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The Intel Microprocessors. --from 8086 to Pentium

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Presentation on theme: "The Intel Microprocessors. --from 8086 to Pentium"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Intel Microprocessors. --from 8086 to Pentium
The Intel Microprocessors --from 8086 to Pentium Architecture, Programming and Interfacing

2 Content Arrangement Reference book Final score

3 1. Architecture 2. Programming 3. Interfacing

4 Memory CPU 1. Architecture Printer I/O 3. Interfacing 2. Programming

5 1. Architecture The architecture of CPU Addressing modes

6 Internal Microprocessor Architecture
EAX AH (AX) AL BH (BX) BL CH (CX) CL DH (DX) DL SP BP DI SI Accumulator EBX Base index DR ECX Count EDX Data ESP Stack pointer PR EBP Base pointer EDI Destination index IR ESI Source index

7 Internal Microprocessor Architecture
IP FLAGS Instruction pointer EIP Flags EFLAGS Special purpose registers CS DS ES SS FS GS Code Data Extra Stack Segment registers

8 1. Architecture 2. Programming 3. Interfacing

9 2. Programming 2.1 Data movement instructions
2.2 Arithmetic and logic instructions 2.3 Program control instructions

10 program .DATA NUM DB 34H TABLE DW 0012H,0033H,5687H .CODE .STARTUP

11 Application languages /application program
High-level languages /compiler &interpretative program Assembly language/ assembly program Keyboard command and system primitive / operating system Machine instruction system/ CPU

12 1. Architecture 2. Programming 3. Interfacing

13 3. Interfacing 1 8088/8086 hardware specifications 2 Memory interface
3 Basic I/O interface 4 Interrupts 5 Direct memory access and DMA-controlled I/O

14 8088 hardware specifications

15 Memory interface

16 Content Arrangement Reference book Final score

17 request Familiar with Addressing mode
programming with assembly language interfacing of microprocessor

18 What we can do after learning this
Programming in assembly language in certain real-time system ,memory limited system or embedded system Design interfacing and writing drivers

19 Content Arrangement Reference book Final score

20 Reference Books 微型计算机原理及应用 周明德 编著 清华大学出版社 IBM-PC汇编语言程序设计 沈美明主编,清华大学出版社
汇编语言与微机原理教程 顾元刚主编,电子工业出版社 The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers (Volumes I & II): Assembly Language, Design, and Interfacing (4th Edition)  清华大学出版社

21 Reference Lessons Operating system 操作系统 Computer architecture 计算机体系结构

22 Content Arrangement Reference book Final score

23 Homework & Attendance:10%
Final Exam: 70% Middle Exam:20% Homework & Attendance:10% This may be revised according to the needs.

24 Now let’s begin our exploration in microprocessor.

25 Chapter 1 Introduction to The Microprocessor and PC

26 Chapter 1: What mankind has done before the microprocessor finally came out? 2. How many parts are there in the microprocessor ?

27 Chapter 1: Introduction to The Microprocessor and PC
1.1 A Historical Background 1.2 PC Based on Microprocessor

28 1.1 A Historical Background

29 1.1 A Historical Background
A. The Mechanical Age Abacus (Babylonians) Analytical engine (Babbage, punched cards, 1823,failure)

30 1.1 A Historical Background
B. The Electrical Age Motor-driven adding machines, based on mechanical calculator (Hollerith, set up IBM-International Business Machines Corporation) First electronic calculating machine Z3 (German, Konrad Zuse,1942) The first general-purpose, programmable electronic computer ENIAC (University of Pennsylvania, 1946)

31 ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator [Computer] 电子数字积分计算机




35 1.1 A Historical Background
C. The Microprocessor Age (Intel) Date Part Data Bus Width Memory Size 4004 4 1979 8088 8 1M 1989 80486sx 32 4G+16kcache 1993 Petium 64 1997 Petium II 64G+32kl1 cache+512kl2cache

36 Intel 4004

37 Intel 8088

38 Intel Petium

39 Intel Petium II

40 The Moore’s Law: the number of transistors integrated in a chip will double very 18 or 24 mouths

41 1.1 A Historical Background
D. The Future of Microprocessors The process speed will get more faster The memory will get more large The bulk will get more smaller The width of data bus will increase Architecture will get more efficient

42 1.2 PC Based on Microprocessor

43 1.2 PC Based on Microprocessor
Question: If we use a computer to figure out an arithmetic expression, how can it finish this work? 133*33+44*14

44 1.2 PC Based on Microprocessor
133*33+44*14 First input these numbers. Do the calculating work. Store The result Output the result. Control this processing.

45 1.2 PC Based on Microprocessor
133*33+44*14 calculator Input device Output device memory data bus Control bus controller

46 1.2 PC Based on Microprocessor
Address bus Micro- processor Memory Data bus Interface Control bus External devices BUS definition p25

47 1.2 PC Based on Microprocessor
Bus: P25 Address bus requests a memory location from the memory or an I/O location from the I/O devices. Data bus transfers information between the microprocessor and its memory and I/O address space. Control bus contains lines that select the memory or I/O and cause them to perform a read or write operation.

48 1.2 PC Based on Microprocessor

49 1.2 PC Based on Microprocessor

50 1.2 PC Based on Microprocessor
A. Relationship Figure microprocessor ALU controller PC register internal memory I/O interface PC system I/O Devices & external memory system software application software power、panel、pc frame, etc

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