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Chalk Board Notes l Objective: To impart awareness of P.Eng. admissions requirements. To impart awareness of the essential framework of PEO’s Code of Ethics.

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Presentation on theme: "Chalk Board Notes l Objective: To impart awareness of P.Eng. admissions requirements. To impart awareness of the essential framework of PEO’s Code of Ethics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chalk Board Notes l Objective: To impart awareness of P.Eng. admissions requirements. To impart awareness of the essential framework of PEO’s Code of Ethics

2 Week 5 QUIZ l CAD, Mechanical Drawing & Freehand l Chapters 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 13, 14.1 l Thermal Resistance 30 minutes, Communication Lab Multiple Choice or Short Answer

3 READ l Chpt 2: The Licensed Professional Engineer definition of professional engineering admission to the profession l Chpt 3: Professional Engineering Ethics Code of Ethics (Later)Professional Misconduct (Later) (Self Learn) l Chpt 7: Technical Writing Basic (Self Learn)

4 Professional Engineering Admission to the Profession + Introduction to Ethics and Conduct

5 Engineering is a Profession “A profession is a self-selected, self- disciplined group of individuals who hold themselves out to the public as possessing a special skill derived from training and education and who are prepared to exercise that skill in the interest of others.” S.C. Florman

6 Methods of Regulation 1.Government Departments 2.Independent Agencies 3.Self-Regulation

7 Legal Definition of Professional Engineering “Professional Engineering is any act of designing, composing, evaluating, advising, reporting, directing, or supervising wherein the safeguarding of life, health, property, or the public welfare is concerned, and that requires the application of engineering principles, but does not include practising as a natural scientist” Prof. Eng. Act, Ontario

8 Legal Definition of Professional Engineering designing, composing, evaluating, advising, reporting, directing, or supervising safeguarding of life, health, property, or the public welfare engineering principles “Professional Engineering is any act of designing, composing, evaluating, advising, reporting, directing, or supervising wherein the safeguarding of life, health, property, or the public welfare is concerned, and that requires the application of engineering principles, but does not include practising as a natural scientist” Prof. Eng. Act, Ontario

9 Admission Requirements 1.Canadian citizen or permanent resident 2.18+ years old 3.Academic requirements (e.g., CEAB accredited program) 4.Experience Requirement 4 years (up to one year pre-graduation) 5.Professional Practice Exam (Law & Ethics) 6.Good Character

10 Engineering Experience 1.Application of Theory 2.Practical Experience 3.Management of Engineering 4.Communication Skills 5.Social Implications of Engineering

11 Student Membership Program > Student Membership Program (SMP) >Resources >Pre Grad Experience

12 Certificate of Authorization A must if delivering professional engineering services to the general public! That is, a professional engineering license is necessary, but not sufficient, to deliver professional engineering services to the general public.

13 Engineering Ethics Comic Strip

14 Engineering Ethics General:1.(i) fairness, loyalty, (ii) fidelity, (iii) personal honour, integrity, (iv) knowledge, (v) competence 2.Duty to Society 3. Duty to Employers 4/5.Duty to Clients 6/7.Duty to Colleagues, Employees, and Subordinates 8.Duty to the Engineering Profession

15 Duty to Society 2(i)regard the practitioner’s duty to public welfare paramount 2(ii)endeavour... to enhance the public regard for the practitioner’s profession.... 2(iii) not express publically... opinions on professional matters that are not founded on adequate knowledge and honest conviction,

16 Duty to Clients 5.employee-engineer and is contracting... for other than the practitioner’s employer, must <tell client and employer of work, and perform without conflict>.

17 Duty to Colleagues, Employees,and Subordinates 6.... must co-operate with other professionals... 7(ii)not accept... to review the work of another practitioner for same employer except with knowledge of the other practitioner... 7(iv)not attempt to gain an advantage... by paying or accepting a commission...

18 Duty to Colleagues, Employees,and Subordinates give proper credit 7(v) give proper credit... uphold... adequate compensation... interchange of engineering information and experience. 8.... maintain honour and integrity of practitioner’s profession...

19 Professional Misconduct Harassment Negligence

20 Iron Ring “Obligation of the Engineer” oath by Rudyard Kipling (1925) Ritual of the Calling of the Engineer Corporation of the Seven Wardens (Camps) Iron Ring DOES NOT indicate a degree!!

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