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Published byAnna Bailey Modified over 10 years ago
2 Memória (R-bit register) Circuito Combinatório D1D1 DRDR TRTR T1T1 X1X1 XLXL Y1Y1 YNYN clockreset MEF
4 Para um dado vector binário BVector de N bits verificar se este vector contém M uns consecutivos: responder Sim (Yes) ou Não (No) Exemplo:BVector = 0101011011101011; N = 16; dado M = 3 resposta é Yes dado M = 2 resposta é Yes dado M = 4 resposta é No O próximo slide mostra o grafo de MEF
5 Count = 0 Index = 0 reset = 1 BVector(Index) = 1 BVector(Index) = 0 Count ++ Index ++ Count=0 Result: Yes count=M count M and Index=N Result: No count M and Index N and BVector(Index) = 1 count M and Index N and BVector(Index) = 0 Index=N BVector(Index) = 1 and Index N BVector(Index) = 0 and Index N BVector(Index) = 1- X1 BVector(Index) = 0- not X1 count=M- X2 count M- not x2 Index=N-1- X3 Index N-1- not X3 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 y1: Count=0; y2: Index=0; y3: Count++; y4: Index++; y5=1: Yes y5=0: No A={ao,…,a4}; X={X1,X2,X3}; Y={y1,…,y5}.
6 Count = 0 Index = 0 y1, y2 reset = 1 X1 not X1 Count ++ Index ++ y3, y4 Index ++ Count=0 y1, y4 Result: Yes y5 X2 not X2 and X3 Result: No not X2 and not X3 and X1 not X2 and not X3 and not X1 X3 X1 not X3 not X1 not X3 BVector No or Yes Count Index FSM y1: Count=0; y2: Index=0; y3: Count++; y4: Index++; y5=1: Yes y5=0: No a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a1 a3 X2 1 else X3 1 a4 else X1 1 a1 a2
7 Count = 0 Index = 0 y1, y2 reset = 1 X1 not X1 Count ++ Index ++ y3, y4 Index ++ Count=0 y1, y4 Result: Yes y5 X2 not X2 and X3 Result: No not X2 and not X3 and X1 not X2 and not X3 and not X1 X3 X1 not X3 not X1 not X3 BVector No or Yes Count Index FSM y1: Count=0; y2: Index=0; y3: Count++; y4: Index++; y5=1: Yes y5=0: No a0 a1 a2 a3 a4
8 Count = 0 Index = 0 reset = 1 BVector(Index) = 1 BVector(Index) = 0 Count ++ Index ++ Count=0 Result: Yes count=M count M and Index=N Result: No count M and Index N and BVector(Index) = 1 count M and Index N and BVector(Index) = 0 Index=N BVector(Index) = 1 and Index N BVector(Index) = 0 and Index N BVector(Index) = 1- X1 BVector(Index) = 0- not X1 count=M- X2 count M- not x2 Index=N-1- X3 Index N-1- not X3 a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a1 a3 X2 1 else X3 1 a4 else X1 1 a1 a2
9 case FSMstate is when a0 => Count <= 0; Index <= 0; if BVector(0) = '1' then FSMnext_state <= a1; else FSMnext_state <= a2; end if; when a1 => Count <= Count + 1; Index <= Index + 1; if (Count = NumberOfSucOnes-1)then FSMnext_state <= a3; elsif (Index = SizeOfVector-1) then FSMnext_state <= a4; elsif (BVector(index+1) = '1') then FSMnext_state <= a1; else FSMnext_state <= a2; end if; a1 a3 X2 1 else X3 1 a4 else X1 1 a1 a2 BVector(Index) = 1- X1 BVector(Index) = 0- not X1 count=M- X2 count M- not x2 Index=N-1- X3 Index N-1- not X3 Count ++ Index ++ y3, y4 a1
10 MEF
11 entity FSM_succeeding_ones is generic (AddressBits : natural; StateMaxValue : natural; NumberOfColumns: natural; SizeOfVector : natural; NumberOfSucOnes : natural ); Port ( ASCII_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); ASCII_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Address_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (AddressBits - 1 downto 0); Address_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (AddressBits - 1 downto 0); clk : in STD_LOGIC; rst : in STD_LOGIC; WE_in : in STD_LOGIC; WE_out : out STD_LOGIC); end FSM_succeeding_ones; architecture Behavioral of FSM_succeeding_ones is signal BVector: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(SizeOfVector-1 downto 0); -- Binary Vector signal state: integer range 0 to StateMaxValue; signal line, line_local : integer range 0 to 39; signal column, column_local : integer range 0 to 79; signal ASCII_local : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal ASCII_state : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal YesNo: string(1 to 5) := " "; signal BVectorName: string(1 to 26) := "Given binary vector = "; constant TextOutBegin: string(1 to 11):= "Contains "; constant TextOutEnd: string(1 to 19) := " succeeding ones: "; signal count: integer range 0 to NumberOfSucOnes; signal index: integer range 0 to SizeOfVector; type state_type is (a0,a1,a2,a3,a4); signal FSMstate, FSMnext_state : state_type; begin BVector(conv_integer(Address_in(3 downto 0))) <= '0' when rst = '1' else ASCII_in(0) when ((ASCII_in >= "00110000") or (ASCII_in <= "00110001")) and (WE_in = '1'); -------------- FSM begin 0101110101101011 BVector No or Yes Count Index FSM A={ao,…,a4};
12 BVector(conv_integer(Address_in(3 downto 0))) <= '0 when rst = '1' else ASCII_in(0) when ((ASCII_in >= "00110000") or (ASCII_in <= "00110001")) and (WE_in = '1'); do teclado ou 0 ou 1 indice 0
13 -------------- FSM begin process(clk,rst) begin if rst = '1' then FSMstate <= a0; elsif rising_edge(clk) then FSMstate <= FSMnext_state; end if; end process; process(clk,rst) begin if rst = '1' then YesNo <= " "; elsif falling_edge(clk) then case FSMstate is when a0 => Count <= 0; Index <= 0; if BVector(0) = '1' then FSMnext_state <= a1; else FSMnext_state <= a2; end if; Count = 0 Index = 0 Count ++ Index ++ a1 a2 reset = 1 Index ++ Count=0 a0 BVector(Index) = 1 BVector(Index) = 0 0 0
14 when a1 => Count <= Count + 1; Index <= Index + 1; if (Count = NumberOfSucOnes-1)then FSMnext_state <= a3; elsif (Index = SizeOfVector-1) then FSMnext_state <= a4; elsif (BVector(index+1) = '1') then FSMnext_state <= a1; else FSMnext_state <= a2; end if; when a2 => Count <= 0; Index <= Index + 1; if (Index = SizeOfVector-1) then FSMnext_state <= a4; elsif (BVector(index+1) = '0') then FSMnext_state <= a2; else FSMnext_state <= a1; end if; when a3 => YesNo <= " Yes "; FSMnext_state <= a0; when a4 => YesNo <= " No "; FSMnext_state <= a0; when others => null; end case; else null; end if; end process; -------------- FSM end signal YesNo: string(1 to 5) := " ";
15 process(clk, rst) begin if rst = '1' then state <= 0; elsif falling_edge(clk) then If state=StateMaxValue then state<=0; else state<= state + 1; end if; end if; end process; process(clk, rst) begin if rst= '1' then null; elsif rising_edge(clk) then case state is when 1 to 26 => line_local <= 9; column_local <= 14 + state; ASCII_local <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos(BVectorName(state)), 8)); when 27 to 42 => line_local <= 9;column_local <= 14 + state; ASCII_local <= "0011000" & BVector(state-27); when 43 to 53 => line_local <= 10;column_local <= 14 + state - 42; ASCII_local <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos(TextOutBegin(state-42)), 8)); when 54 => line_local <= 10;column_local <= 14 + 11 + 1; ASCII_local <= "0011" & conv_std_logic_vector(NumberOfSucOnes,4); when 55 to 73 => line_local <= 10;column_local <= 14 + 11 + 1 + state - 54; ASCII_local <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos(TextOutEnd(state-54)), 8)); when 74 to 78 => line_local <= 10;column_local <= 14 + 11 + 1 + state - 54; ASCII_local <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos(YesNo(state-73)), 8)); when others =>null; end case; end if; end process; WE_out <= '1'; ASCII_out <= ASCII_local; column <= column_local; line <= line_local; Address_out <= conv_std_logic_vector((line*NumberOfColumns + column),AddressBits); end Behavioral;
16 Given binary vector = 1010101101111101 Contains 5 succeeding ones: Yes Given binary vector = 1010101101011101 Contains 5 succeeding ones: No
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