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NATURE AND NURTURE DEBATE What does this mean? What does this mean? Are people born with predetermined behavioural patterns or are they determined by.

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2 NATURE AND NURTURE DEBATE What does this mean? What does this mean? Are people born with predetermined behavioural patterns or are they determined by the socialization of the environment early on in life?

3 Arguments For Nurture Socialization Socialization  Feral children Conditioning Conditioning  Institutions

4 Socialization is the act of adopting behavioural patterns of surroundings. Socialization is the act of adopting behavioural patterns of surroundings.  School  Work  Home  Home/ Family  Religion Theses are the mediums that shape who you are Theses are the mediums that shape who you are What is Socialization?

5 Feral Children : Genie Feral children are lost or abandoned children raised in extreme isolation and or raised in the wild; “adopted” by animals. Feral children are lost or abandoned children raised in extreme isolation and or raised in the wild; “adopted” by animals. Genie was tried to a potty chair for 10 years by her father as a form of punishment. Genie was tried to a potty chair for 10 years by her father as a form of punishment. When she was discovered she was unable to walk properly, communicate properly, show connections to the world around her or even speak. When she was discovered she was unable to walk properly, communicate properly, show connections to the world around her or even speak. Once she was taken into the care of therapists she began to play, walk, show emotional connections, and even spoke fragmented sentences Once she was taken into the care of therapists she began to play, walk, show emotional connections, and even spoke fragmented sentences

6 Feral Children: Genie and Victor After funding for the studies stopped she was placed into a foster home where she was beaten. She then became mute once again. After funding for the studies stopped she was placed into a foster home where she was beaten. She then became mute once again. Victor was discovered when one day he ran out of the woods. It was assumed from his behaviours that he was abandoned after only a few years of life, and then taken in by animals, most likely dogs. Victor was discovered when one day he ran out of the woods. It was assumed from his behaviours that he was abandoned after only a few years of life, and then taken in by animals, most likely dogs. He showed an extreme resistance to cold, was aggressive, couldn’t speak accept in grunts, possessed odd and animalistic behaviours. He showed an extreme resistance to cold, was aggressive, couldn’t speak accept in grunts, possessed odd and animalistic behaviours.

7 Feral Children: Relevance Genie was unable to function like others her age because she was deprived of basic interactions, thus she didn’t learn very much. Genie was unable to function like others her age because she was deprived of basic interactions, thus she didn’t learn very much. Once she began working with therapists she learned slowly how to function normally. Once she began working with therapists she learned slowly how to function normally. Victor was more able to conduct himself because he wasn’t abandoned immediately, and had some interactions with life forms. Victor was more able to conduct himself because he wasn’t abandoned immediately, and had some interactions with life forms. He was socialized by animals and therefore adopted their aggressive behaviours He was socialized by animals and therefore adopted their aggressive behaviours

8 Conditioning is A process of behaviour modification by which a subject comes to associate a desired behaviour with a previously unrelated stimulus. Conditioning is A process of behaviour modification by which a subject comes to associate a desired behaviour with a previously unrelated stimulus. Scary incident at the dentist, causes trauma. The next time once goes to the dentist they experience feelings of fear and anxiety. Scary incident at the dentist, causes trauma. The next time once goes to the dentist they experience feelings of fear and anxiety. Conditioning

9 Conditioning: Classical vs Operant Genie stopped speaking after her foster care beating because when she was with her father he used to beat her for making sounds. Genie stopped speaking after her foster care beating because when she was with her father he used to beat her for making sounds.  She was conditioned to think that when she spoke she would get hurt, and therefore she stopped speaking all together when she was beaten again. Institutions such as school, work, army etc condition individuals to accept certain behaviours. Institutions such as school, work, army etc condition individuals to accept certain behaviours.  Army conditions normal men from all over the country to let go of stigmas about death and thus create killing machines. These behaviours are not normal to us but these men have changed their own beliefs.

10 In Favour of Genetics Heredity Heredity  Sibling behaviour Adoption studies Adoption studies  Twin analysis, identical, fraternal etc.

11 Heredity: Questions? Do you have siblings? Do you have siblings? Do you feel that you don’t relate to your sibling? Do you feel that you don’t relate to your sibling? Which parent or other family member do you think you take after? Which parent or other family member do you think you take after?

12 Heredity We inherit diabetes, heart conditions, cancer, body type, and most importantly genetic makeup. We inherit diabetes, heart conditions, cancer, body type, and most importantly genetic makeup.  So the question is why not behaviour? Studies have shown that a child can in fact inherit behavioural disorders from the parent,or that there is some correlation to the genetics of the individuals. Studies have shown that a child can in fact inherit behavioural disorders from the parent,or that there is some correlation to the genetics of the individuals.  Schizophrenia  Depression  Alcoholism/ Indulgence dependence  Bipolar Disorder

13 To perform an experiment there must be a control. It’s hard to document and mimic ones environment, therefore twins can be used to control genetics. To perform an experiment there must be a control. It’s hard to document and mimic ones environment, therefore twins can be used to control genetics. Studies where done on twins who were separated at birth and raised apart. Studies where done on twins who were separated at birth and raised apart. Adoption Studies

14 Adoption Studies: Jim Twins Seminaries the brother shared besides the same name. Seminaries the brother shared besides the same name. Hair styles Hair styles Laugh Laugh Both had a carpentry shop Both had a carpentry shop Enjoyed Salem cigarettes Enjoyed Salem cigarettes Vacationed one the same beach in Florida Vacationed one the same beach in Florida Divorced a women named Linda Divorced a women named Linda Both married a Betty Both married a Betty Named their sons James Allan/Allen Named their sons James Allan/Allen Named the Dog Toy Named the Dog Toy Both were strict about saving money Both were strict about saving money Had the same pastimes Had the same pastimes

15 Adoption Studies: Children adopted with criminal parents that is adopted into a normal family still has a high chance of becoming involved in crime due to temperamental behaviours etc. Children adopted with criminal parents that is adopted into a normal family still has a high chance of becoming involved in crime due to temperamental behaviours etc. Personality traits are unpredictable and immeasurable but we can conclude something more measurable; children tend to have the same IQ as their parents. Personality traits are unpredictable and immeasurable but we can conclude something more measurable; children tend to have the same IQ as their parents. A study was done to show that if one twin was placed in a home with a similar IQ as the parents the child remains the same. A study was done to show that if one twin was placed in a home with a similar IQ as the parents the child remains the same. While the other twin is placed in a family with a higher IQ than the parents, the subject does increase his IQ, but only to a limit. While the other twin is placed in a family with a higher IQ than the parents, the subject does increase his IQ, but only to a limit. Fraternal twins also showed many dissimilarities, in behaviour, affection, perception of the world etc. even when they are raised in the same environments. Fraternal twins also showed many dissimilarities, in behaviour, affection, perception of the world etc. even when they are raised in the same environments.

16 Nature vs. Nurture does not exist because both work in conjunction with each other. Scientists have agreed that it is Nature AND Nurture. Nature vs. Nurture does not exist because both work in conjunction with each other. Scientists have agreed that it is Nature AND Nurture. Gene and environmental factors are very complicated and work in conjunction with each other. Gene and environmental factors are very complicated and work in conjunction with each other. Although we can determine that some have a genetic predisposition to one behaviour, and that the environment can nurture or hinder that behaviour. Although we can determine that some have a genetic predisposition to one behaviour, and that the environment can nurture or hinder that behaviour. Conclusion

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