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Insert name of presentation on Master Slide Managing Stress in the Workplace September 2013 Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey.

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Presentation on theme: "Insert name of presentation on Master Slide Managing Stress in the Workplace September 2013 Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Insert name of presentation on Master Slide Managing Stress in the Workplace September 2013 Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

2 Introductions Healthy Working Wales Healthy Working Wales – Val Scholey

3 Aim of Today To give managers an insight of what stress is, how it manifests in the workplace, what the scale of the problem is and how to manage it. To give managers a range of tools to use in the workplace to help them manage stress. Healthy Working Wales – Val Scholey

4 What is Stress? “...a situation wherein job-related factors interact with the worker to change his or her psychological and/or physiological condition such that the person is forced to deviate from normal functioning.” Newman and Beehr (1971) HSE Definition: –“The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed upon them at work.” Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

5 What Stress is Not Stress is not an illness, it is a state. –A certain amount of pressure is good and may keep people concentrated and motivated. –Too much stress may lead to ill health. Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

6 Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey Yerkes-Dodson - 1908 Pressure Fatigue Exhaustion Ill health Burnout Optimal Performance ImprovementImprovement

7 Causes of Stress External to Workplace Internal to Workplace Finances Insecurity Nature of work Insufficient training High expectations Working hours - Too many/too few Change in working conditions Bullying/harassment Lack of recognition Poor management Work environment Heat, cold, lighting, noise etc. Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey Finances Health Relationships Bereavement Domestic Violence Moving House

8 HSE Management Standards Demand Support Relationships Control Role Change Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

9 Signs and Health Symptoms of Stress Heart palpitations Fatigue Sweaty palms Nausea Dry mouth Trembling High blood pressure Pain – neck, shoulder, back Heart disease Anger Anxiety Depression Hopelessness Frustration Irritability Resentment Restlessness Pessimism Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

10 Signs and Health Symptoms of Stress Loss of humour Mind racing/blanking Confusion Poor diet Heavy smoking/drinking Upset stomach Tension headaches Arriving late/leaving early Extended hours Absenteeism Resigned attitude Reduced social contact Poor memory/ concentration Difficulty making decisions Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

11 Scale of the Problem From the Labour Force Survey 2011/12 –40% of all work related illnesses –428,000 cases Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

12 Managing Stress @ Work Good people management is vital Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

13 Managing Stress @ Work How do you impact on staff at work? HSE - Stress Management Competency Indicator Tool Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

14 Managing Stress @ Work Don’t hide from it or ignore it! Meet with the member of staff –Private, informal, correct person –Reason may prompt further investigation (eg bullying, poor management etc.) –Take notes Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

15 Managing Stress @ Work Consult with HR or Occ Health Consider what reasonable adjustments could be made by the organisation to reduce the impact on the employee Keep a record of what has been implemented Refer the employee to Occ Health, GP or private counselling Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

16 Managing Stress @ Work Stress-related absences –Short term Return to work interviews (Welcome back?) –Long term Regular contact - preferred method of employee Fit note/medical report Face to face meeting in neutral place to discuss return to work Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

17 Preventing Stress @ Work Communicate, communicate, communicate! Good relationships Review workload Breaks away from the workstation Set goals and review regularly Training – especially for a new role Watch out for change Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

18 Preventing Stress @ Work Mental health or stress policy Bullying & harassment policy Risk assessment Managers given training Flexible working practices Employees given information Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

19 Thank You! Any Questions? Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

20 References HSE (2013). Stress and Psychological Disorders HSE (2012). Work Related Stress – together we can tackle it. CIPD (2012). Stress and Mental Health at Work Suzy Lamplugh Trust (2003). Stress Management at Work XpertHR (2013). Line Manager Briefing: Stress ACAS (2012). The Future of Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace Healthy Working Wales Team – Val Scholey

21 Programme

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