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RBA Securitisation System Technical Delivery Forum

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1 RBA Securitisation System Technical Delivery Forum
17th of June, 2014 RBA Securitisation System RBA Securitisation System Technical Delivery Forum

2 Agenda Introduction Forum Protocol RBA Project Status Update Technical Update Q&A Session Next Steps

3 Introduction Program Director – Andrea Brischetto Program Project Manager – Caterina Lucia IT Director – Nish Chandran Technical Delivery Manager – David Zufic

4 Forum Protocol All dial-in participant lines will be muted for most of the presentation. All lines will be open during the Q&A portion of this Forum. To mute/unmute your own line, dial *6 (mute)/#6 (unmute) All questions will be handled in the Q&A portion of this Forum. We will open up the floor to each institution in alphabetical order.

5 RBA Program Status Update
Vendor Partner Lewtan selected and engaged Project is in the Design Phase Detailed Requirements finalised Functional Specification and System design near completion Submission file format near completion and XML schema to be communicated early July Detailed Test Planning in progress Testing scheduled with Industry during September to November Controlled testing Based on stable application and phased functionality Training plan in progress

6 RBA Program Status Update
SIF website will be updated As project is moving into Design and Build, the website will increasingly focus on technical, implementation and testing aspects (geared to Project Managers) IP progress report high level summary June reports received last week thank you but not processed yet April reports indicate: -All responding IPs expect to be ready by reporting requirement start dates -About half of institutions use automated data transfer

7 Technical Update Online solution overview and update
Browser Support will be: Internet Explorer (Version 7 and later), Firefox (Version 10 and later), Google Chrome (Version 18 and later), Safari (Version 5 and later) https: website, login/password access based, standard network ports and protocols Submission File Format and Specification Update The submission file format for the data fields and VBA code across the Loan, Security, Transaction and Pool categories and the Cash Flow Waterfall Model will be in the XML format (“eXtensible Markup Language”) A submission will consist of a single xml file per deal, per reporting period (i.e. monthly basis) Detailed XML Schema definition will be communicated early July An Excel template with the XML Schema embedded will also be provided. This will allow you to utilise Excel to auto generate the XML submission file if necessary

8 Technical Update B2B Automated Submission Update
The B2B API layer will be via a secured web service, leveraging a private RBA supplied certificate for authentication from a registered static computer ip-address. Full details on the API implementation and the registration process will be released as soon as possible Project Information publication and Technical questions submission and contact method via SIF Website:

9 Q&A Session

10 Next Steps RBA to: Schedule ongoing regular technical forums
Post todays presentation on SIF website IPs to provide by to by 18th July 2014: Expected numbers of business users that will require a login to the production system Intent to use B2B Automated Submission service Interest in UAT testing participation Please include in the subject line of the “Response to June Tech Forum”

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