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AP Literature The AP Test: We Are Here!. AP Test 55 multiple choice questions (1 hour) Three essays: 1. Poetry: know your poetry terms 2. Prose: do this.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Literature The AP Test: We Are Here!. AP Test 55 multiple choice questions (1 hour) Three essays: 1. Poetry: know your poetry terms 2. Prose: do this."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Literature The AP Test: We Are Here!

2 AP Test 55 multiple choice questions (1 hour) Three essays: 1. Poetry: know your poetry terms 2. Prose: do this last; function analysis 3. Open: know your novels/plays; (40 minutes each)

3 AP Test: Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Testing (Get Rid of Distractions!!): 1)Work first on accuracy and second on efficiency: first, get comfortable intellectually, then work on efficiency (timing) 2) No penalty for guessing 3)Treat each passage as a unit (ten minutes of testing time)

4 AP Test: Multiple Choice 4)Latch on to three important ideas from questions (skim for focus on those important Ideas: same as going to end of chapter to learn questions; makes quicker) Skim if it works!

5 AP Test: Multiple Choice 5) Read actively: Studies show that active readers have a higher immediate retention than passive readers. (You're not dealing with long term memory). Underline: pick up a little speed by moving your hand.

6 AP Test: Multiple Choice 6) Visualize content and words on the page 7) Paraphrase (like literary précis, think of those words while you read); we will practice paraphrasing 8) Don't read questions too quickly. Majority of wrong answers are from reading question incorrectly. (I had three wrong answers from doing this)

7 Types of MC Questions 20% factual, 40% main idea, 40% hidden idea factual questions: answers are in print (not necessarily easy, but try to get all of these correct) main idea: did you "get" the passage (paraphrase) hidden idea: read between the lines (go deeper; the obvious is a waste of your intellectual ability). But on the test, the answer is the most obvious thing. The answer may seem too simple; if it's not stated in the text then it is inferred.

8 Essay Three essays: The first two present students with texts for analysis one question requires analysis of a poem (or pair of poems) the other, analysis of a prose passage from a novel or play. The third is the open essay about novel you’ve read.

9 Essay The third essay is “open” response. It asks students to discuss a generalization about an aspect of literature (for example, a theme, a structural element, or a type of character) by analyzing a novel or play they have studied in class or read on their own.

10 AP Test (essay) Score of 3: three scores of 5 out of 9 on essays Score of 4: three scores of 6/7 out of 9 on essays Score of 5: three scores of 8/9 out of 9 on essays Three readers read your essay

11 Essay Students are required to do more than merely paraphrase the texts or identify their literary devices. The questions ask you to show how the authors use language (including the literary elements you have learned) to produce meaning.

12 AP Essay Development are size of paragraphs: Do not write anorexic paragraphs (go deeper!) Can raise by full point based on style alone (diction and syntax). Essay will sing to the reader.

13 AP Essay -- Two to four pages per essay. One page never gets a high score! -- Three readers read each essay

14 AP Essay Test Scoring Scoring: -- 9 - 8 (A) = 5 -- 7 - 6 (B) = 4 -- 5 (C) = 3 (majority; considered an upper half score) -- 3 - 4 (D) = 2 -- 1 – 2 (F) = 1

15 Essay Scores If score 3 or better out of 5 means don't need freshman English course If don't pass: need freshman college English, nothing more

16 AP Test Scoring Protocol & Hierarchy AP Readers: high school teachers: must currently teach the AP course in a face-to-face classroom setting and have at least three years of experience teaching that course. college professors: must have taught within the past three years at least one college course comparable to the AP course. They treat the essay as a first draft

17 EPT Reminder If “Ready” from EAP test, don’t need EPT for Cal State Universities If “Conditional Ready”, need to pass AP English Literature & Composition to avoid needing passing EPT score (will still take EPT in January) If not “Conditional Ready”, will take EPT in January. Must pass EPT to enter freshman college English courses.

18 Love of Literature Or, How Do We Get Through Old Stuff? Bell Work: Diaz & Shakespeare Discuss: Sometimes a Great Notion, Heart of Darkness, Ulysses & Portrait of the Artist As A Young Man, and their affect on me.)

19 Questions & Discussion Questions?

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