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Published byJared Hulings Modified over 10 years ago
UPHUK-V September 7-9, 2013 Bodrum, TURKEY Turkish Accelerator Center: The Status and Roadmap Dr. Ömer Yavaş* Director of TAC Collaboration Institute of Accelerator Technologies Ankara University, Ankara, TURKEY * On behalf of TAC Collaboration 1 Fifth National Congress on Particle Accelerators and Their Applications
2 Mission of the TAC Collaboration To design, construct and use of high energy particle (electron, positron and proton) accelerators for scientific research and technological development in basic and applied sciences in Turkey and the region. To collaborate with international accelerator community 2 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013
3 Phases of the TAC Project I. Feasibility Report (1997-2001) by support of State Planing Organization (Ministry of Development) Outcome: A Feasibility Report in 2001, 130 p in Turkish Turkey must establish a national accelerator center: Turkish Accelerator Center (TAC) II. General Desing Report (2002-2005) by support State Planing Organization (Ministry of Development) Outcome : A General Design Report in 2005, 250 p in Turkish Main parameters, types and technologies of accelerators and research potential of proposed facilities of TAC are explained O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 3
4 Phases of the TAC Project III. First Facility, Institute, Conceptual and Technical Design Reports of Proposed TAC Facilities (2006-2014) As a collaboration between 12 Turkish Universities under the coordination of Ankara University (~173 people) Outcome The Institute of Accelerator Technologies (IAT) TARLA Facility (IR FEL & Bremsstrahlung) is funded and construction is continuing. Technical Design Reports of TAC Synchrotron Radiation and TAC Proton Accelerator Facilities Conceptual Design Reports of TAC SASE FEL and TAC Particle Factory O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 4
Opening Ceremony for Buildings of TARLA Facility & The Institute of Accelerator Technologies (IAT) 5 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 TARLA, May 9, 2011 IAT, May 9, 2011
TAC collaboration 6 TAC: An Inter University Collaboration Project Team: 74 staff with PhD + 99 graduate students and engineers Ankara University (Coordinator) Gazi University İstanbul University Uludağ University Dumlupınar University Erciyes University Boğaziçi University Doğuş University Süleyman Demirel University Niğde University Osmangazi University O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 Gebze Yüksek Technology Institute
National Collaboration Contributions from 26 Universities. Istanbul U. Bogazici U. Dogus U. Fatih U. Ankara U. (Coordinator) Gazi U. METU Bilkent U. Hacettepe U. Kırıkkale U. Osmangazi U. Kocaeli U. GYTE S. Demirel U. Dumlupinar U. Uludag U. Erciyes Ü. C. Bayar U. Nigde U. Aksaray U. Bitlis U. Inönü U. Çankırı Karatekin U. Alparslan U. İ. Çeçen U. Adıyaman U. 7 Universities in red : Offical project partners Universities in blue : Contributing Universities O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 Gaziosmanpaşa U.
JAPAN iFEL, JAERI, KEK ENGLAND CI, JAI USA ANL, SLAC, Jlab, FNAL CHINA IHEP, BESIII RUSSIA BINP SWITZERLAND CERN, PSI ITALY INFN GERMANY DESY, FZB, FZDR, EuroFEL JORDAN SESAME TURKEY TAC International Collaboration 8 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 SWEDEN ESS a Centers in blue color: Scientific Collaboration Agreements Centers in red colors: Scientific and technical cooperation (non-official)
Scientific collaboration agreements Ankara University - DESY (Germany): 1996 Ankara University - LHC (CERN): 1997 Ankara University - CLIC (CERN): 2005 Ankara University - HZB (Germany): 2007 Ankara University - HZDR (Germany): 2007 Ankara University - Cockcroft Institute (UK): 2011 Ankara University - IHEP (China): 2011 Ankara University - EuroFEL (Germany): 2012 9 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 9
Institute of Accelerator Technologies (IAT) 10 Proposed by TAC Project First and unique in Turkey Established on February 26, 2010 in Ankara University and the building is opened to service on May 9, 2011 Three main branches are defined and presented to Higher Education Council: Particle Accelerators & Technologies Accelerator Based Light Sources Detector Technologies and Data Acquisition O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 10
International Scientific Advisory Committee 11 Ercan ALP (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) (Head) Behçet ALPAT (INFN Perugia, Italy) David M. ASNER (PNL, USA) Swapan CHATTOPADHYAY (Cockroft Institute, UK) Eugene LEVICHEV (BINP, Russia) Yasar ONEL (Univ. of Iowa, USA) Luigi PALUMBO (INFN Frascati, Italy) Ken PEACH (Oxford University, UK) Roland SAUERBREY (FZD, Germany) Zehra SAYERS (Sabancı University, Turkey) Gökhan UNEL (UCI & CERN) Ali TANRIKUT (TAEK, Turkey) Helmut WIEDEMANN (Stanford University, USA) Frank ZIMMERMANN (CERN) 1st Meeting: October 8-9, 2009 Ankara University Ankara, Turkey 2nd Meeting: June 21-22, 2010 Boğaziçi University Istanbul, Turkey 3rd Meeting: May 9-10, 2011 Ankara University Ankara, Turkey 4th Meeting: June 11-12, 2012 Istanbul University Istanbul, Turkey 5th Meeting: June 24-25, 2013 Ankara University Ankara, Turkey O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013
TAC-ISAC Meetings 12 2009 2010 2011 2012 12
International Machine Advisory Commmittee 13 Peter MICHEL (HZDR-ELBE, Germany) (Head) Hideaki OHGAKI (Kyoto University, Japan) Dieter TRINES (DESY, Germany) Ernst WEIHRETER (HZB-BESSY, Germany) Jean R. DELAYEN (JLab, USA) 1st Meeting: December 4-5, 2009 Ankara University 2nd Meeting: September 2-3, 2010 Bodrum, Mugla 3rd Meeting: May 12-13, 2011 IAT, Ankara University 2010 4th Meeting: March 8-9, 2012 IAT, Ankara University 5th Meeting: April 22-23, 2013 IAT, Ankara University
Facilities of TAC 14 TARLA (Turkish Accelerator and Radiation Laboratory at Ankara) Facility 40 MeV Sc linac based IR FEL & Bremstrahlung facility (under construction) TAC Synchrotron Radiaton Facility (SR) (proposal) A third generation light source based on dedicated 3 GeV electron synchrotron TAC SASE FEL Facility (SASE FEL) (proposal) A fourth generation light source based on 1-5 GeV electron linac TAC Particle Factory (PF) (proposal) Electron-positron collider (charm factory), Ec.m.= 3.77 GeV TAC Proton Accelerator Facility (PA) (proposal) LE PA: 3 - 250 MeV, HE PA: 1-2 GeV High power and high flux proton accelerator O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013
15 TARLA Facility Sc e-linac (10-40 MeV) based IR FEL & Brems. facility 15 e-beam energy : up to max.40 MeV IR FEL wavelength : 3-250 microns Energy of Brems.: up to 30 MeV First beam from DC gun is obtained! Tender process for He cooling system and SRF modules are completed in June 2012. Fifth IMAC Meeting was held on April 22-23, 2013 Installation of injector system is going on. It is expected that accelerator will be commissioned in 2015. TARLA is a member of CALIPSO (FP7 Project) O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013
16 TARLA Facility Sc e-linac (10-40 MeV) based IR FEL & Brems. facility 16 Presentations in UPHUK-V: The Status of TARLA Facility Suat Ozkorucuklu, Director of TARLA The Status of TARLA IR SEL Exp. Stations and Reserach Potential Pervin Arıkan, Coordinator of IR FEL Stations
17 IR FEL Research potential: Photon science and diagnostics Ultrafast photonics applications General IR spectroscopy Material chracterization Bio-micro spectroscopy and biomedicine Bremsstrahlung station: Nuclear spectroscopy O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 TARLA is an official member of EU-FP7 Project named as CALIPSO for training of users in any 20 European Light Source Facilities 17 TARLA Facility
TAC Synchrotron Radiation Facility (TURKAY) 18 Main characteristics of TAC SR (TURKAY) Facility: Machine: Dedicated electron synchrotron Beam energy: 3 GeV Bem current: 500 mA Beam emittance: < 1 nm Circumference: 467 m Straight sections: 18x6m ID’s: Undulator and Wiggler magnets # of Beamlines: ~ 35 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 Presentations in UPHUK-V: Dr. Z. Nergiz: The TURKAY Facility Dr. Ö. Kurtuluş: User Commuminty and Reserach Potential
19 User Potential of TURKAY Turkey 174 Universities in 81 cities National Institutes on: Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Accelerator, Mine, Medicine, Pharmachology, Ceramics, Metrology, Space etc. National Authorities: TUBİTAK, TAEK, MAM Industry, Technocities, Technoparks, Army Our region: Turkic States, West South Asia, Balkan Countries, Middle East and North Africa User potential of SR in Turkey and our region O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 19
20 User Community of TAC Light Sources 20 TAC SR (TURKAY) User Committee with 13 staff is established. July 6, 2011 Coordinator : Dr. Ozgul Kurtulus Scientific collaboration between TAC and European Synchrotron User Organisation (ESUO) First International Workshop on Machine and Research Aspects of the Proposed Turkish Light Sources (TAC-LSUM2011) July 4–6, 2011, Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey Second International TAC Light Sources Users Meeting (TAC-LSUM2012) October 6-7, 2012, IAT, Ankara University Third International TAC Light Sources Users Meeting (TAC-LSUM2013) October 5-7, 2013, Ankara University, Ankara It is planned that TURKAY project will be presented to the government in 2014 Construction phase of TURKAY Facility will cover 2015-2023 period.
TAC SASE FEL Facility (TURKSEL) 21 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 Up to now, for TAC SASE FEL facility, we have studied on a dedicated 1 GeV superconducting electron linac based (with TESLA type RF cavities) FEL optimization to scan 1-100 nm wavelength region (a FLASH like facility). To reach subnanometer region, we studied FEL optimization with electron beam energies up to 6 GeV. TAC SASE FEL FEL optimization with in vacuum und. Optic, 123 (2012) 1006-1009
X-Band XFEL Proposal for TURKSEL 22 By the October 2012 a proposal concerning using X- band linac technology (12 GHz, 70 MV/m) on TAC SASE FEL facility from CERN CLIC team came up. We evaluate the details and feasibility of proposal in a special two days meeting together with some of ISAC members and representatives from CERN-CLIC, TAEK, KB and BSTB and prepared a report (15p). Meeting on Feasibility of an X-Band Linac Based FEL in Turkey within TAC project January 17-18, 2013, IAT Ankara University
X-Band XFEL Proposal for TURKSEL The proposed project has four natural phases: 1) the preparation phase (a) CDR (1 year) (b) TDR, RF and klaystron test stands (4 years) 2) the construction of the injector and the X-band acceleration to 2.5 GeV; 3) the construction of the final stage of X-band acceleration to 5-6 GeV. 4) installation of undulator sections and experimental stations. (2,3,4 stages: 6 years) O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 23
TAC Particle (Charm) Factory (TURKFAB) 24 One of the main parts of TAC project is the electron-positron collider as a “super charm factory” consisting of a 1 GeV electron linac and a 3.6 GeV positron ring for linac on ring type [1] and a detector to search for charm physics, mainly the CP violation and mixings of D^0-mesons, as well as new physics effects in the rare decays. [1] E. Recepoglu, S. Sultansoy, “A High luminosity ERL on ring e- e+ collider for a super charm factory”, Turk.J.Phys. 35, 257(2011); e-Print:arXiv:0809.3233 [physics.acc-ph]. In recent years, ERLs are quite favored for colliders (especially for super factories) due to their high luminosity requirements: L=10^35-10^36 1/cm^2s^-1. TAC PF is collaborated with BESIII (China) in 2011 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013
TAC Particle (Charm) Factory (TURKFAB) 25 Flavor Factory Projects (PDG2010/ECFA2010): TAC Super Charm Factory (TURKFAB) (Turkey) Beam energies: Ee-=1 GeV, Ee+=3.6 GeV, Lumi=1.4x10^35cm-2s-1 Ec.m.= 3.77 GeV Super Charm/Tau Factory (Novosibirsk, Russia) Beam energies: Ee+=Ee-= up to 2 GeV, Lumi=10^35 cm-2s-1 Super KEKB (KEK, Japan) Beam energies: Ee-=7 GeV, Ee+=4 GeV, Lumi=8x10^35cm-2s-1 Super B (INFN, Italy) Beam energies: Ee-=4.2 GeV, Ee+=6.7 GeV, Lumi=1x10^36cm-2s-1 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013
26 TAC PF TAC Particle (Charm) Factory (TURKFAB) Based on ISAC and ECFA recommendations, it is planned that, TAC PF will be transformed to a global project with international collaborations. O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013
25 TAC Proton Accelerator Facility (TURKPRO) TAC Proton Accelerator is proposed as a multipurpose, GeV energy and MW power scale machine 3 -20-65-150-250 MeV steps are planned as low energy part and high energy part of machine will be achive to 2 GeV O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 27
Schematic view of accelerator sections and experimental stations of TAC PAF 28 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013
Research Potential of TAC PAF (TURKPRO) 29 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 Nuclear physics Material science Industrial and defence aplications Space applications Biological and medical research Radioisotopes production Proton therapy Neutron production Accelerator driven systems (ADS) Radioactive ion beams WORKSHOP ON TURKISH ACCELERATOR CENTER PROTON ACCELERATOR FACILITY MACHINE AND RESEARCH POTENTIAL May 7-8, 2012 Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Istanbul NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PROTON ACCELERATORS AND APPLICATIONS April 18-19, 2013 SANAEM-TAEK Ankara It is planned that LE PAF (3-250 MeV) Facility project will be presented to the Ministry of Development in 2014
30 “Green field” campus view of TAC TAC SR Facility TAC SASE FEL Facility TAC PAF Facility Other Buildings: Institutes, User offices, Workshops, Library, Guesthouse etc. Linac on Ring PF (optional)
Other main activities on accelerators in Turkey 32 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013
National Organizations and International Projects National Congress on Particle Accelerators and Their Applications (UPHUK): UPHUK in every three years since 2001 National Summer School on Particle Accelerators and Detectors (UPHDYO): UPHDYO schools are organized since 2005 in every year. Participation in International Accelerator Activities THERA (TESLA on HERA) & Photon Collider Collaborations @ DESY 1996-2001 with AU Acc. Phys. Research Group ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, CTF3, CLIC and LHeC Collaborations @ CERN 1990 - Cont. with ~ 150 people from >20 Universities. 33 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013
UPHUK (National Congress) : 2001, 2004, 2007, 2010,2013 UPHDYO (National School) : 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013 UPHUK V (2013), UPHDYO IX (2013) 8th International Accelerator School on Linear Colliders (ASC2013, December 4-15, 2013, Antalya, Turkey) 34 National & International Activities UPHUK IV (Bodrum, 2010) UPHDYO VIII (Bodrum, 2012) 34
Collaboration with SESAME (Jordan) Synchrotron-light Experimental Science and Applications in Middle East Turkey is member of SESAME Project since 2002 Members: Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestine Authority Council: President: C. L. Smith (UK) Representatives: Z. Alper, I. Koca (Turkey) Head of SAC : Z. Sayers (Turkey) Contributions Design of beam lines and exp. stations & financial support 35 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 35
36 The machine 15-30 MeV proton cyclotron (Cyclon 30, IBA) Purpose Radioisotope production R&D with proton beam Facility Location: Sarayköy Nuclear Research and Training Center (SANAEM), Ankara The facility has already been commissioned and opened to service on May 30, 2012 by Prime Minister. Turkish Atomic Authority (TAEK) Proton Accelerator Facility O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 36 Presentation in UPHUK-V: Dr. Ali Tanrıkut (TAEK)
Turkey – CERN Relations 1961: Observer status 1990: Participation to LHC Project 2003: Participation to LHC Project 2009: Goverment’s application for membership 2010: Visit of CERN Committe about membership issue 2010: Approval of CERN Council as a candiate country 2012: Turkey’s new application for associate membership Expectations: Associate membership: 2013 Full membership: 2018 Participated CERN Projects: ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, ISOLDE, CAST, CTF3, CLIC, LHeC Ankara University (July 2010) Presidency of Republic of Turkey (July 2010) 37
38 O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013 Recently, Ministry of Development prepared and presented to the government a new law proposal together with other related Ministries and authorities to get a new organization of national and thematic research centers in Turkey. It is expected that this law will be approved up to end of 2013. The main aim of new law is to categorize existing and proposed research centers as national and thematic and to satisfy more powerful management, financial and personnel support to the centers. New law is also proposing a new performance control of the centers by TUBİTAK. Based on this law it is expected that TAC will be defined as a National Research Center as officially and a new management will be defined. We hope that, just after this arrangement, the TAC studies will be continue as planned and more powerful. New law on National Research Centers in Turkey and expected statute for TAC
Conclusions 39 We have a time schedule for the proposed facilities of TAC, up to the mid of 2020’s. Schedule for near future: - LE PAF and TAC SR projects will be presented to the MD in 2014 - TARLA accelerator will be ready at the end of 2015 - TARLA will be ready for reserach with IR FEL in 2017 - The scientific, industrial and technological strategy report of TAC is under consideration. After becoming a National Research Center, TAC will be very powerfull in budged and personal issues and TAC will found chance to become official member of big scale European projects as ESS and Euro XFEL. We believe that associate membership of Turkey to CERN, will be very important for CERN’s contribution to TAC and full membership of Turkey to CERN, also. O. Yavas, TAC, UPHUK-V - Bodrum - 2013
40 September 7, 2013, Decision day for the place of Olimpic Games 2020
39 Thanks to Thank you for your attention… - The Turkish Ministry of Development - The Turkish Ministry of Development - Ankara University Rectorate and Rectorates of Universities in TAC Collaboration and Rectorates of Universities in TAC Collaboration - Members of TAC-ISAC and TAC-IMAC - Members of TAC-ISAC and TAC-IMAC - The Atomic Energy Authority of Turkey - The Atomic Energy Authority of Turkey - The Turkish Physical Society - The Turkish Physical Society - Bodrum Belediye Başkanlığına - Bodrum Belediye Başkanlığına - Advisory, Scientific and Organizing Committees of UPHUK-V Congress - Advisory, Scientific and Organizing Committees of UPHUK-V Congress
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