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ELEC 4601 Microprocessor Systems Lab 5 Tutorial Introduction to PIC Board.

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Presentation on theme: "ELEC 4601 Microprocessor Systems Lab 5 Tutorial Introduction to PIC Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELEC 4601 Microprocessor Systems Lab 5 Tutorial Introduction to PIC Board

2 No more MASM Lab 5  Introduction to MPLAB IDE Create a new project Compile a project Transfer the program to the board This lab will have 3 parts. They will involve polling timers and setting up interrupts.

3 PIC Board

4 Wiring up the board LEDs

5 PIC board with debugger

6 Introduction to MPLAB IDE Start MPLAB IDE v8.15a Select Project  Select Project Wizard… Click Next Device -> PIC16F917  Click Next Active Toolsuite -> HI-TECH Universal Toolsuite  HI-TECH ANSI C Compiler Click Next

7 Continued… Create New Project File  Choose an existing folder or create a folder and choose a file name and click save Click Next Skip Step Four by clicking next Select Finish Create a new file by selecting File -> New  Save file as ‘.c’

8 Compiling your project Type in the following: #include void main(void){ } In the project window, add the.c file to list of source files. Click Project->build.

9 Programming the PIC board Click Pogrammer  Select Programmer Choose MPLAB ICD 2 If you do not see “MPLAB ICD 2 ready for next operation” message in the output log window, then select Programmer->Settings. Ensure that the settings are as follows:  Under communication tab: Com Port is set to USB  Under power tab: Power target circuit from MPLAB ICD 2 box is checked

10 Continued… Select Program  Click Program

11 ProgramBring board out of reset

12 Register Access Table 2-1 to Table 2-4 outline the register map for PIC processor. They can be accessed by simply assigning them a value. The following statement will clear Timer 0 TMR0 = 0x00;

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