, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERACT with QAPI Tracking and Trending Readmissions Foundational Track October 9, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERACT with QAPI Tracking and Trending Readmissions Foundational Track October 9, 2013

2 INTERACT with QAPI Tracking Readmissions INTERACT with QAPI 2 Notes for Logging into INTERACT with QAPI Webinar Series:  Please dial into the 1-800 phone line separately from your computer’s webinar login steps.  Please MUTE your computer speakers during the webinar.  Never place your phone on HOLD during the webinar.  Unless you are speaking, please MUTE the phone line by selecting *6.  You can un-MUTE your phone line to speak by selecting *7.  Keep intentional background noise to a minimum during the webinar. By following these instructions, a better webinar experience will be possible for all participants Thank you.

3 INTERACT with QAPI: Tracking and Trending Readmissions Your Hosts: Jody Rothe, MetaStar Stephanie Sobczak, WHA Today’s Guest: Barb Beardsley INTERACT with QAPI 3

4 Collaborating Organizations INTERACT with QAPI 4 And our Expert Advisory Panel: Barb Beardsley - DON, Brookside Care Center Connie Gliniecki - DON, Kennedy Park Nursing and Rehab Center Lisa Gervais - NHA, Pine Crest Nursing Home Kristen Strother - MSW, Manager of Social Work, Case Management and Abuse Response Services, Aurora Sinai Medical Center

5 Educational Credits for Today’s Webinar  CPHQs – NAHQ approved  Nursing Home Administrators - NAB-NCERS approved  Nurses – Approved nsg. contact hours (WNA)  Physicians – AMA PRA Category 1 Credit TM  PTs – WPTA approved  Social Workers – NASW approved  Dietitian – pending from CDR

6 Attendance Verification for Credits  Full SERIES attendance (four webinars) and  Evaluation: Copy and enter into your web browser: 13-INTERACT-Eval  Social Workers – post-test required (is part of eval)  Everyone please complete the online evaluation – thank you!

7 Disclosures  No commercial support for webinar  Speaker or planner conflicts of interest – None

8 Learning Objectives Following this webinar, you will be able to:  Use the Excel tool to collect and analyze data to prevent hospital readmissions  Use data driven processes to improve care, preventing unnecessary hospital readmissions  Systematically address issues around hospital readmissions as a multidisciplinary team, recognizing the role of each discipline

9 Today’s Presenters  Jody Rothe, RN, WCC  Stephanie Sobczak, MS, MBA  Barb Beardsley, BSN, RN

10 Today’s Agenda  Why Tracking and Trending is Important - sharing from Barb  How do download the AE Safely Reduce Hospitalizations Tracking (“the Excel”) Tool  How to Complete the Excel Tool  Determining Your Readmission Rate  Submitting your data  Suggested Tasks INTERACT with QAPI 10

11 INTERACT with QAPI 11

12 From an Expert Why Tracking and Trending Readmissions is so important: You can’t improve if you don’t know how much you need to improve. The drill down into your data will help you focus on a few important things – rather than everything INTERACT with QAPI 12

13 INTERACT with QAPI 13

14 INTERACT with QAPI 14 Continued …

15 Advancing Excellence Are you a member? Have you selected goals? INTERACT with QAPI 15

16 Understanding how Rates are Calculated INTERACT with QAPI 16

17 4 Steps 1.Download and SAVE the Excel Spreadsheet Tool “Safely Reduce Hospitalizations Rates” from the Advancing Excellence website: aspx?controls=hospitalizationsidentifybaseline aspx?controls=hospitalizationsidentifybaseline 2.Set up the Tool with your Information 3.Enter your baseline data (August, September) 4.Submit to Advancing Excellence site INTERACT with QAPI 17

18 AE Tracking Tool INTERACT with QAPI 18

19 Download Tool INTERACT with QAPI 19

20 Use the Instruction Guide INTERACT with QAPI 20

21 4 Steps 1.Download and SAVE the Excel Spreadsheet Tool “Safely Reduce Hospitalizations Rates” from the Advancing Excellence website: aspx?controls=hospitalizationsidentifybaseline aspx?controls=hospitalizationsidentifybaseline 2.Set up the Tool with your Information 3.Enter your baseline data (August, September) 4.Submit to Advancing Excellence site INTERACT with QAPI 21

22 Enter your information Be prepared with the following: 1.Names of Acute Care Hospitals you receive patients from 2.List Clinicians who order transfers to your nursing home 3. List your Residents names 4.List each residents Medicare or other Insurance plan 5.Average Daily Census; August and September  This information can be updated INTERACT with QAPI 22

23 4 Steps 1.Download and SAVE the Excel Spreadsheet Tool “Safely Reduce Hospitalizations Rates” from the Advancing Excellence website: aspx?controls=hospitalizationsidentifybaseline aspx?controls=hospitalizationsidentifybaseline 2.Set up the Tool with your Information 3.Enter your baseline data (August, September) 4.Submit to Advancing Excellence site INTERACT with QAPI 23

24 Do this is the Drop Down List Tab INTERACT with QAPI 24

25 Use Census Tab INTERACT with QAPI 25

26 August Tab INTERACT with QAPI 26

27 August Tab, Continued INTERACT with QAPI 27

28 4 Steps 1.Download and SAVE the Excel Spreadsheet Tool “Safely Reduce Hospitalizations Rates” from the Advancing Excellence website: aspx?controls=hospitalizationsidentifybaseline aspx?controls=hospitalizationsidentifybaseline 2.Set up the Tool with your Information 3.Enter your baseline data (August, September) 4.Submit to Advancing Excellence site INTERACT with QAPI 28

29 Enter and Submit Data to AE INTERACT with QAPI 29

30 How we will use the data Advancing Excellence will send us a monthly summary spreadsheet of the data you have submitted. We will calculate a baseline for the following measures: INTERACT with QAPI 30

31 Best Practices for Data Submission Always have two people, at least, trained to do the process. Share the workload. Schedule the time needed to enter the data – once per week is a good practice. Do your best to submit data on time. INTERACT with QAPI 31

32 Quality Improvement Tool INTERACT with QAPI 32

33 Aligning with QAPI You can begin to document the project 1.Do the QAPI Self Assessment Tool – your work in the INTERACT series can help close gaps that you find. 2.Begin drafting the Goal Setting Worksheet (page 37 – 38 of the QAPI Guide. This is a living document that will change as your learn more about your areas for improvement. INTERACT with QAPI 33 MetaStar QAPI Resources spx?tabid=573 Get Quackin’!

34 Tracking Tool INTERACT with QAPI 34

35 QAPI Self-Assessment INTERACT with QAPI 35

36 Goal Setting Worksheet INTERACT with QAPI 36

37 Key Dates Please start the process data reporting process by October 11 Please have your spreadsheet uploaded to Advancing Excellence by November 1 Next Webinar – October 30 Conducting Root Cause Analysis on Readmissions and Transfers INTERACT with QAPI 37

38 Recommended Action Items INTERACT with QAPI 38 Tracking & Trending Action Items 1. Download Hospital Rate Tracking Tool from INTERACT site 2. Enter and submit baseline data 3. Determine team meeting schedule 4. Begin the QAPI Worksheet

39 INTERACT with QAPI 39 Oct 30

40 On-Line Resources INTERACT with QAPI 40 Recorded Webinars available on: Wisconsin Clinical Resource Center (Requires your WCRC Username and Password) WHA Quality Center Other resources: INTERACT Website MetaStar QAPI Resources Advancing Excellence – Safely Reduce Hospitalizations Tracking Tool (Data spreadsheet)

41 References INTERACT with QAPI 41

42 Contact Information: INTERACT with QAPI 42 Jody Rothe MetaStar, Inc. 2909 Landmark Place Madison, WI 53713 Phone number: 608-441-8271

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