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Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 1 An ESSI Company FCC Annual Satellite Forum 2005 Integrated Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 1 An ESSI Company FCC Annual Satellite Forum 2005 Integrated Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 1 An ESSI Company FCC Annual Satellite Forum 2005 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite Communications For Government and Military Requirements that combine satellite with other, terrestrial, technologies. Otto W. Hoernig, III President Spacelink International

2 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 2 Market Drivers The Federal Government’s rapidly increasing demand for Commercial The US Government and particularly the Department of Defense has grown increasingly reliant on the use of commercial satellites and industry to provide integrated end to end communications solutions world wide. Systems and Services Integrators like Spacelink have focused on this demand to engineer and provide integrated solutions which utilize commercial satellites and terrestrial technologies for government requirements. Integration of satellite and terrestrial technologies provides users greater flexability in terms of managing end to end services. An ESSI Company

3 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 3 Users requirements An ESSI Company Technology Advancements The Government has benefited from technological advancements within industry as well as the application of existing technologies integrated to meet today’s military needs. The battlefield has become a test bed for technology integration and in recent years has been responsible for stimulating a previously slow growth market within the satellite industry. High Bandwidth Real time World Wide On Demand

4 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 4 Over 300 Mbps bandwidth to 130+ tactical terminals, achieved by satellite relocation, network reconfiguration and 8 step site upgrades DSCS: Commercial: Procured 49 Commercial Ku Band Earth Terminals Provided Critical UAV Support (GlobalHawk/Predator/Guardrail) DSCS Commercial 3.2 Gbps Satellite Throughput (Gbps) 305 Mbps 10 times increase Slide Curtsey DISA DoD’s Increased Demand

5 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 5 Integrated Solutions Broadcast video services - AFRTS Internet and Voice over IP - MWR Surveillance and Reconnaissance - UAV Extension of core voice, data and video networks - DISN Deployable Communications – Connecting the Logistician Monitoring and Asset Tracking - OMNITRACS Mobile Communications - “Battle Command on the Move” Mobile Communications (Iridium / Globalstar/ Inmarsat) Commercial Satellite Services support OEF & OIF An ESSI Company

6 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 6 Integrated Solutions An ESSI Company Satellites extend customers networks and services to remote and geographically disbursed locations Commercial C, X, Ku & Ka Band

7 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 7 SCPC – Point to Point An ESSI Company 9 Customer locations with trunk connectivity between sites for regional WAN South West Asia

8 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 8 SCPC - Global Deployable Operators An ESSI Company 16 Remote Users world wide 65N – 65S C-Band Global Satellite coverage World Wide Terrestrial ATM Network Teleport West Teleport Central-W Teleport Central-E Teleport East Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Remote User Customer Gateway West Customer Gateway East

9 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 9 TDMA - Point to Multipoint An ESSI Company 200 Locations with Voice and Internet connectivity back to the United States USA - IRAQ

10 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 10 SCPC – WVoIP and WLAN An ESSI Company 250 remote users with Wireless CISCO IP Phones and Wireless LAN services USA - IRAQ

11 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 11 HUB HQ Position TDMA –Hub to Mobile Remote - Video Imagery Auto-Pointing Antenna Combat Camera Position Eutelsat W5 Hub Antenna An ESSI Company Multiple remote users transmit Video applications to hub location in the United States. Remote - USA

12 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 12 SCPC – Wireless GSM Networking An ESSI Company SCPC satellite link and double hop to connect regional GSM networks in Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. Network utilizes microwave and local wireless technologies for local service extensions. USA – Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan

13 Integrated Solutions Using Commercial Satellite For Government and Military Requirements 13 Questions? Otto W. Hoernig, III President Spacelink International An ESSI Company

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