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A West Side Wellness Initiative focused on improving mile-run times.

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1 A West Side Wellness Initiative focused on improving mile-run times

2 Program History The event originated with a conversation among the middle school physical education teachers at a workshop. The discussion focused on state fitness testing specifically the mile-run. Over 60 percent of middle school students have consistently score below proficient on the mile-run portion of the test.

3 Description of the Program All students at West Side will run for 5-minutes at the beginning of each physical education class. After 5-minutes, each students will tally up the number of laps completed and report it to their teacher who will record it. Twenty-two (22) laps in the gym equals 1-mile. Each Friday, the total miles for the school will be calculated and recorded. The event concludes on Friday, May 13 th.

4 Goals 1.Improve cardiovascular strength and endurance of students. 2.Improve mile-run times on the springs post- physical fitness assessment as compared to the Fall’s Connecticut Physical Fitness Assessment.

5 Additional Strategies used help increase mile-run times Once a month, students in each class take part in the PACER Test. A test used to measure Cardiovascular Fitness. Data is collected and analyzed for Improvement over time.

6 Spring Post-Test After the completion of the Run across America, students will participate in mid May in a spring fitness assessment. The mile-run times of this test will be compared to those times run on the fall fitness assessment.

7 PACER TEST Looking at Student Data Number of Laps Completed StudentsOct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.MarchApril A B C D E F G

8 West Side Running Mileage DateMiles RunTotalLocation Friday, March 4168 Newark NJ Friday, March 14319 487Youngstown PA Friday, March 18289776South Bend Indiana Friday, March 253551131Iowa City Iowa Friday, April 12151346Omaha NE Friday, April 83531699Big Springs NE Friday, April 15 Groton, CT Anaheim CA

9 Groton Patch Newspaper Who Can Finish 2,463 Miles First? By Deborah Straszheim | Email the author | February 12, 2011Deborah StraszheimEmail the author Michelina Pinto wants to win. She'll run a virtual race across the country for the right to say her school - West Side Middle School- has faster runners than Groton's other two middle schools. "We're finding out which school has the most athletic kids and who strives to work hard every day," said Michelina, 13. "Our school is kind of competitive with Cutler (Middle) and Fitch (Middle School), because we like to win." That's exactly what the physical education teachers in Groton had in mind when they organized the "Run across America," which started Thursday.Run across America Tara Grove, physical education teacher at West Side, said the district's physical education teachers got together in December to talk about ways to improve student fitness. During fitness tests in November, fewer than 50 percent of Groton's middle school students completed the one-mile run in what is considered an acceptable time. Mile-run goals vary, depending on a child's age and gender. But, for example, an eighth-grade boy is expected to run the mile in less than 10 minutes; an eighth-grade girl, in less than 12 minutes. Grove said the physical education teachers knew that companies like Pfizer have employees compete against one another in races. They decided totry the same thing in the schools. The teachers mapped out the distance from Groton to the Disney theme park in California - 2,463 miles - then figured out how many times around the gym equaled one mile in each of the schools. Then they started the students running. At West Side, students run for four minutes at the start of each gym class, then record the number of laps on a spreadsheet. At the end of each day, the teacher calculates how many miles the students ran. Twenty-two laps around West Side gym equals one mile. C.J. Alumbres, an eighth grader, ran 14 laps the first day. "I want to be the best," said C.J., 13. "I guess, (because of) reputation. I want to be known for being athletic. Our school is full of athletic people." Alumbres had the lowest time on the mile at West Side in November: 5 minutes, 59 seconds. So far, students at the three middle schools have run 140 miles combined. They'll compete through the first week in May. Grove said the winning school will have some kind of celebration, though she can't give details. "We haven't told the kids yet," she said, but added that they enjoy the competition. "They buy into it. It's so beautiful."

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