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Refugee Eligibility and Case Management 101 October 20, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Refugee Eligibility and Case Management 101 October 20, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refugee Eligibility and Case Management 101 October 20, 2011

2 Office of Refugee Resettlement Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

3 Project SOAR Project SOARProject SOAR provides ethnic community-based organizations (ECBOs) and other refugee-serving agencies with technical assistance to develop and deliver quality services and improve sustainability through support to:  strengthen organizational management, in areas such as fundraising and governance;  improve services, in areas such as project design and case management;  and build networks with peer and mainstream agencies. Funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement since 2003, Project SOAR is a partnership of the International Rescue Committee and the Nationalities Service Center. Join our listserv - To subscribe at no-cost, visit

4 Today’s Training: Rules & Tools To make the most of this Project SOAR training…..  Keep your phone on mute when you are not speaking (*6)  Use the following tools: 1. Chat 2. Ask a question orally 3. Answer a question 4. Express yourself 5. Use the writing and drawing tools

5 Where Are You Located?

6 What We Will Cover…  Defining ORR-funded program eligibility  ECBO project types  Defining case management  Basic elements of case management  The importance of documenting services and client eligibility

7 Clients Eligible for ORR Benefits and Services  Refugees  Asylees  Cuban / Haitian Entrants  Certified Victims of Human Trafficking  Amerasians  *who have been in the U.S. for less than 5 years.  Afghan / Iraqi Special Immigrant Visa holders (Afghans 6 months; Iraqis 8 months)  Refer to State Letter 00-17 

8 ECBO Project Types  Organizational capacity development  Cultural orientation and life skills education  Financial literacy training  ESL training  Youth-targeted programs  Referrals to care providers  Direct service provision

9 Case Management Defined “A service that links and coordinates assistance from institutions and agencies providing medical, psycho- social and concrete support for individuals in need of such assistance. It is the process of social work intervention that helps people to organize and use the supports, services, and opportunities that enable them to achieve life outcomes that they value.” Social Worker’s Desk Reference

10 Elements of Case Management  Intake and Assessment  Goal Development  Intervention  Monitoring and Reassessment  Termination

11 The Need for Case Management Documentation  HHS grants regulations  Transparency  Accountability

12 Case Management Documentation: An ORR Monitoring Component  Case file reviews  Staff interviews  Client interviews  Community partner meetings

13 Case File Contents  Intake information  Eligibility documentation  Case notes  Documentation of financial assistance and volunteer services provided

14 Intake Information Client’s complete contact information Brief history of employment/skills Indication of client’s eligibility Client goals under program Signed and dated letter of agreement/enrollment—with translation if necessary

15 Documenting Eligibility in a Case File

16 Eligibility Documentation Copies of the following as relevant:  I-94/Green card; clear A #  EAD  Grant of asylum letter*  Signed social security card-front and back

17 “Good” Case Notes  Concise  Complete and chronological  Frequent, throughout service period

18 Documentation: Tips for Case Workers  Before completing the enrollment process, make sure that copies of appropriate immigration documents are in the file.  Understand that there may be clients who are not in control of their own immigration document.  Give clients clear deadlines for bringing in documents. Share the responsibility.  Consider using the self-declaration form (not in place of the actual document but as a temporary place holder to document the steps you are taking to obtain the record).  If immigration documents are not available, contact the client’s original resettlement agency or RPC.  Ask supervisors to review intake and enrollment materials and immigration documents as part of the enrollment process.

19 Creating a Documentation System Create a master file as a prototype for replication Prepare blank case files with all necessary case file forms for use along with a checklist on the cover Use the same order/sequence for storing documents in the case files Establish a case file review process

20 Case Management: Tips for Supervisors  Systems in place; forms developed, sample files created, approach agreed upon  Regular case file review and other quality assurance measures in place  Resources available  Staff trained and in-service trainings scheduled  Supervision scheduled

21 Documentation Standards: Summary  Clear documentation of eligibility in file  Clear documentation of eligibility noted on intake form  Narrative of all services provided in a case note log  Clear documentation and notes on all referrals and work on client’s behalf  Clear and well-organized case file documentation system -file folders with dividers, section checklists, periodic file reviews

22 Consequences of Poor Documentation Implications for grantee agency:  Negative monitoring report  Corrective action list  On-site TA  Further scrutiny of grant  Impact on grant continuation process

23 Here’s To A Great Year!

24 Thank you! Please complete our evaluation survey! For more information, please write to

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