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Name Matrix No CHIA EE LOON(LEADER) 107578 OW CHEE YEE 107627 LAURA TIONG UNG KAH 107586 CAT200 Integrated Software Development Workshop Storyboard.

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Presentation on theme: "Name Matrix No CHIA EE LOON(LEADER) 107578 OW CHEE YEE 107627 LAURA TIONG UNG KAH 107586 CAT200 Integrated Software Development Workshop Storyboard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name Matrix No CHIA EE LOON(LEADER) 107578 OW CHEE YEE 107627 LAURA TIONG UNG KAH 107586 CAT200 Integrated Software Development Workshop Storyboard

2 Main Interface The figure shown on the right is the main interface of our audio player, Red Cat music player. There is a few bigger main buttons, namely previous, play, pause, stop, and next. Beside the buttons, there is a slider which is used to control the loudness of the music. Same goes to the small buttons below the slider. At the rightmost of the GUI, a toggle button is found. Once it is clicked, the music is muted. If it is clicked once more, then the music volume will go back to its original loudness before it is muted. At the half lower part, a progress bar is seen. As the music starts playing, the progress bar will progress and thus show the time elapsed in the music track. The field below show the current song’s information, such as name, duration, album, and etc. Repeat and Shuffle buttons is there to enable user to set the flow of the song playing.By clicking our Red Cat Icon, playlist will pop up as another interface that shows the list of the songs.

3 When play button is clicked, the song will start. At the same time, the field below will show the song’s details. Mute Toggle Button will mute the sound if clicked once. If click again, return to original volume before mute.

4 Playlist The playlist button will implement a new frame to show the lists of songs in the playing playlist. Feature: It has 3 columns: Song number, Title and Duration. Functions: Users can edit the playlist by adding new songs or deleting songs from the playlist. Users also can open another new playlist to replace the current playlist. In this interface, users also can use the search function to search for the songs in the library. Mode consist of repeat and shuffle options.

5 Case 1 : Insert a Music File 1. User can open playlist window in main interface by pressing the “ playlist ” button if user have not do so yet. 2.After that, a window will pop up, there will be bar with several functions on the playlist window, user then choose Add > File to import a single file as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1

6 3. A file browser will pop out and user can choose the desired file to open by double clicking it or click Open button. In this case, the sample music file is zombie in mp3 format. This is shown in Figure 2. 4.The file will then be added into playlist as shown in Figure 3. Figure 2 Figure 3

7 Case 2 : Save the Playlist 1. Normally, playlist would contain users’ favourite music files. User would always save playlist so that they will reopen it at the next time. To do so, they can save it by going Playlist > Save as… as shown in Figure 4. 2.A file browser window will pop out and user can choose desired location to save the playlist in m3u format and name it. When finish, just click Save as shown in Figure 5. The file will then be saved in the folder and can opened next time. Figure 4 Figure 5

8 Library In this interface, all the information about the stored songs are displayed. The library option can be found in File menu bar in the main interface. The table are divided into Artist, Title, Album, Genre and Duration. Users could view the information of the songs. It lists out songs accordingly to enable users to have an overview of songs they possessed. The Artist, Genre and Album button have the function to sort songs alphabetically according to the button. The figure shown shows the library being sorted according to Artist

9 The figure shown shows the library being sorted according to Genre

10 Lyrics The Lyrics button will open a small frame that shows the lyrics of the song playing by the player. The lyrics will also be synchronized with the song and shows which phrase of the song that the player is currently playing. The current phrase will be highlighted in a different colour.

11 Overview The Red Cat Music Player is designed to be user-friendly. It has a very simple interface and every users should be able to understands it’s function instantly without having to go through guides or helps. This version of Red Cat Music Player has not been finalized yet. More improvement will be implemented as we go along.

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