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Service Design - Nationalmuseum Kafi 16. 03. 15. Nationalmuseet

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1 Service Design - Nationalmuseum Kafi 16. 03. 15

2 Nationalmuseet

3 Modulplans  Specific for each program  Joint activities  Today  Visit to Nationalmuseet  Team Work  Tutoring  Presentations 27. March  Presentations for Nationalmuseet 10. April.

4 Teams  Cross class teams – 3 Mul/Mil + 2 Ser/Sem  Topic raised by Nationalmuseet  Allocated randomly  First Team work – this afternoon  Discuss team rules  Establish communication ways  Plan mile stone meetings for the proces  Plan rehersal time  Find info at Fronter

5 Materials Uploaded at Fronter  Map of the museum  Profiles of guests  In danish – fellow students to explain in team

6 Assignment  The presentation must follow the “rules” for Ignite format. (20 slides X 15 sec.)  Each team member must participate orally in the presentation.  The NABC approach must be the platform for presenting your findings of your analysis.  The analysis must include minimum 3 media (1 digital, 1 physical and 1 at your own choice).  A flow chart of the digital media incl. 3 screen prints in finished layout is required as well as user test and expert evaluation of the digital media and method triangulation.  The presentation must include 2 slides per letter in the NABC. 1 slide must show the customer journey professional presented. Find info in Moduleplan

7 Final presentation March 27  Team are divided into 4 groups  Each group has seperate room  All students in each room sit in in all the presentations of the room  By the end of all presentations in the room each students vote for the best presentation. Must be able to argue for the vote.  Lectures has wild cards to select more presentations to be presented to Nationalmuseet April 10.

8 Tutoring  Lectures available for all kinds of questions  Remember to use Tutoring

9 Timeplan for Tuesday 17 March  9.45 Meet up outside Nationalmuseet  Prinsens Palæ Ny Vestergade 10 DK-1471 København  Introduction by Nationalmuseet  Time to walk around and analyse your topic

10 Practical info  There will be possibility to hang coats  DO NOT bring any big bags. There is no room to store them, and you are not allowed to bring bags into the exhibitions  You can bring your own food – BUT only to each in designated area.  There are many ”real” guest in the museum Please pay regards to them  Consider your own attitude and behavior – you are representing CPHBusiness

11 Questions??

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