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Published byJamir Bade Modified over 9 years ago
Chapter 24: The Eighth Commandment INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM
ANTICIPATORY SET Discuss the qualities of wisdom that are stated or implied in Proverbs 8 (p. 548). 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
BASIC QUESTIONS What is the relationship among God, human beings, and truth? What is the link between truth and charity? KEY IDEAS God is truth, and people must live and tell the truth both to please God and to live in harmony with one another. Truth and charity must be united. Truth and charity are united in the Person of Jesus Christ and in his faithful followers. 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
GUIDED EXERCISE Free write in response to the following question: Jeremy spread false rumors about Russell, and his reputation has been damaged. Why is this sin a grave matter? 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
FOCUS QUESTIONS What is the Eighth Commandment? “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” What does the Eighth Commandment require? The Eighth Commandment requires a person to speak the truth, particularly in what concerns others. 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
FOCUS QUESTIONS What is the source of truth in Scripture? Scripture reveals God to be the source of truth. What fundamental truth about human nature did God reveal in the Old Testament? In the beginning, he made human beings in his own image and likeness. 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
FOCUS QUESTIONS What is the intrinsic characteristic of the human being with respect to truth? By their nature human beings want to pursue the truth, find it, and share it with others. How does truthfulness link human beings to God? God is the truth, so to fail to speak the truth constitutes a refusal to be morally upright and to be faithful to God. What is the link between truth and community? People cannot live in communities without being truthful to one another because without truth there cannot be trust. 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
FOCUS QUESTIONS Why were God’s Chosen People called to live in the truth? God is true and his people are called to be like him. What special privilege did the Chosen People possess with respect to the truth? They possessed the written Word of God, which gave them ready access to the truth about the world, morality, and God himself. 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
FOCUS QUESTIONS What does the Sacred Author of the Book of Numbers proclaim about God’s truthfulness? God does not lie and will do what he says. According to the Book of Proverbs, what is the result of loving the truth and seeking knowledge? Wisdom is the fruit of truth. 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
FOCUS QUESTIONS What is the fullness of God’s Revelation of truth? Jesus Christ himself is the fullness of Revelation. According to the New Testament, what must accompany truth, and why? Truth must be accompanied by charity. Because God is love, human words and actions can reveal truth in its fullness only when that truth is accompanied by love. 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
FOCUS QUESTIONS According to the New Testament, what is the relationship between truth and freedom? Christ taught that the truth makes a person free from the bondage of sin. According to the Catechism, no. 2505 (p. 549), what are the two dimensions of the virtue of truth? Truthfulness is revealed in deed and in word. 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
FOCUS QUESTIONS How are Christians ordinarily called to live the fullness of truth? Christians are called to live the truth by incarnating the Gospel message and by being witnesses to Christ in their daily situations and circumstances. How have many Christians shown the ultimate fidelity to truth? They have died for truth, choosing martyrdom over apostasy. 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
GUIDED EXERCISE Free write confidentially for a few minutes about either of the following questions: Have you been in an incident in which you had the choice of either telling the truth about something that involved negative consequences or hiding the truth to avoid them? What is your own personal commitment to the truth? How important is it to you? 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 1-2 (p. 561) Practical Exercise 3 (p. 561) Workbook Questions 1-9 Read “The Virtue of Truth” through “Truth and Secrecy” (pp. 550- 554) 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
CLOSURE Write a paragraph summarizing what the Sacred Scriptures reveal about truth. 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT There are seven books of wisdom literature in the Old Testament, one of which is the Book of Proverbs. Peruse that book and select a proverb that appeals to you. Write a paragraph explaining what wisdom your chosen proverb is conveying. 1. The Eighth Commandment in the Sacred Scriptures (pp. 546-550)
ANTICIPATORY SET Free write for a few minutes about the meaning of the words of Christ when Pilate asked Christ if he is a king: “‘For this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Every one who is of the truth hears my voice’” (Jn 18:37). 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
BASIC QUESTIONS What is every person’s obligation to truth? What is the error of moral relativism? How can a person live the truth in love? Must secrets always be kept? KEY IDEAS Every person has a grave obligation to seek and live the truth with respect to him- or herself, others, and God. Moral relativism is a false philosophy that denies the existence of objective truth. People are called to live the truth in charity through fraternal correction, simplicity, and humility. Some confidential information must not be disclosed to one who does not have the right to know, whereas for just reasons, even confidential information may be required to be revealed to the proper person. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
GRAPHIC ORGANIZER Complete the following table to aid your understanding about the three dimensions of the virtue of truth. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
FOCUS QUESTIONS Is truth a requirement of life only for Jews and Christians? No; all people are obliged to seek truth and to uphold its demands. According to Dignitatis Humanæ, no. 2 (p. 550), what are every person’s obligations with respect to truth? Each person is bound to seek truth, to adhere to it, and to live according to its demands. What are other names for the virtue of truth? The virtue of truth is also known as veracity, sincerity, and frankness. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
FOCUS QUESTIONS What did Christ say to Pontius Pilate about the truth? “‘For this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Every one who is of the truth hears my voice’” (Jn 18: 37). What are two possible meanings of Pilate’s retort, “What is truth?” (Jn 18:38)? As Pilate did not wait for a reply, he was either not really interested in knowing what truth is or meant that there is no such thing as truth. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
FOCUS QUESTIONS What is a moral relativist? A moral relativist is a person who does not believe in objective truth. Extension: Objective truth means that something is true regardless of what anyone thinks about it. What are two objective truths frequently denied in the modern age? Two objective truths are that marriage is only between a man and a woman and human life begins at the moment of conception. What objective truths does the Declaration of Independence acknowledge? It declares that all people are created equal and have certain unalienable rights. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
GRAPHIC ORGANIZER Work with a partner to create and complete a Graphic Organizer about three key ways everyone can practice truth with sincerity and love, first identifying the way, then explaining it, and finally giving an example of each. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
FOCUS QUESTION What does it mean to speak the truth in charity? Speaking the truth in charity requires avoiding superiority, condemnation, or sarcasm, and instead promoting sincerity, compassion, and understanding. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
FOCUS QUESTIONS What obligation do children and young people have toward their parents in regard to the Eighth Commandment? They have the obligation to tell them the truth when asked. When is it an obligation to reveal a secret? A person may be obligated to reveal a secret in extraordinary situations when it is the only way to correct a serious wrong or to avoid a great harm to the common good. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
FOCUS QUESTIONS Why must superiors sometimes be told secrets? Superiors must sometimes be told secrets because they are responsible for the common good. Under what conditions is a person obliged to keep a secret? He or she is obliged to keep a secret when the good of a neighbor demands it, when he or she has promised to keep it, or when a profession or office requires it. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
FOCUS QUESTIONS Why do some people unjustly decline to reveal damaging secret knowledge? People sometimes unjustly decline under the guise of loyalty, friendship, or discretion. What “secrets” do the media and reporters often wrongly reveal? They often unnecessarily reveal personal wrongdoing that ruins a person’s good name or scandalizes the reader or viewer. Extension: Not revealing wrongdoing in this case is not covering up evil; it is revealing evil that people have no need to know about. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
FOCUS QUESTIONS How does a lie damage the liar? The lie itself is a sin; lying can become a vicious habit; and being caught lying destroys one’s reputation for sincerity and credibility. How do lies do violence to others? Lies damage reputations, create an atmosphere of hostility, and undermine trust. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
FOCUS QUESTIONS When must silence be upheld? We should remain silent when other persons do not have a right to know, when necessary to protect someone’s good name, and when required not to reveal sensitive information. What are professional secrets? Professional secrets are confidential information one learns in the exercise of a profession and may not be revealed. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
FOCUS QUESTIONS What are some professions that involve professional secrets? The following professions involve professional secrets: medicine in regard to patient information; law in regard to a lawyer’s dealing with his client; the priesthood in regard to the seal of confession; business in regard to company information; and the armed forces in regard to military intelligence. When must classified information be disclosed? We should disclose classified information when knowledge of serious evils must be communicated to the competent authorities for the protection or welfare of individuals or society. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
FOCUS QUESTIONS What is the most binding of all secrets? The seal of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (the seal of confession) is the most binding of all secrets. What is the sacramental seal of confession? Under the pain of sacrilege and excommunication, a bishop or priest may not reveal for any cause or reason anything that he learns in a confession, even at the cost of his own life. Is a layperson bound by the seal of confession? Yes. Any lay person who overhears the sins of another during the Sacrament of Penance is bound to not reveal what he or she heard. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 3-7 (p. 561) Practical Exercises 1-2 (p. 561) Workbook Questions 10-20 Read “Sins Against the Eighth Commandment” through “Conclusion” (pp. 554-558) 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
CLOSURE Write a paragraph explaining how lying, revealing secrets without just cause, giving information sarcastically, and moral relativism all attack truth. 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT Work with a partner to complete Practical Exercise 1 about a simple “yes” and a simple “no.” 2. Living the Truth (pp. 550-554)
ANTICIPATORY SET Incorporate the examination of conscience based on the Eighth Commandment (p. 558) into the Opening Prayer. 3. Evaluating Sins Against the Eighth Commandment and the Duty of Reparation (pp. 554-558)
BASIC QUESTIONS What are sins against the Eighth Commandment? How can the gravity of a sin against the Eighth Commandment be determined? Does a person have a duty to make reparation for sins against the Eighth Commandment? KEY IDEAS Sins against the Eighth Commandment include lying, calumny, slander, detraction, rash judgment, flattery, and bragging. The severity of a sin against the Eighth Commandment is determined by its object, intention, circumstances, and effect. A lie is not only a sin against truth and charity but also against justice, which by its nature demands reparation. 3. Evaluating Sins Against the Eighth Commandment and the Duty of Reparation (pp. 554-558)
GRAPHIC ORGANIZER Work with a partner to create a Graphic Organizer that identifies, defines, and gives an original example of five sins against the Eighth Commandment. 3. Evaluating Sins Against the Eighth Commandment and the Duty of Reparation (pp. 554-558)
FOCUS QUESTIONS What determines whether a sin against the Eighth Commandment is mortal or venial? As with any other sin, the gravity of a violation depends on the object, intention, circumstances, and effect. What is meant by the object of a lie? The object is the nature of the lie. Lying about who spilled milk on the counter is a different matter than lying about who robbed a bank. 3. Evaluating Sins Against the Eighth Commandment and the Duty of Reparation (pp. 554-558)
FOCUS QUESTIONS What is meant by the intention of a lie? The intention is the reason a person tells the lie. For example, he or she might tell a lie to get a laugh or to justify murder. What is meant by circumstances involving a lie? Circumstances refers to the situation in which the lie is told. For example, lying under oath makes a lie much more serious. What is meant by the effects of a lie? Effects refers to how much harm actually comes about because of a lie. 3. Evaluating Sins Against the Eighth Commandment and the Duty of Reparation (pp. 554-558)
FOCUS QUESTIONS Why does lying require reparation? Lying requires reparation because a lie is a sin against justice. How is reparation made for lying? Depending on the injury, reparation might be required to be made publicly; in most cases it should be made privately. 3. Evaluating Sins Against the Eighth Commandment and the Duty of Reparation (pp. 554-558)
FOCUS QUESTIONS Why might reparation for a lie require monetary restitution? If a lie causes a person to suffer monetary damage—e.g., if the effects of the lie include someone losing his or her job—then the reparation can require monetary compensation. What happens to a person who confesses a lie but has no intention to make reparation? There is no forgiveness of that sin without the intention to make reparation. 3. Evaluating Sins Against the Eighth Commandment and the Duty of Reparation (pp. 554-558)
GUIDED EXERCISE Perform a paragraph shrink on the Catechism, no. 2487 (p. 557), to highlight its essential content. 3. Evaluating Sins Against the Eighth Commandment and the Duty of Reparation (pp. 554-558)
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Question 8-13 (p. 561) Practical Exercises 4-5 (p. 561) Workbook Questions 21-28 3. Evaluating Sins Against the Eighth Commandment and the Duty of Reparation (pp. 554-558)
CLOSURE Think of a concrete sin against the Eighth Commandment and write a paragraph evaluating it in terms of object, intention, circumstances, and effect, and then discuss why a person would obligated to provide reparation for it. 3. Evaluating Sins Against the Eighth Commandment and the Duty of Reparation (pp. 554-558)
ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT Work with a partner to discuss ways to avoid rash judgment. 3. Evaluating Sins Against the Eighth Commandment and the Duty of Reparation (pp. 554-558)
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