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Jessica Grondin Lesson Plan ED 639. Subject: Social Studies Grade: Eighth Unit: Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Jessica Grondin Lesson Plan ED 639. Subject: Social Studies Grade: Eighth Unit: Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jessica Grondin Lesson Plan ED 639

2 Subject: Social Studies Grade: Eighth Unit: Geography

3 Materials Needed  Pencil  Paper  World Atlas (One per student)

4 General Goal  Identify continents and oceans and their associated regional characteristics.

5 Concepts 1.There are seven continents. 2.There are four oceans. 3.Geographical factors such as mountain ranges, deserts, and rivers impact cultural development. 4.Human physical appearance is heavily influenced by geography. 5.Geographical data can be mapped and graphed.

6 Specific Objectives Social Studies: Ohio’s Model Competency-Based Program, p.53 Students will:  Utilize geographic resources.  Explain mapped and/or graphed data on population distribution.  Explain patterns of movement in terms of physical, cultural, economic, and political barriers or inducements.

7 Activity One: Identify continents and oceans 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. A. B. C. D.

8 Activity Two On each of the following slides, write down either the country, region, or continent where you think the person lives.

9 1.

10 2.

11 3.

12 4.

13 5.

14 6.

15 7.

16 8.

17 9.

18 Activity Three 1. Form groups of three. 2. Each group must find one geographical location using a world atlas and then show the class using the arrow on our computer screen.


20 Activity Four  Rank the following countries from largest to smallest.  On the ditto sheet of the world map, put the corresponding rank number over each countries’ location.

21 2000 Population  Russia146,001,176  India1,002,708,291  Japan126,699,784  Brazil175,552,771  Nigeria123,749,589  China1,262,474,301  Pakistan141,553,775  United States282,338,631  Bangladesh130,406,594

22 World Wide Web sites     

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