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“Readiness” Transaction Manager – Introductory Training February 25, 2015 R ENTAL A SSISTANCE D EMONSTRATION (RAD)

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Presentation on theme: "“Readiness” Transaction Manager – Introductory Training February 25, 2015 R ENTAL A SSISTANCE D EMONSTRATION (RAD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Readiness” Transaction Manager – Introductory Training February 25, 2015 R ENTAL A SSISTANCE D EMONSTRATION (RAD)

2  Define the Role of the Readiness TM  Present the Enhancements to the RAD Resource Desk P URPOSE 2

3  Instructions  Purpose  Overview of RAD Round 2  Define the “Readiness” Transaction Manager (“TM”)  Available PHA Resources  RAD Resource Desk A GENDA 3

4 G O T O W EBINAR I NSTRUCTIONS 4 Ask questions! Here’s how: “Raise your hand” by clicking on the hand icon and the presenter will un-mute your line so you can ask your question live Note: To do this, you MUST call the dial-in number shown on your attendee control panel and input the audio PIN shown, which is unique to each attendee Send in questions via the “Question” feature or email them to; answers to those questions will be provided after the webcast and posted to the

5 O VERVIEW OF RAD R OUND 2 PHA AppliesCHAP Awarded PHA Enters PIC Removal Request (30 Days from CHAP Award) Readiness TM Assigned; Kick- Off Call Held Monthly Check- In Calls Readiness Check; Financing TM Assigned PHA Submits Financing Plan (180 Days from CHAP Award) RCC Issued (60 Days from FP Submission) Closing (30-60 Days from RCC Issued) 5 Note: The Financing Plan consists of all supporting documentation including the RPCA, FHEO Checklist, Lender Commitments, etc.

6  Applicants  285 PHAs  Approximately 700 AMPS  Approximately 120,000 Units  Review Teams  Existing Recap RAD Transaction Managers Multi-Amp Conversions  Contractor (Enterprise) Team Single AMP Conversions  “High Profile” PHAs O VERVIEW OF RAD R OUND 2 6

7  Guide to the RAD Program  Direct the PHA to available resources  Recommend additional expertise when possible  Timeline Management  Regular contact to keep the transaction moving forward  Set achievable goals for submission  Access the “Readiness” of the PHA’s Financing Plan  Administrative Record  Hold PHAs accountable  Summary information for management  Detailed comments for handoff to Financing TM R EADINESS TM R OLE 7

8 Readiness TMFinancing TM Kick Off Call Monthly Check In Regular Correspondence Documenting Progress Guide to Resources Amended CHAPs for Unit Changes (count or configuration) Recommend Milestone Extensions Review Adequacy of Financing Plan Submission Review & Approve Financing Plans Approve Environmental Reviews for non-FHA Part 50 Transactions Present to RAD Approval Committee (where required) Produce the RAD Conversion Commitment R EADINESS TM R OLE VS F INANCING TM R OLE 8

9  Welcome Kit  Program Background and Tips  RAD Resource Desk  Library of Guides and Tools RPCA Guide Financing Plan Guides  Communication Portal  Document Submission Portal  Technical Assistance  PHA Funds can be spend on Pre-Development Costs  Limited HUD provided TA PHA R ESOURCES 9

10  Transaction Manager Interface  Focused on PHA  Provide online “Readiness” evaluation  Administrative Record  PIH Interface  Tracking of required approvals  Detailed information on each conversion, by PHA  PHA Interface  Direct interaction with the TM  Confirmation of transaction specific issues  Current status of required submissions and approvals RAD R ESOURCE D ESK 10

11  Correspondence Tracking  Readiness TM Kick Off and Check In Call Summaries  PHA Response and/or Correction  Detailed History  Financing Plan Submission  Maintain PHA’s Focus on this single date/deliverable  Ensure the PHA’s “Readiness” to submit  Provide a record steps taken to meet this goal  Milestone Tracking  Limited to Financing Plan and Beyond RAD R ESOURCE D ESK 11


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