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Citizen GEOSS Massimo Craglia European Commission Joint Research Centre

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Presentation on theme: "Citizen GEOSS Massimo Craglia European Commission Joint Research Centre"— Presentation transcript:

1 Citizen GEOSS Massimo Craglia European Commission Joint Research Centre

2 The GEOSS Vision The document presented for approval to the Ministerial meeting at GEO X states: “a future wherein decisions and actions for the benefit of human kind are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations, and information.” Question: Decisions and Actions by WHOM?

3 From GEOSS Phase I to Phase II In the first 10 years GEOSS primarily addresses actions and decisions by governments and international organisations, as most Earth Observing Systems were, and are established and maintained by the public sector Since 2005 there has been an increasing role of the private sector in EO, but above all the general public has become a major contributor to Earth observation

4 For example DigitalGlobe covers more than 4.5 billion sq. km. with high resolution imagery URTHECAST is installing two high resolution video cameras on board the International Space Station on 27 January 2014 which will then stream HD video of the Earth between 51 0 and -51 0

5 While on the general public side… YouTube: is second largest search engine on the web, some 40% of YouTube's traffic now comes from mobile, comparing to just 25% last year and a 6% only two years ago. statistics-and-growth-2013-12#ixzz2qIN18jYgYouTube statistics-and-growth-2013-12#ixzz2qIN18jYg 2.5 billions photos are uploaded to @facebook each month

6 Excellent example ofp ower of the media and the public combined using free stallite imagery by INPE Launched in Sept 2008 to get the public to report illegal logging or forest fires in the Amazons Expected 1 million hits in 1 year Received 54 million reports in 3 months!

7 Therefore…. GEOSS in the next 10 years should make a renewed effort, where possible, to collaborate with the private sector while remaining an intergovernmental partnership [in the Vision Document] ….but should also be more open to contributions from the public [not in the Vision Document] This session a great opportunity to hear presentations from Citizens Observatories projects funded by the EC and explore how they can be integrated in the System of Systems.

8 Thank you for your attention

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