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Published bySam Essex Modified over 10 years ago
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 ASSESSMENTS & ACCOUNTABILITY Overview
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 22 – Mute phones while listening (*6 to mute and un-mute) – Do not place your phone on HOLD – Silence cell phones – Hold questions until Q&A periods – Submit all questions via the Chat function GROUND RULES REMINDER
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 3 INTRODUCTION
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 4 Introduction BENEFITS TO LEAs Complete assessment data is available for a student as soon as the student is enrolled in your LEA* LEA performance data is available on demand* −Current and previous years detail and summary −Comparison of LEA to County & State AYP/API data will be available on demand* −Current and previous years summary −Students included & not included with reasons Use of CALPADS will reduce vendor dependence ($$) −Demographic data corrections in CALPADS (Future enhancement) Student data used in reporting is improved −Student data is more consistent between vendor, LEA and State reports * Initially, only 2010-2011 data available
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 5 Introduction FUNCTIONS Basic functions are included for … CDE to set-up the testing calendar CDE to load assessment results from the vendor into CALPADS for each Program Administration −STAR ADMIN (i.e. ANNUAL) −CAHSEE ADMINs (e.g. JUL, OCT, NOV, etc.) −CELDT ADMINs (e.g. JUL, AUG, SEP, etc.) LEAs to match assessment results with students when CALPADS is unable to do so (Match Result = LEA Suspense) If necessary, CDE to associate assessment results with students when an LEA is unable to do so (Match Result = CDE Suspense)
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 6 Introduction FUNCTIONS (Cont) Basic functions are included for (cont) … LEAs to view/report assessment results LEAs to view/report accountability results Eventually providing CALPADS data to AYP/API calculations
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 7 Introduction ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW – Yellow = New Component – Red Solid Line = Additional use for existing function – Red Broken Line = New functionality – Grey Line = Functionality Not Implemented A B C D Solution Components Reporting from AADS requires vendor test results and CALPADS student data
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 8 Xx X Introduction ASSESSMENT MENU CDE Only Manage Program Administrations View Assessment Event Status Manage School Administrations
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 9 DATA VALIDATION OVERVIEW
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 10 Data Validation Overview SUSPENSE DATA IDENTIFICATION When data are loaded, CALPADS … matches the SSID and demographic data (gender, date of birth year) in the assessment results file with the SSID in CALPADS that has the same demographics verifies that the student was enrolled in the results record LEA at the time of testing (using LEA Testing Window) checks to see that the test vendor provided the date needed to verify enrollment (using SSID Administration Date) If one of these conditions is not met, CALPADS places the record in suspense SSID Administration Date: Date in an SSID’s assessment results record that is used to identify student profile records that were valid at the time of testing. STAR = Testing Start Date; CAHSEE = ELA Test Date and Math Test Date; CELDT = Date Testing Completed
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 11 Data Validation Overview Suspense data can be managed both Online & in Batch Both methods are accessed from the Assessment menu Functions allow for management of Match Results – LEA Suspense – LEA Matched – CDE Suspense SUSPENSE DATA RESOLUTION These components are presented in the Suspense Resolution training module
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 12 REPORTING OVERVEW
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 13 Reporting Overview REPORTING PROCESS Assessment reports display vendor assessment results data and the matched CALPADS Student Profile data These data are matched when … −The results data are loaded for a Program Administration (e.g. STAR ANNUAL Admin, CAHSEE JUL Admin, etc.) −The LEA or CDE matches a results record that could not be matched in the results load (i.e. Suspense Resolution) −The nightly Suspense Process identifies that the data condition no longer exists that placed a record in suspense – due to data changes made by the LEA
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 14 Reporting Overview Once results data are matched with CALPADS data, the data are available in the AADS for reporting Report content for a Program Administration can continue to change as long as suspense processing and data loading are occurring for that Program Administration A schedule for when data for the various assessment programs are loaded is provided in the reporting component of this Assessment and Accountability training When assessment data are loaded, Assessment and Accountability Coordinators will receive an email REPORTING PROCESS (Cont)
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 15 Reporting Overview Report content will not change after CDE loads all of the assessment data for a program administration and the last snapshot is performed for that assessment program administration REPORTING PROCESS (Cont)
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 16 Reporting Overview The following Assessment reports are available (initially for 2010-2011 data) – Summary LEA results for STAR, CAHSEE and CELDT, including state comparisons – Individual student result detail supporting the summary results for STAR, CAHSEE, and CELDT – Currently enrolled students missing CAHSEE – Currently enrolled students needing CELDT The following AYP/API reports will be available – LEA and School summary of students included in the AYP/API results by subgroup – Individual students included in the AYP/API results The following individual student report is available – Individual student assessment history (initially 2010-2011 data) REPORTS AVAILABLE
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 17 Reporting Overview Operational reports are available that provide the status for suspense data – Summary Counts – Individual Students REPORTS AVAILABLE (Cont)
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 18 Reporting Overview ACCESSING REPORTS Two entry points from Assessment Menu
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 19 Reporting Overview REPORTS AVAILABLE
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 20 Reporting Overview xxxxxxxxx REPORTS AVAILABLE (Cont) Details of these reports are presented in the training module for Reporting CDE Only 50.1 Assessment Upload – Detail 52.1 Assessment Snapshots - Detail Coming
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 21 GETTING STARTED
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 22 Getting Started CDE sets up the Calendar for each Program Administration, which indicates the Testing Window for each LEA CDE SET-UP LEA Testing Window: The range of days that indicate an LEA’s valid testing days for an Administration that is used to validate a student’s enrollment at the time of testing. STARThe calendar for the ANNUAL STAR Administration is unique to each LEA The LEA Testing Window is determined from the schedule for testing provided by the LEA to the testing vendor for each Administration Type (MC, WA, EP). The vendor provides the LEA level data to a CALPADS directory from which it is retrieved nightly by an automated FTP process and loaded into CALPADS. CALPADS calculates the Window. The Begin date is the earliest First Test Date from all of an LEA’s Administration Types. The end date is the latest Last Test Date from all of the LEA’s Administration Types. The Window can be extended by CDE in case of emergencies, etc.if a school will test outside of the Window. CAHSEEThe calendar for each CAHSEE Administration is the same for each LEA The LEA Testing Window is determined by CALPADS from the current year calendar, since CAHSEE Administrations are defined as calendar months (e.g. JUL, OCT, NOV, etc.) CELDTThe calendar for each CELDT Administration is the same for each LEA The LEA Testing Window is determined by CALPADS from the current year calendar, since CELDT Administrations are defined as calendar months (e.g. JUL, AUG, etc.)
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 23 Getting Started CDE SET-UP (Cont) Calendar online currently reports only for STAR Administration Types for an LEA STAR vendor calendar data, updated nightly, is available for viewing by the LEA
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 24 Getting Started Assessment Coordinator Roles – CALPADS LEA STAR Coordinator – CALPADS LEA CAHSEE Coordinator – CALPADS LEA CELDT Coordinator Accountability Coordinator Role – CALPADS LEA Accountability Coordinator LEA SET-UP CALPADS LEA Administrator assigns Coordinator Roles Assessment Coordinators can … Access all online data and reports for the Program to which the role relates Access operational reports for suspense Access Suspense extract for the Program to which the role relates Access Individual Student Profile-Assessment report Accountability Coordinator can … Access all online data and reports Access operational reports for suspense Access Suspense extracts Access Individual Student Profile-Assessment report
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 25 Getting Started No special submission of student data by LEAs. Data being maintained in the ODS is made available to the Assessment and Accountability ODSR on a real-time (i.e. transaction) basis. Setting up security is the only CALPADS activity required for LEAs to get started. When the vendor calendar file has been loaded, notification that the calendar is available for viewing will be … – Displayed in CALPADS Notifications on the Home page – Emailed to the following roles: LEA STAR Coordinator for STAR data load LEA Accountability Coordinator KEY POINTS
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 26 Getting Started When a vendor assessment results file has been loaded, notification that reports are available for viewing will be … – Displayed in CALPADS Notifications on the Home page – Emailed to the following roles: LEA Assessment Coordinator for the assessment loaded LEA Accountability Coordinator KEY POINTS (Cont)
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 27 WRAP-UP
Assessments & Accountability v 1.0 28 Wrap-Up 28 Questions
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