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Should the US government punish Southern states? Why? If so, how harshly should they be punished?

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Presentation on theme: "Should the US government punish Southern states? Why? If so, how harshly should they be punished?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Should the US government punish Southern states? Why? If so, how harshly should they be punished?

2 Three main problems Define the role and acceptable power of former Confederates Determine the role of the freedmen Determine which branch of government would be responsible for overseeing reconstruction

3 Lincoln’s Plan Johnson’s Plan Congress’ Plan Congressional Reconstruction OR Radical Reconstruction } Presidential Plans

4 AKA the 10% PLAN Announced in Dec. 1863 Required 10% of white men to swear allegiance (loyalty) to the constitution and the Union States could form a new state gov’t

5 Plan included emancipation of slaves Former Confederates CAN run local gov’ts 10% plan allowed full participation in Union

6 “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

7 Did not punish the South!! Republicans thought Lincoln was too soft No role for freedmen identified No guarantee of rights or future rights Too Easy? Just Right? YOU DECIDE!

8 Southern Democrat Known as a “War Democrat” Former slave owner Had only been VP for ~1 month

9 Granted AMNESTY (forgiveness) to former Confederates who signed a loyalty oath Except to wealthy plantation owners Restored all property, except slaves and confiscated lands

10 Voided secession laws and ratified the 13 th Amendment Cancelled war debts Vetoed est. of Freedman’s Bureau 1865 Provide food, clothing, hospitals, legal protection, & education for former slaves

11 More lenient than Lincoln! Amnesty only awarded to some southerners Did not move to help African-Americans Johnson’s plan was strongly opposed by Congress

12 Led by Radical Republicans AKA Radical Reconstruction 1866: passed the Civil Rights Act Vetoed by Pres. Johnson Bypasses Pres. Johnson and issues Reconstruction Act of 1867 State gov’ts declared illegal

13 South divided into 5 military districts

14 States must adopt a constitution guaranteeing all male citizens the right to vote Elect a new government Ratify the 14 th amendment (no white southerner who served as Conf. soldier/official could vote on new constitutional amendment) Ratify the 15 th amendment


16 “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.”

17 “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

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