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Mechatronics and microprocessor. Outline Introduction System and design of system Control, measurement and feed back system Open and closed loop system.

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Presentation on theme: "Mechatronics and microprocessor. Outline Introduction System and design of system Control, measurement and feed back system Open and closed loop system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mechatronics and microprocessor

2 Outline Introduction System and design of system Control, measurement and feed back system Open and closed loop system Elements of closed loop system Traditional vs mechatronics system Sequential controllers Programmable logic controller

3 Mechatronics Mechatronics is the complete integration of mechanical system with electrical, electronics and computer system

4 System A system which consists of various elements connected together to obtain the required output by giving a small input. A system can be represented with a block diagram. inputoutput

5 Modeling and modeling system Modeling – behaviour of a real time system represented in terms of methamatical equations. Modeling system – a model from which we can relate the input and output in terms of a mathematical equation. Spring inputoutput Force extension

6 control system A group of devices or units or elements which maintains the required output based on the preset or predefined level or quantity by controlling the input. Fan inputoutput electricity Required speed regulator

7 Open and closed-loop control systems Open loop system ▫a system in which output is dependent on input.

8 Closed loop system ▫a system in which input is dependent on output.

9 Components of closed loop system Comparison element Error signal = reference value signal – measured value signal Control element Correction element Process element Measurement element

10 Control unit Correction unit Process unit Comparison element Controlled variable Feed back unit/measu ring device Required value

11 Measurement system A group of elements arranged in order to measure the level of output in a control system. Measurement is quantity based. Ex displacement, temperature, velocity etc For accurate control of output. Components ▫Sensors/ transducers ▫Signal conditioner or amplifier ▫Display

12 Sensor – measures the output and generates an equivalent signal related to quantity. Signal conditioner – takes the signal from sensor manipulates it into a condition suitable for displaying Display system – output from signal conditioner is displayed.

13 sensor Quantity measured Signal conditioner Display Signal related to quantity measured Suitable for displaying Value of quantity sensor Signal conditioner Display Temperature EMF binary Value of quantity

14 Feed back system Feed back is a signal sent back to the input from output. Input varied is dependent on the feed back signals got from output. Heater Required temperature Room temperature Feedback signal of actual temperature

15 Closed loop control system

16 Controlled variable – room temperature Reference value – the required room temperature Comparison element – the person comparing measured value with required value Error signal – the difference between measured and required temperature Control unit – the person Correction unit – switch on the fire Process – heating by the fire Measuring device – a thermometer



19 Sequence and time based controllers Sequence based controllers ▫These are controllers which are strictly ordered in a sequence driven. ▫Sequence is controlled by programming the microprocessor. ▫The operating sequence is called as a ‘program’.

20 Washing machine


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