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Delay/Phase Regeneration Circuits Crescenzo D’Alessandro, Andrey Mokhov, Alex Bystrov, Alex Yakovlev Microelectronics Systems Design Group School of EECE.

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Presentation on theme: "Delay/Phase Regeneration Circuits Crescenzo D’Alessandro, Andrey Mokhov, Alex Bystrov, Alex Yakovlev Microelectronics Systems Design Group School of EECE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delay/Phase Regeneration Circuits Crescenzo D’Alessandro, Andrey Mokhov, Alex Bystrov, Alex Yakovlev Microelectronics Systems Design Group School of EECE Newcastle University, UK

2 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 2/28 Outline Introduction Background on Phase-encoding Dual-rail/multiple-rail phase encoding Motivation for the present work Taxonomy Latch-based designs MUTEX-based designs Design types Conclusions

3 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 3/28 Phase Encoding Dual-Rail Main idea: encode data on the phase relationship between two identical out- of-phase signals Resistant to transient faults Similarity with dual-rail dual-spacer protocol

4 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 4/28 Multiple Rail No group of wires has the same delay All wires toggle when an item of data is sent

5 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 5/28 Phase Corruption Phase corruption is due to jitter (introduced by the gates), physical wire fabric and transistor mismatches Mismatch in process variations cause a systematic delay offset to appear between the two lines, which could cause errors in decoding Additionally, cross-talk causes symbol-dependent phase corruption As the wires are always “allies” in terms of cross-talk, the longer the wire, the more corrupted the phase relationship between the wires What is then the optimal length of wire which “guarantees” that the phase relationship is maintained?

6 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 6/28 Phase Corruption Example of phase corruption No change in sequence Change in absolute value of phase

7 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 7/28 Taxonomy Different design styles can be identified We focus in this presentation on digital implementations Latch-based designs A latch is used on each wire Gate-level implementation Transistor-level implementation MUTEX-based designs A single MUTEX is used to arbitrate between the two edges “Early-propagating” “Merging”

8 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 8/28 Parameters Maximum input time separation affected δ max Events whose time separation is > δ max retain their original separation Circuit latency λ Time between the first event occurring and the corresponding output being generated Response time ζ Time between the two events below which the time separation cannot be regenerated Capture range κ= δ max – ζ Using the convention sometimes used in PLLs to give a value for the range Linearity

9 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 9/28 Graphs δ max λ ζ κ Linearity: how flat this part is

10 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 10/28 Passive Solution “Textbook” solution Different response for rising/falling – can be matched using balanced drivers Not very linear Capacitor size a problem – also introduces latency

11 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 11/28 Latch-based Gate level/1

12 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 12/28 Latch-based Gate level/1 Latches are transparent at startup They are closed after one edge arrives at the output They are then reopened after the pulse is finished 6 FO4 capture range, stops working around 5 FO4 input delta Difference in rising and falling behaviour

13 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 13/28 Latch-based Gate level/2 Similar to previous design Two pulse generators – faster Only blocks one output and not both Only one output used – less difference between rising and falling edges

14 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 14/28 Latch-based Transistor level

15 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 15/28 Latch-based T ransistor level Better latency and response Capture range can be increased increasing tau Good linearity

16 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 16/28 MUTEX-based

17 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 17/28 MUTEX-based Higher latency (complex gates) Good response and capture range Poor linearity Early-propagating

18 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 18/28 MUTEX-based “Infinite” capture range – lower-bounded Flat response Very high latency – dependent on input time separation NOR-MUTEX is slow

19 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 19/28 STG for Repeater STG for a repeater Use timing assumptions: i1- -> p1 -> g11-, g12- g11- -> i1+ … and mirror ones This STG can be synthesised using PETRIFY Synthesised version in next slide…

20 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 20/28 MUTEX-based w/PETRIFY Very good linearity and capture range High latency independent on input until 0.5 FO4 Generated using PETRIFY (STG in previous slide)

21 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 21/28 TSE Transition Sequence Encoder This circuit generates a number of requests based on an input matrix The acknowledgments can be either “proper” or a delayed version of the output signals Can be used as a phase-encoder

22 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 22/28 MUTEX-TSE This solution is similar to the MUTEX-based one, only using the TSE as a sender λ < 2 FO4 Increasing output time separation dependent on the input (output δ > 8FO4)

23 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 23/28 TSE – Transistor-level Like above, only rising and falling edge Transistor-level implementation of the TSE Results similar to the previous case Note the similarity with the transistor-level latch-based design

24 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 24/28 Multiple-rail Multiple-rail phase-encoding requires similar designs to regenerate the phase relationship The design on the right is a simple expansion of the previous latch-based design Very slow response Only useful for large δ Acceptable latency

25 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 25/28 Multiple-rail “merge” Better design: use a TSE Shown: 3-wires regeneration – left, rising edge only, right; rising and falling edges Better response, but λ depends on the input time separation (needs to wait for all inputs to be present)

26 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 26/28 Performance comparison Dual-rail implementations Area in transistor count κ and λ in FO4 Area and energy for “Latch-based transistor level” design is for no keeper/keeper “Charge compensation”: area calculated estimating the size of the capacitors Avg. for rise/fall DesignAreapJ/bitζκλ Latch-based 1580.826 (avg)22.5 Latch-based 2680.59433.5 Mod. MUTEX881.17<0.517 Automatic Synthesis 940.9<0.157 MUTEX-based merging 1100.98<0.1  δ input Latch-based transistor level 28/320.43/0.47<0.53 11 Charge- compensation 240.22244 (avg) TSE gate-level740.78<0.1  δ input TSE transistor- level 520.79<0.1  δ input

27 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 27/28 Conclusions Some phase-regeneration circuits have been presented More work to do: Metastability behaviour, in particular for keeper structures Behaviour in case of faults Characterisation with different input signal slopes

28 ASYNC 2007 - C D'Alessandro et al. - 28/28 Contact details Crescenzo S. D’Alessandro Microelectronics Systems Design Group School of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering Merz Court Newcastle University, UK Crescenzo.D’

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