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Year 6 SATs Booster Maths 4 Fractions and Measures Part 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 6 SATs Booster Maths 4 Fractions and Measures Part 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 6 SATs Booster Maths 4 Fractions and Measures Part 1

2 Objectives: Calculate fractions of quantities and measurements. Vocabulary:

3 Measurement and Abbreviations Vocabulary:


5 one quarter

6 two quarters or one half

7 three quarters

8 four quarters or one whole

9 empty full

10 empty full

11 empty full

12 empty full

13 empty full

14 empty full Full = 50 litres Half full = 25 litres

15 empty full Full = 90 litres litres Half full =

16 empty full Full = 300 litres litres Half full =

17 empty full Full = 62 litres litres Half full =

18 empty full Full = 96 litres litres Half full =

19 empty full Full = 45 litres litres Half full =

20 empty full Full = 20 litres Quarter full = 5 litres

21 empty full Full = 60 litres litresQuarter full =

22 empty full Full = 100 litres litresQuarter full =

23 empty full Full = 120 litres litresQuarter full =

24 empty full Full = 200 litres litresQuarter full =

25 empty full Full = 50 litres litresQuarter full =

26 empty full Full = 40 litres Three Quarters full= 30 litres

27 empty full Full = 60 litres Three quarters full =litres

28 empty full Full = 80 litres Three quarters full =litres

29 empty full Full = 120 litres Three quarters full =litres

30 empty full Full = 16 litres Three quarters full =litres

31 empty full Full = 24 litres Three quarters full =litres

32 empty full Full = 44 litres Three quarters full =litres

33 empty full Full = 50 litres Three quarters full =litres

34 empty full One third numerator denominator

35 empty full Full = 30 litres One third = 10 litres

36 empty full Full = 12 litres One third = litres

37 empty full Full = 18 litres One third = litres

38 empty full Full = 21 litres One third = litres

39 empty full Full = 60 litres One third = litres

40 empty full Full = 120 litres One third = litres

41 empty full numerator denominator two thirds

42 empty full Full = 30 litres Two thirds = 20 litres

43 empty full Full = 9 litres Two thirds = litres

44 empty full Full = 33 litres Two thirds = litres

45 empty full Full = 12 litres Two thirds = litres

46 empty full Full = 18 litres Two thirds = litres

47 empty full Full = 27 litres Two thirds = litres

48 empty full Full = 21 litres Two thirds = litres

49 empty full Full = 150 litres Two thirds = litres

50 empty full one eighth denominator numerator

51 empty full Full = 80 litres One eighth = 10 litres

52 empty full Full = 16 litres One eighth = litres

53 empty full Full = 24 litres One eighth = litres

54 empty full Full = 40 litres One eighth = litres

55 empty full Full = 72 litres One eighth = litres

56 empty full Full = 80 litres One eighth = litres

57 empty full Full = 16 litres One eighth = litres

58 empty full Full = 24 litres One eighth = litres

59 empty full Full = 40 litres One eighth = litres

60 empty full Full = 80 litres One eighth = litres

61 empty full Full = 90 litres ? = litres

62 empty full Full = 36 litres ? = litres

63 empty full Full = 64 litres ? = litres

64 empty full Full = 18 litres ? = litres

65 empty full Full = 80 litres ? = litres

66 empty full Full = 40 litres ? = litres

67 empty full Full = 40 litres ? = litres

68 empty full Full = 40 litres ? = litres

69 empty full Full = 88 litres ? = litres

70 empty full Full = 32 litres ? = litres

71 empty full Full = 800 litres ? = litres

72 Fraction Problems

73 There are 20 children at a party but only 15 cans of pop. What fraction of children would not be able to have a drink?

74 If the 15 cans of pop were shared equally between all 20 children what fraction of a can of pop would each child have to drink?

75 A room measures 5 metres by 3 metres. How many square metres of carpet would be needed to cover just of the room?

76 If of the children in a class score full marks for a spelling test and 20 children didn't score full marks how many children are there in the class altogether?

77 If I can run a distance of 1 kilometre in 12 minutes, how many metres could I run in of the time?

78 There are 120 pages in a book. If I am of the way through, what page am I on?

79 I live of a kilometre from school. How far would I have to walk to reach the halfway point?

80 How many minutes is of an hour?

81 I have £1.00 and four friends. I want to give one friend of my money, one friend of what's left, one friend of what's leftover from that and the remaining money to another friend. How much money did each friend get?

82 Which month is of the way through the year?

83 Answers: 1. 2. 3. 10m 2 4. 30 5. 250m 6. Page 45 7. of a kilometre or 375m 8. 36 minutes 9. 25p, 45p, 10p and 20p 10. March

84 What fraction of each shape is shaded?

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