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Unit 5, Lesson 3 Judicial Review

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1 Unit 5, Lesson 3 Judicial Review
Essential Questions: How do court decisions impact the lives of citizens? Learning Target: (CC.7.S.3.12) IWBAT analyze the significance and outcomes of Marbury v Madison, Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown v Board of Education. Formative Assessment(s): What precedents were set in Marbury, Plessy, and Brown? Homework: Vocabulary Daily Rubric: 4 – I fully understand the learning target and I am ready to move on 3 – I feel like I have a good understanding of the learning target but I need to cover it a little more 2 – I feel kind of lost on the learning target and I need a lot of review before I can move on 1 – I am completely lost and feel like I need to completely cover this learning target over

2 Approval Rating for President Reaches Record High!
review Learning Target: (CC.7.S.3.12) IWBAT analyze the significance and outcomes of Marbury v Madison, Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown v Board of Education. Copy the question and the correct answer: 2. (SS.7.C.1.1) Below is a newspaper headline. What Enlightenment idea is represented by the headline? Checks and balances Natural law Separation of powers Social contract Daily News Approval Rating for President Reaches Record High!

3 Preview Learning Target: (CC. 7. S. 3
Preview Learning Target: (CC.7.S.3.12) IWBAT analyze the significance and outcomes of Marbury v Madison, Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown v Board of Education. 14th Amendment, Section 1 The 14th amendment protects the rights of all U.S. citizens. Make a list of rights you believe would be protected under the 14th amendment. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

4 Vocabulary Learning Target: (CC. 7. S. 3
Vocabulary Learning Target: (CC.7.S.3.12) IWBAT analyze the significance and outcomes of Marbury v Madison, Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown v Board of Education. Chief Justice: the presiding judge in a supreme court Precedent: An earlier court decision that guides judges’ decisions in later cases. Judicial review: The power of the U.S. Supreme Court to determine if a law passed by Congress or a presidential action is constitutional. 14th amendment: Defined citizenship and forbid states to restrict basic rights of citizens Segregation: the enforced separation of different racial groups in a country

5 Activity Learning Target: (CC. 7. S. 3
Activity Learning Target: (CC.7.S.3.12) IWBAT analyze the significance and outcomes of Marbury v Madison, Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown v Board of Education. Marbury v Madison video: Plessy v Ferguson: Brown v Board: Supreme Court packet Marbury, Plessy, and Brown

6 What precedents were set in Marbury, Plessy, and Brown?
Formative Assessment Learning Target: (CC.7.S.3.12) IWBAT analyze the significance and outcomes of Marbury v Madison, Plessy v Ferguson, and Brown v Board of Education. What precedents were set in Marbury, Plessy, and Brown? Grade yourself. Answer comes from pages

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