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Published byYadira Long Modified over 10 years ago
INDEX Obligation Pay in Import Files Client Holding Direct Payout Payout To Clients Inter settlement With Holding Pool To Beneficiary Transfer Beneficiary To Beneficiary Transfer And Pledge Release. Shortage Transfer Outward From Beneficiary (Off Market /Inter Dp) Stock Register
Obligation Summary Client Wise(187) Demat Bse_Cash Reports II Obligation Reports (1037) Obligation Summary Client Wise(187) Client and Exchange Buy / Sale position (client wise) per Mkt/Settlement. Note: - Select Market Type from drop down list and type in the Settlement No. - If particular client, then enter client code/s in Client-ID List (Comma Separated). - If particular scrip, then enter scrip code/s in Scrip-Code List (Comma Separated). - Select whether you like to see the report with clearing member by selecting NO/YES. - After providing necessary parameters click on Generate Report to go to output screen.
Obligation summary
Chapter 1 - Obligation Obligation Summary Scrip Wise(160) Demat Bse_Cash Reports II Obligation Reports (1037) Obligation Summary Scrip Wise(160) Client and Exchange Buy / Sale position (scrip wise) per Mkt/Settlement. Note: - Select Market Type from drop down list and type in the Settlement No. - If particular client then enter client code/s in Client-ID List (Comma Separated). - If particular scrip then enter scrip code/s in Scrip-Code List (Comma Separated). - Select whether you like to see the report with clearing member by selecting NO/YES. - After providing necessary parameters Generate Report to go to output screen.
Pay In Report
PayIn from Broker Beneficiary Demat Bse_Cash / Nse_cash Vouchers Beneficiary To Market Note: - Provide Bill Date. - Select Market Type, Settlement No from drop down list. - Select Transfer to NSDL/CDSL (pool to which you would like to transfer the shares). - Select Beneficiary from drop down list. - Provide Execution Date from calendar help or type in the date (DD/MM/YYYY) default will be current date. - Provide Voucher Date from calendar help or type in the date (DD/MM/YYYY) default will be current date, After selection of settlement voucher date will change to that settlements pay in date provided in settlement master. - After providing necessary parameters click on view button for process screen. - Based on Setl Sale Qty, Recd Qty, Total Available Quantity in Beneficiary and CL. Av. Qty. i.e.: if the quantity available in beneficiary belongs to that particular client then Only Transfer Qty is populated with qty else zero qty.
Pay In from Beneficiary
Instruction Screen
If Broker is a DP Client Beneficiary To Pool Demat Bse_Cash / Nse_cash Reports I Cl Beneficiary To Pool This is the process wherein you can transfer stock from Clients beneficiary A/c if the broker is a DP (NSDL or CDSL) having limited Power Of Attorney with him to make a pay in for the clients. For this system to work clients POA status should be marked yes in Dp Catalogue. Note: - Select Market Type & Settlement No from drop down list. - If particular client then enter client code/s in Client-ID List (Comma Separated). - If particular scrip then enter scrip code/s in Scrip-Code List (Comma Separated). - If particular family select family from drop down list. - Select Considering SOH Yes if Pay In to be done base on available qty in client a/c and No if reverse. - If particular branch then enter branch code/s in Branch List (Comma Separated). - In put DP ID in dp id option and operator id in opt id column (as shown in screen) - And if u don’t want not to consider the previous settlement sale stock you can input previous settlement number in respective exchange previous settlement list box - After providing necessary parameters click on view button to go to process screen.
POA Pay In
Pay In from Pool
Early PayIn Demat Bse_Cash Vouchers Early PayIn To Exchange This is the process wherein you can make Early PayIn either from NSDL or CDSL pool based on the available qty in pools or based on obligation qty. Note: 1- Select Market Type, Settlement No from drop down list. 2- Select PayIn from NSDL/CDSL (pool from which you would like to make PayIn). 3- Provide Execution Date from calendar help or type in the date(DD/MM/YYYY) default will be current date. 4- Select Available in Pool checkbox if PayIn based on the available qty in pool else do not select. 5- Obligation Qty is sell qty, Credit Qty is PayIn done, NSDL Pool Qty is qty available in pool, Trans Qty quantity to transfer. 6- Click on new batch and input slip no in slip no box 7- Click on net sale quantity if u want to consider internal sale obligation 6- Checkbox provided to select/deselect a particular scrip. 7- Quantity punched above zero in Trans Qty then only it will get processed. 8- After providing all the necessary fields you can process by clicking on process button.
Import SpeedE File Demat Bse_Cash Vouchers Import Transactions This is the place wherein you can import different files related to PayIn and Payout. Note: - Here we have shown e.g. for importing Speed-E file. - By default speed option is selected. You need to browse and select the speed-e file from where it is located and click on Import button. - In Data Selection you have three options to select from. All – If you want to import all the transactions irrespective of settlement or date. Date-Wise – If you want to import transactions date wise. Settlement-wise – If you want to import transactions settlement wise. - In Transaction-Selection you have three options to select from. Only New– To import only new transactions (i.e. trans which are not there in our database.) Only Existing – To import existing transactions which already exists in our database, if the file is already imported before. Both – To import New as well as Existing transactions. - After selecting appropriate options click on Continue Import button to complete import process.
Summary about the Transactions that we import and do not import from the different files imported from Import Transactions option in Vouchers menu are as under. File: Speed By default we do not import RI transactions from speed-e file (i.e. RI are payout transactions that comes in Nsdl Pool from CM). We import payout from RCBDL(Bse)/CADT(Nse) file. File: DP89 By importing DP89 we take on-market transactions. Scrips that comes in CDSL pool given by client via on-market root and taken by clearing house as payin. File: DPC9 By importing DPC9 we take on-market transactions, as well as inter-dp transactions (cdsl client to cdsl pool and nsdl client to cdsl pool), and off- market transactions also. Note:- if you are importing DPC9 than you don’t have to import DP89
Import of Files
When stock comes in dummy settlement in CDSL, so to transfer that stock from dummy settlement to LIVE settlement you have to do the above process
Internal Pay In for BSE_CASH Demat Bse_Cash Vouchers internal payin Note: -Select market type -Provide settlement number -provide voucher Date. -input slip number -click process button to generate the instructions -For report view
Internal Report
PayIn from Pools Demat Bse_Cash / Nse_cash Vouchers PayIn To Exchange This is the process wherein you can make a Pay In either from Nsdl or Cdsl pool based on the available qty in pools or based on obligation qty. Note: - Select Market Type, Settlement No from drop down list. - Select Pay In from NSDL/CDSL (pool from which you would like to make PayIn). - Provide Execution Date from calendar help or type in the date(DD/MM/YYYY) default will be current date. - Select Available in Pool checkbox if PayIn based on the available qty in pool else do not select. - Credit Qty is sell qty, Confirmed Qty is PayIn done and confirmed by exchange, - Non-Confirmed Qty Pay In done not yet confirmed by exchange
Report no 194- this is client wise pay in report of a specific settlement and market type For specific branch input branch code in branch box For specific client input client code in client box Notes:- -tick on inter settlement qty box for viewing only pay in through inter settlement -tick on short qty if you want to view only short qty -do not tick on any option if you want to view report with all options -otherwise tick on the option if u want to for a specific option
Inward Stock Report
Report no 195- this is scrip wise pay in report of a specific settlement and market type For specific branch input branch code in branch box For specific scrip input scrip code in scrip box Notes:- -tick on inter settlement qty box for viewing only pay in through inter settlement -tick on short qty if you want to view only short qty -do not tick on any option if you want to view report with all options -otherwise tick on the option if u want to for a specific option
Outward Stock Report
Inward Shortage
Select the Bill Date of which you are doing Pay Out and want to hold shares in Beneficiary.
Select the Market Type and Settlement No. will come automatically.
Here you have to select the parameter of Hold whether you want to Hold for Debit Balance or for Inter Settlement or for Beneficiary Client or for all options.
Define Market Type and BSE & NSE target settlement of inter settlement. And tick on FA Bal check box and click View Button.
Client Holding
After your process is complete this screen will come showing all items as blocked.
We have provided 7 Parameters for Hold which are: First -> Inter Settlement including To Client + To Ben + X-Factor -> This option holds shares for all fields for Clients having Debit Balance & Clients defined to always Hold & Client who have done Inter Settlement. Second -> Inter Settlement except To Client + To Ben + X-Factor -> This option holds shares for all fields for Clients having Debit Balance & Clients defined to always Hold & Client who have done Inter Settlement. Here Clients have done Inter Settlement but is defined to always transfer to Clients will not be hold. Third -> Only Inter Settlement Shares will hold. Forth -> Inter Settlement Shares will hold, but not for Clients who are defined as to always transfer shares to his account. Fifth -> Shares for Clients with Debit Balance & defined to always took to Beneficiary will hold. Sixth -> Clients defined to always transfer shares in Brokers Beneficiary will hold. Seventh -> Clients having debit balance will be hold. Market Type:- This option of Market is provided so that you can transfer shares from Normal to Auction also & vice versa. Target Settlements: -You can provide ‘n’ no. of comma separated Settlements for both BSE & NSE, useful when two combine Pay In Pay Out is there. Ignore POA Inter Settlement:- Tick this box if you do not want to hold shares for Inter Settlement if the client is has given POA to you.
Client Holding Demat Bse_Cash /Nse_Cash Vouchers Client Holding Client Hold is a mid layer method of doing demat in a predefined way. It acts as a container for doing payout whether going to client or broker beneficiary, Inter settlement. Notes: - Provide Bill Date. - Select Market Type, Settlement No from drop down list. - for all hold tick on all hold option.through this option your full payout will be transferred to beneficiary a/c
Direct Payout Demat Bse_Cash / Nse_Cash Vouchers Payout To Clients Note: - Provide trade date, select Mkt-Type from drop down list, select Setl-No, Branch Code if you want to do payout for particular branch. - Select Direct option to make a direct payout. - Provide appropriate execution date as well as voucher date. - Click on view button to view the clients eligible for payout. - Select the appropriate client and scrip checkbox provided on the extreme left which allows or prevents you to do payout to particular clients or their scrips. - You can modify the quantity as required. - You can select the client BO A/c from the drop down list if the client is having multiple BO A/c. - You can select the default beneficiary if payout to be taken in broker beneficiary A/c. - After providing all the details click on Process button. - After processing, You need to click on Export button to make DPC file. If doing payout from BSE then export only once after Normal and Trade 4 Trade process. If doing payout from NSE then export for Normal and Trade 4 Trade respectively.The files are exported in c:\servers\ImportTradeFiles\Export folder.
Market Payout
Import RCBDL/CADT File For Direct Payout Reconciliation Demat Bse_Cash / Nse_Cash Vouchers Import Transactions Note: Select RCBDL/CADT (Direct Payout) option from File Type. Select Mkt-Type, SetlNo, browse for the file and then click on import buttonto import the file. In this process the payout that came in RCBDL/CADT is matched with the payout done by the software. The mismatch is accordingly updated, inserted
: RCBDL/CADT (Direct Payout) By importing RCBDL/CADT file with this option we reconcile the direct payout. Reconcile process confirms the direct payout transactions which matches with the RCBDL file and reverts other transactions. File: RCBDL/CADT (NSDL/CDSL Pool Payout) By importing RCBDL/CADT file with this option we take the payout that comes in NSDL and CDSL pool from clearing house. File: DFRS (NSDL/CDSL Estimated Pool Payout) By importing DFRS file with this option we take the payout that comes in NSDL and CDSL pool from clearing house. (It is estimated file not dependable)
Pool To Beneficiary Transfer Demat Bse_Cash / Nse_Cash Vouchers Pool To Beneficiary Transfer Notes: This process is used to transfer stock lying in pool in particular Mkt Type and settlement no. The stock can be the holded stock or normal stock. By this process the holded stock can be released in beneficiary. We need to select MktType-SetlNo, Pool from which to transfer, Voucher Date, Execution Date. Click on View button to see the detail and then Click on process button to process.
– Client Intersettlement With Holding Demat Bse_Cash Vouchers Cl Intersettlement With Holding Notes: Client Intersettlement is meant to generate instruction to transfer stock from one settlement to other settlement. Only the holded stock can be used for intersettlement. You have to input settlement in from settlement box i.e(source settlement) In this process the settlement you choose is the to settlement.i.e (target settlement) Select to Market Type, To Settlement No and provide execution date and then click view button for possible intersettlement conditions. To process click on process button.
- Payout To Clients From NSDL/CDSL Pool A/c Demat Bse_Cash / Nse_Cash Vouchers Payout To Clients Notes: - Provide trade date, select Mkt-Type from drop down list, select Setl-No, Branch Code if you want to do payout for particular branch. - Select NSDL/CDSL option to make payout from respective pools. - Provide appropriate execution date as well as voucher date. - Click on view button to view the clients eligible for payout. - If client wise selected, select appropriate client and scrip checkbox provided on the extreme left which allows or prevents you to do payout to particular clients or their scrips. This screen shows you the Client, Scrip, BoId in which the scrip is to be delivered, Quantity to deliver, Hold quantity if any, Quantity that will be delivered based on the available quantity in NSDL pool using FIFO method After providing all the details click on Process button to complete the process. Same process applies to make payout from CDSL pool.
Shortage Transfer –Demat Bse_Cash / Nse_Cash Report-I Shortage Transfer Notes: After all the required processes are done for PayIn and Payout, If there are Shortages in Normal Settlement which are going to be meet by Auction we need to transfer them to Auction Settlement and if same in Auction then transfer to Closeout. The reason behind doing so is to complete one Mkt-Setl or settle it so no looking back into Normal market for Auction or Auction To Closeout. This way all Mkt-Setl are dealt with their own respective Mkt-Setl.
Shortage Transfer
–Pledge Release Demat Bse_Cash/ Nse_Cash Vouchers Pledge Release Notes: - To Transfer clients scrips from one beneficiary to another or to pledge this process is used. - Select From Beneficiary A/c from which scrips to be transferred. - Select To Beneficiary A/c to which the scrips to be transferred. - Here you have option of viewing the scenario clientwise or scripwise. - U can release for a single client/scrip by inputting client/scrip in respective fields - You also have With Sale option with provision to give settlement no so that you can release the scrips which are sold by clients and are in pledge account for payin. - Provide To Date. This the date till which the available stock in beneficiary will be seen. - Provide Execution date. This date will be reflected in the instructions given to Dp. - As you can see in Fig. below there are two PQty column (Till Dt) and (Fin End). we take stock available on two dates one is Till Date = To date and one till financial year end date as some scrip may be in InTransit. - Click on view button to view and then process button to process.
Pledge Release
Stock in Hand
Net Obligation Summary
Net Obligation Detail
E-Stock Register
Beneficiary Stock Ageing
Off Market Payout Net ledger balance is derived by selected parameters
Internal Shortage
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