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ENGR 4301-17 ENGR 5301-17 TSTP 1040 Professional Practice for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam Engineering in Training (EIT) Review.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGR 4301-17 ENGR 5301-17 TSTP 1040 Professional Practice for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam Engineering in Training (EIT) Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGR 4301-17 ENGR 5301-17 TSTP 1040 Professional Practice for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam Engineering in Training (EIT) Review

2 Information of the Class Web site ( You have to download and print or purchase: FE Supplied Reference Handbook and FE Exam Specifications) Class Coordinator: Dr. Mien Jao, Department of Civil Engineering, Office: C 2213; Phone: 880-2356; Email: Student Information – Email to keep in touch

3 Textbook Student who borrows the FE Review Manual from the College of Engineering should read the following statements and provide information requested. The Manual is the property of the College of Engineering, and the student should take care of the Manual and should NOT write anything in the Manual.should NOT write anything in the Manual The College of Engineering only borrows the Manual to students who plan to take the FE examine in that semester. The student should return the Manual to Ms. Debbie Graves at the end of the semester, otherwise the College of Engineering can ask faculty to hold the grades for courses you take. Student information: Name: ________________ LU ID: __________________ Book ID: _________________Edition: __________________ Date Checked Out: ____________ Signature: _______________ Date Returned: ________________ Signature: _______________

4 Your Responsibility You have to download and print or purchase the FE Supplied Reference Handbook. You have to carefully review the handbook and become very familiar with information in the handbook. You have to spend time review theory in the textbook since professors will spend more time to solve sample problems. You need to make a early decision on which subject area for afternoon session you will test on for your FE exam.

5 Number of Problems and Percentages for Each Subject in FE Exam (General Engineering) Information for afternoon session for your major is given in the web site.

6 Grading Policy - Practice Problems/Exams – FE Exam One or two sets of practice problems or exams for each subject will be given and graded. Solutions will be provided. Practice exam in October, and the FE exam in October 27, 2007. Maximum 10 points for practice exam of each subject (10x9), 30 points for practice exams, and 120 points for passing the FE exam (40 points for not taking/passing the FE exam). An “A” grade will be given upon passing the FE exam.

7 Beginning with the October 2005 administration, candidates will receive results of "Pass" or "Fail" only. Failing candidates will no longer receive a numerical score.


9 Goal & Objective The goal & objective of the class is to prepare students for FE exam by reviewing 11 subjects and providing opportunities for students to work on practice problems, and practice exam.



12 To Become A Professional Engineer (PE) All applicants for licensure (PE) must take and pass three examinations – the National Council of Examiners for Engineering & Surveying (NCEES), (1) Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) examination, (2) the NCEES Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) examination, and (3) the Texas Ethics of Engineering examination. The FE and PE examinations are both 8-hour tests and are given twice a year. The testing dates are scheduled for April and October. The Texas Ethics of Engineering Exam is an open book examination concerning the Texas Engineering Practice Act and the Board Rules.

13 Comments From Recent Examinees When to take the Exam: Take the exam during your senior year Take it as soon as possible after graduation Don’t wait so many years after graduation to take this test.


15 Fundamentals of Engineering Exam The Fundamentals of Engineering examination is a supplied reference examination consisting of 120 one-point questions in the morning session and 60 two-point questions in the afternoon session. Guessing is valid, and no points are subtracted for incorrect answers. The morning session is common to all disciplines. The afternoon session is administered in five disciplines with a general engineering session for all remaining disciplines.

16 Registration Deadline and Fee Registration closes at 8/31/2007 5:00 The fee for the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination is $120 (Plus $3 processing fee). Examinees may register for the exam online

17 Dates for Application and Exams August 31, 2007

18 Examination Location Lamar Student: Reliant Center One Reliant Park Houston, Texas 77054 Room??

19 STUDY MATERIALS The board does not endorse any particular study courses or study materials for the FE or PE exams. Many Universities or Professional Societies or Associations have study information for the exams. Information concerning the examinations is also available from NCEES. (

20 EXAMINATION TIME Admission tickets for the examination are mailed to candidates approximately two weeks before the examination date. Candidates must arrive at their test site by 7:15 a.m. with their admission ticket and a photo I.D. Candidates without both an admission ticket and photo I.D. will not be allowed into the examination room. It is recommended that candidates bring sack lunches as the time allowed for lunch may be limited to less than a full hour

21 EXAMINATION MATERIALS The Fundamentals of Engineering Examination is a supplied-reference examination. ONLY the following items may be brought into the examination room: a) Pencils: NCEES will provide pencils for exams. Candidates will not be allowed to bring in their own pencils or other writing materials. b) Calculators: NCEES has a list of calculators that are permitted in the exam room. No other calculators will be permitted. See NCEES Calculator Policy for more information and an updated list of calculators.NCEES Calculator Policy Along with the AM and PM test booklets, candidates are provided with a copy of the Fundamentals of Engineering Reference Handbook which contains reference formulas and tables for use during the examination. This handbook will be collected at the end of each session along with the test booklets and answer sheets. Examination specifications and format may be viewed/printed from the NCEES website at

22 What is the calculator policy? NCEES policy prohibits any device that communicates or that may compromise the security of the examination. Of concern is the ability to type in text, store it in memory, and then communicate via wireless or cable connections to another calculator, personal computer, printer, or other electronic device. Only models of calculators approved by NCEES are permitted in the exam room. No other models of calculators or variations of the models listed below are permitted in the exam room. The following are the only calculators that will be permitted in the exam room for the 2007 exam administrations. Hewlett Packard – HP 33s Casio – FX 115 MS, and FX 115 MS Plus (May have "SR" designation) Texas Instruments – TI 30X IIS Texas Instruments – TI 36X Solar Each year, NCEES will review and revise the approved calculator list and then announce the updated list by November 15.

23 Comments From Recent Examinees Calculators: “Take a calculator that is easy to use” “Make sure that you know how to use your calculator before the exam.” “Use a standard scientific calculator. Matrix operations, graphing, integration, etc., are all nice functions to have but are unnecessary for the FE exam” “If you are going to buy a new calculator, make sure your have enough time to become familiar with it before the exam.

24 Reference Handbooks Reference Handbooks may be viewed/printed from the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) website at

25 Comments From Recent Examinees Which subjects to Study: Getting used to all of the topics is really helpful Make sure to do the samples (all) in the FE Review Manual Practice math, study everything Study in areas where you are not proficient. Study the Review Manual first, then take a review course.

26 Comments From Recent Examinees How to Study: “Do mock exams” “Do all problems in the Review Manual at least once. A week before the test, put your pencil down and review every problem that you have worked.” “Do practice problems. Do practice problems. Do practice problems.” “….just keep working practice problems.” “Do as many sample problems as possible.”

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