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Investing in Women The Way Forward Towards Socio- economic Progress By Shahreen Kamaluddin _______________________________________ Adjunct Professor +

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2 Investing in Women The Way Forward Towards Socio- economic Progress By Shahreen Kamaluddin _______________________________________ Adjunct Professor + Industry Advisor at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

3 My Approach To this Subject  Global environment for women entrepreneurship  Barriers to women entrepreneurship  Why invest in women?  Way forward  Options open to women  The mindset for entrepreneurial success  My story

4 Global environment - Barriers to Women Entrepreneurship  Socio-economic diversity affects the types of constraints women entrepreneurs face in starting, operating, and growing their businesses  Limited access to land and capital  Complex + costly procedures for opening + closing businesses

5 Global environment - Barriers to Women Entrepreneurship  Limited influence on policy formation  Constraints on business expansion – lack of business/managerial training, technical support, family responsibilities, limited presence of support organizations  Laws, institutions, culture, and norms shape entrepreneurial processes and outcomes for women

6 Why Invest in Women?  Women form more than 50% of world’s productive workforce  Where there is gender equality and growth – there is an increase in national production levels and earnings - higher economic growth  Working women have greater control of family resources, invest more resources in their children’s health and education, thus passing the benefits on to future generations

7  Educate women and service providers about women’s rights.  Strengthen women’s business associations  Amend inheritance and matrimonial laws to allow women to own, transfer, and use land as collateral; joint titling(Vietnam) Way Forward External changes + improvements needed

8  Provide for business / managerial training + technical support  Improve access to credit/ and customized credit products (Philippines)  Provide reliable + affordable child-care facilities Way Forward External changes + improvements needed

9 Options Open To Women  to change circumstances – use your voice to advocate change and reform  change the way you look at current circumstances; circumvent the obstacles – franchising, single entrepreneur, home-based entrepreneurship  change the way you look at yourself - be totally self-reliant

10 The Mindset for Entrepreneurial Success  Invest in yourself – self-improvement plan  Develop a positive mental attitude  Believe in yourself  Be self-reliant – look within and tap all your creative resources  You are not alone – you have divine help  The RAS (recticular activating system) is your Genie – command it accurately

11 It believes whatever messages you give it – positive or negative, it will carry them out for you Commit to a new goal and the RAS will help you focus only on the right action

12 The Mindset for Entrepreneurial Success  Know what you want  Know why you want it  Believe that it is possible to have what you want

13 The Mindset for Entrepreneurial Success  Write down your goal in great detail  Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want  See the goal achieved in your mind (creative visualization)  Pursue a definite plan of action

14 The Mindset for Entrepreneurial Success  Get excited about the goal  Recite positive affirmations throughout the day  Today is the beginning of my amazing fortune.  I am attracting all the help that I need to succeed  I am destined for success  All my decisions turn out for the best  Everyday, in everyway, I am becoming happier, healthier and wealthier

15 The Mindset for Entrepreneurial Success  Believe without a doubt you will achieve your goal  Believe you deserve to get what you want  Love, value, respect and honor yourself always

16 The Mindset for Entrepreneurial Success “ If it is to be, it is up to me” The future is created in the present NOW is the time

17 My Story  Changed the way I looked at my circumstances  Circumvented the obstacles  Changed the way I looked at myself  Believed in myself and decided to do it my way  Decided to be totally self-reliant  Tapped into all my talents + resources  Invested in myself – self-improvement plan  Reinvented myself along the way  I am enjoying the ride


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