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Welcome 2013 – 2014 Eighth Grade Students Mr. Logan English 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 2013 – 2014 Eighth Grade Students Mr. Logan English 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome 2013 – 2014 Eighth Grade Students Mr. Logan English 8

2 Homeroom Schedules Do not to lose schedules and plan on keeping them for the year. Suggest attaching in binder. Review your classes. Look at room numbers and identify location of building. There are only 2 minutes between classes. Look at your “SPECIAL” rotations. The box in the schedule lists the “first” teacher for the rotation. Olweus lessons; Day 5 will have extended homerooms to conduct classroom groups.

3 Homeroom 2 Turn in the following: Emergency Card - (mailed home end of summer-needs returned ASAP) Lunch money – if you forgot to deposit your lunch money, ask, and I will send you to the cafeteria during our extended homeroom ◦ Students cannot use cash to pay for lunch. Money needs deposited into account. ◦ Lunch count?

4 Homeroom 3 Lockers – number and combo You will be called to my desk to receive your number and combination. Write these on the card provided. Memorize before lunch. You may only go to lockers before homeroom, before and after lunch, and end of the day. Grade 7 will be period 1- 4 before lunch and grade 8 will be period 1-5 before lunch.

5 Homeroom 4 First day papers: Need to be read, signed, and returned by Monday ◦ Student insurance for Fall sports (if needed) ◦ Student health insurance (if needed) ◦ Lunch fee application (if needed) ◦ Book Contract – teachers will assign books for students to record, parents need to sign bottom portion and return. Parents are to keep book list part. ◦ Parent receipt letter (single paper)  Letter starts with an “OR” statement that needs to be checked by parent/guardian  However there are two “other” statements that students can check NOW; it is unclear because of spacing. ◦ Calendars are for the youngest student in the family

6 Homeroom 5 ◦ Arrival at school –Students arriving after 7:35 must report to office for a pass before going to locker/homeroom. ◦ Late to class – must be on time, loss of instructional time & disruptive. ◦ Make-up work – when absent, each day equals one day make up. Means get work day return to school and turn it in next day. ◦ Visitors – stress to students they are not to allow anyone into the building. All parents should report to the office for a badge before being allowed in the building. Remind students to look for adult badges and notify a teacher if see someone out of place in the building. ◦ Change of address or telephone – remind parents we need to know ASAP in case of emergency ◦ Financial obligation – any debt owed (library book fines, lost textbooks/agendas, etc), students cannot participate in extra- curricular activities (ie. dances, buy yearbooks, etc.)

7 Homeroom 6 ◦ Articles prohibited in school – READ the list to students, second sentence. Reiterate these articles will be confiscated! Read the last two sentences about cell phones. Please stress phones stay in lockers AND must be turned off! Ipods, same deal, left in lockers (this why important not to share lockers or give out combination). Only allowed in classes if teacher announces it. ◦ BYOD – Good time to review that devices allowed at school but cannot be used unless teachers’ approve. ◦ Substitute teachers – Are teachers and must be treated as such ◦ Fire Drills – Use this time to remind students of proper behavior and how to evacuate your classroom/building. Also review how to evacuate your classroom at this time. You may also wish to discuss if there is an “unstructured” time evacuation, ie. Lunch, how students will look for homeroom teacher at the KD driveway area. ◦ Homeroom – this would be a good time to announce procedures for your room, like not roaming hallway, not asking to “go” everywhere, bring a book to read/ or do homework, study for a test, etc.

8 Homeroom 7 ◦ Lockers – property of school, can be randomly searched at any time. ◦ Lavatory use – cannot be used between classes, when signed out by teacher, use the one close to that class ◦ Library rules – English teachers please review with students ◦ Cafeteria – rules of respect. Lunch money needs to go down during HR. ◦ Activity bus – scheduled stops ◦ Bullying, including Cyber bullying – inside as well as outside of school. Review bullying and rules. ◦ Health room – must have signed pass by teacher. Cannot just stop in. ◦ Emergency Closings – notification of available stations (changes made)

9 English 8 Materials needed daily: ◦ Notebook or dedicated section of binder for English  Composition books are preferred (available at Staples for 10 cents or at Wal-Mart)  Spiral notebooks are second best  A dedicated section of your notebook is also acceptable ◦ Loose-leaf paper ◦ Ink pen ◦ Pencil

10 English 8 Fire Drills: ◦ Out the door ◦ Turn Left ◦ Down the stairs ◦ Out the exit doors ◦ Line up outside

11 English 8 Grading ◦ Homework – 5% of total grade ◦ Classwork – 20% of total grade ◦ Quizzes/Minor Assessments – 25% of total grade ◦ Tests/Major Assessments – 50% of total grade ◦ Extra Credit is rare – don’t count on it, doing your work is your best bet for success

12 August 21, 2013 Word of the Day - Eponym n. A person whose name is or is thought to be the source of the name of something, such as a city or country. “George Washington is the eponym of Washington DC.” Root Word of the Day ◦ Phobia – fear, dislike, or aversion Thought for Today ◦ – “You are only an attitude away from success.” – John C. Maxwell

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