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MISSION-CENTERED Dedicated to improving student outcomes through the use of technology SPEAKER Keynotes, conferences, and workshops ASCD, TEDx, Edcamps.

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Presentation on theme: "MISSION-CENTERED Dedicated to improving student outcomes through the use of technology SPEAKER Keynotes, conferences, and workshops ASCD, TEDx, Edcamps."— Presentation transcript:


2 MISSION-CENTERED Dedicated to improving student outcomes through the use of technology SPEAKER Keynotes, conferences, and workshops ASCD, TEDx, Edcamps AUTHOR Book: Professional Learning in the Digital Age Blogger: Smartblog, Edutopia, Ed Is My Life EDCAMP FOUNDER Head of Edcamp Foundation Passionate about effective PD PRACTITIONER Over a decade in education as a teacher & leader District Tech Director Curriculum Designer for Dr. Grant Wiggins (UbD) Dr. Kristen Swanson Learning Leader

3 Personalized Learning: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go

4 Mark Klassen

5 Cinematographer

6 Revere Films

7 “Homage” An Award-Winning Mark Klassen Production


9 Zero

10 21st Century Learner

11 Individualized global classroom

12 Thousands of Mediums


14 2 Quintillion "textbooks"

15 2 Quintillion "textbooks" (1000000000000000000)


17 2 Billion Teachers


19 Twenty-First Century Learning = Connectedness


21 What's different?

22 17 Years Ago

23 How big is this change?

24 Robert Darnton, Director of the Harvard University Library

25 The Internet is one of “four fundamental changes in information technology since humans learned to speak.”

26 Eighth Grade Girl

27 “Oh, my teacher doesn’t know anything about this.”

28 Data - Sample

29 200 schools

30 100,000 students and over 10,000 educators

31 Mixture of ethnic, social & economic backgrounds

32 Are we making the shift?

33 Students - Time Spent on the 4Cs

34 Never share content online - 81% Data Provided by

35 Never share content online - 81% Never search social networks for answers - 91% Data Provided by

36 Never share content online - 81% Never search social networks for answers - 91% Never collaborate with students from other schools - 94% Data Provided by

37 Never share content online - 81% Never search social networks for answers - 91% Never collaborate with students from other schools - 94% Never collaborate with outside subject experts - 93% Data Provided by

38 Students - Time Spent in Class on Essential Online Skills

39 Less than 1 hour a year on online research – 74% Data Provided by

40 Less than 1 hour a year on online research – 74% Less than 1 hour a year on online safety – 84% Data Provided by

41 Less than 1 hour a year on online research – 74% Less than 1 hour a year on online safety – 84% Less than 1 hour a year on legal use of content – 87% Data Provided by

42 Less than 1 hour a year on online research – 74% Less than 1 hour a year on online safety – 84% Less than 1 hour a year on legal use of content – 87% Less than 1 hour a year on cyberbullying – 86% Data Provided by

43 Less than 1 hour a year on online research – 74% Less than 1 hour a year on online safety – 84% Less than 1 hour a year on legal use of content – 87% Less than 1 hour a year on cyberbullying – 86% Less than 1 hour a year on creating an online presence – 96% Data Provided by

44 Less than 1 hour a year on online research – 74% Less than 1 hour a year on online safety – 84% Less than 1 hour a year on legal use of content – 87% Less than 1 hour a year on cyberbullying – 86% Less than 1 hour a year on creating an online presence – 96% Less than 1 hour a year on learning on social networks – 96% Data Provided by

45 $100 Billion

46 Access

47 Teachers reporting access to a computer at school – 96% Data Provided by

48 Teachers reporting access to a computer at school – 96% Teachers reporting access to Internet at school – 96% Data Provided by

49 Schools reporting at least 2:1 student to computer ratio – 74% Teachers reporting access to a computer at school – 96% Teachers reporting access to Internet at school – 96% Data Provided by

50 Teachers and students have more stuff…

51 …and we don’t have the data we need to measure the change.


53 Our focus on the next device and next app is solving for the wrong problem

54 Gap is not in access or software

55 Much more complex set of factors

56 Teacher skills as 21 st Century Learners

57 Never used Twitter - 88% Data Provided by

58 Never used Twitter - 88% Never used LinkedIn - 89% Data Provided by

59 Never used Twitter - 88% Never used LinkedIn - 89% Never used Facebook - 34% Data Provided by

60 Teachers – use of online resources

61 Never blogged 78% Data Provided by

62 Never blogged 78% Never watched a webinar 52% Data Provided by

63 Never blogged 78% Never watched a webinar 52% Never commented on a blog post 64% Data Provided by

64 Never blogged 78% Never watched a webinar 52% Never commented on a blog post 64% Never written an online review 71% Data Provided by

65 Never blogged 78% Never watched a webinar 52% Never commented on a blog post 64% Never written an online review 71% Never tweeted 94% Data Provided by

66 Teacher beliefs

67 Technology does not make my life easier 32% Data Provided by

68 Technology does not make my life easier 32% Technology cannot improve learning 23% Data Provided by

69 Technology does not make my life easier 32% Technology cannot improve learning 23% I cannot solve my own technology problem 37% Data Provided by

70 School policies

71 Technology is not a regular part of my evaluation - 56%

72 Technology is not a regular part of my class observation - 56%

73 Technology is not a regular part of my evaluation - 56% Technology is not a regular part of my class observation - 56% My department/team does not discuss technology use - 68%

74 The Internet has transformed learning. It’s the biggest change in learning since the printing press. Learning is no longer local. It’s a global, mobile, networked activity that is increasingly learner centered and learner driven. Knowledge is no longer defined by what you know, but also by the knowledge you can access through your networks. The teacher in the classroom is one of millions of potential teachers. The textbook is one of millions of potential resources. Teachers will increasingly be measured by their ability to facilitate student-driven learning that is individualized, customized and personalized. Learning Has Changed

75 Content is no longer scarce. Teachers are no longer scarce. Learning is no longer local.

76 Rob Mancabelli LLC 2012

77 One Framework Four Dimensions Twenty Two Success Indicators

78 CASE® Technology Analysis


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