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BIODIVERSITY REPORT The Evros Delta Sgouridis Fotis.

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2 BIODIVERSITY REPORT The Evros Delta Sgouridis Fotis

3 THE EVROS RIVER A Natural Border For 204km

4 THE EVROS DELTA The Delta Area Covers Approximately 188km 2 It is Formed by the Alluvial Deposits of the River and shaped by the Sea

5 LOUTROS During rainy seasons, the seasonal stream Loutros also brings fresh water to the Delta.

6 DRANA LAKE Drainage works for agriculture after 1950 until 1970 caused major changes in the Delta. The most of Drana lake is now drained! Drainage works for agriculture after 1950 until 1970 caused major changes in the Delta. The most of Drana lake is now drained!

7 Ecological Value Of The Wetland 1)Recharges groundwater 2) A giant natural filter 3) Photosynthesis 4) Water for drinking and for irrigation 5) Prevents flooding 6) Affects the local climate 7) Grazing and fishing 8) Salt- mines 9) Variety of plant and animal species 10) Research, Education, Entertainment

8 FLORA- VEGETATION Remnants of a formerly extensive Riparian Forest This forest needs special care because such habitats are now rare in Greece. Remnants of a formerly extensive Riparian Forest This forest needs special care because such habitats are now rare in Greece.

9 Saltmarshes The saltmarshes play a major role in controlling floods when the sea level is high.

10 Tamarisks Grow in the border areas between salt and fresh water It is a hardy plant which withstands flooding and high salinity

11 FAUNA Number of species 46 Fishes 7 Amphibians 21 Reptiles 40 Mammals 304 Birds Number of species 46 Fishes 7 Amphibians 21 Reptiles 40 Mammals 304 Birds

12 Mammals Otter is an aquatic mammal that needs clean fresh water and rich vegetation. It is a species characterized as vulnerable!

13 The Little Suslic (Cittelus cittelus) Another vulnerable species!!

14 Birds- Ornithological significance of the Delta «The Birds Kingdom» 75% of the total Greek species of birds! Habitat for nesting and feeding for many groups of birds (herons, cormorants, gulls, and birds of prey Wintering area for a large number of waders from northern, central and eastern Europe Resting area for large numbers of migratory birds during their migration to and from Middle East and Africa

15 The Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)

16 The Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)

17 The Spur- winged Plover (Hoplopterus spinosus)

18 Mediterranean Gulls (Larus melanocephalus) Probably their large colony does not exist any more, due to human interventions in Drana lagoon!

19 The Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) At least 145 different species of birds spent their winter at the Delta

20 The Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmeus)

21 The White Egret (Egretta garzetta)

22 Migratory Birds The Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) is a protected species

23 The Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) The flamingos have become almost full time residents since 1983

24 The Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia)

25 The Slender- billed Curlew (Numenius tenuirostris) Its total population consists of 1000 individuals in the whole world The Evros Delta is the most important biotope for that bird’s migration stations

26 Human Activities- Livestock Today the Delta is seriously overgrazed! The controlled grazing could help the better managament of the ecosystem and the balance of the biotope

27 Human Activities- Fishing Fishing is compatible with the functioning of a wetland

28 Human Activities- Hunting Over exploitation of the stocks of waterfowl, by overshooting, will only destroy the resources completely

29 Legal- Status The Evros Delta is included in the following conventions 1) Ramsar Convention 2) Barcelona Convention 3) Bern Convention 4) E.U. Directive 79/409 and Ministerial Decision (3110/3/5/1980) 5) NATURA 2000 (E.U. Directive 92/43)

30 «The Evros should be allowed to compose and paint the landscape as Nature intended. Let’s not eliminate these lively colors from its pallet… Let’s protect its beauty!»

31 REFERENCES All the photos were taken from:  S.Kladara- G.Handrinos, 1994, The Evros Delta, T.E.D.K. Evrou and WWF- Greece.  Ministry of the Environment, Physical Planning & Public Works, Athens 1997, Meeting The Wetlands.

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