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Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Method - Omnibus 2 weeks of Omnibus research 4000 adults (16+) recruited across GB. In home,

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Method - Omnibus 2 weeks of Omnibus research 4000 adults (16+) recruited across GB. In home,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Method - Omnibus 2 weeks of Omnibus research 4000 adults (16+) recruited across GB. In home, interviewer administered, interview Principal shoppers selected General attitudes to organics Organic buying by category established Detailed questions according to category experience

2 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Attitude study Claimed buying across categories General attitudes to organic foods Entry points Finding/recognising organic foods Category specific reasons for purchase Country /region or origin and paying a premium

3 Claimed buying

4 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Eggs the most frequently purchased organic product. Meats (pork, chicken, beef and lamb) the least frequent. Q. B1 How often do you buy Base: All principal shoppers

5 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Eggs purchaser base also the most behaviourally loyal. Q. B1 How often do you buy Base: Buyers

6 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. B1 How often do you buy… Base: All principal shoppers Multidimensional scaling map of brand repertoires Purchasers of organic Pork or Chicken also purchasers of Lamb and beef. Buyers of eggs or fruits and vegetables do not buy out their categories. Meats Packaged goods

7 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Weight of usage On subsequent charts we have used the following analysis breaks, derived from the matrix of claimed behaviour Each consumer has a score based on category importance (relative size from Superpanel data) and regularity of buying organic in that category. Reviewing scores across all consumers gives us 4 organic groups, with scores as follows 1 – 50very light 51 – 100light 101 – 200medium 201 – 300 heavy

8 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres How the scoring works…. Q. B1 How often do you buy Base: All principal shoppers e.g. Occasional buyer of eggs and packaged goods has score: (8x1) + (29x1) = 37

9 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Almost half of principal shoppers claim to have never purchased organic products. Q.B1 Weight scores Base: All principal shoppers

10 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Packaged goods with highest heavy user base, fruit and vegetables with the lowest. Q. B1 How often do you buy/ Weight scores Base: All organic buyers

11 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Heavy buyers are likely to be young and living in the South. Medium buyers are more upmarket Q.B1 Weight scores demographics Base: All buyers of organic products Social Class Age Region 29

12 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Claimed buying Half of all shoppers claim they never buy any organics Organic buyers in all categories see themselves as ‘occasional’ not ‘habitual’ Eggs is the category with most consumer commitment (but may not be purely organic) 4 relatively discrete types of organic purchase which do not necessarily overlap (fruit/veg, eggs, meats, packaged grocery/dairy

13 General attitudes

14 Overall attitudes towards specific organic foods not as strong as knowing where food comes from. % Agree Strongly/Slightly 4.4 4.0 3.9 4.0 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 2.9 3.2 2.6 Mean Q. A1 Statements about food and shopping Base: All principal shoppers % Disagree

15 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Organic foods are healthier0.4 Organic foods taste better0.4 I trust organic food0.4 Organic foods are safer0.4 Organic foods are better quality0.4 Organic foods mean better animal welfare0.3 Organic foods are friendlier to the environment0.3 I like to know where my food comes from0.3 I believe in supporting local farmers0.2 I like to buy local foods in season where possible0.2 Farmers use too many chemicals and fertilisers0.2 I like to buy my food from smaller local shops0.2 I regularly cook from scratch0.1 I like to spend as little time food shopping0.0 I don’t think organic foods are good value-0.1 I think health foods are only bought by fanatics-0.2 Correlations Correlations …. Those who believe that organic foods are healthier and taste better buy across more organic categories.

16 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Organic foods taste better0.4 I trust organic food0.3 I like to know where my food comes from0.2 Organic foods are healthier0.2 I like to buy my food from smaller local shops0.2 Organic foods mean better animal welfare0.2 Organic foods are safer0.2 I believe in supporting local farmers0.1 I regularly cook from scratch0.1 I like to buy local foods in season where possible0.1 Organic foods are better quality0.1 Organic foods are friendlier to the environment0.1 Farmers use too many chemicals and fertilisers0.0 I like to spend as little time food shopping-0.1 I don’t think organic foods are good value-0.2 I think health foods are only bought by fanatics-0.2 The single most important belief is ‘Organic foods taste better’. Based on multi-dimensional analysis

17 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Non users of organic characterised by very low involvement in the food category. Drivers of heavy organic use = taste, health, quality Dimension 1 = 94% Dimension 2= 6% -2.5 201-300 101-200 51-100 1-50 0 I don’t think organic foods are good value I trust organic food Organic foods are healthier Organic foods are safer I like to spend as little time food shopping I like to buy my food from smaller local shops I regularly cook from scratch Farmers use too many chemical & fertilisers Organic foods are better quality Organic foods mean animal welfare Organic foods taste better Organic foods are friendlier to the environment I think health foods are only bought by fanatics I like to know where my food comes from I believe in supporting local farmers I like to buy local foods in season where possible -2 -1.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -1.5-0.500.511.522.53

18 Reasons for not buying

19 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. B2 Reasons for not buying organic… Base: All none buyers of ANY organic 26% 16-24 55% female Main reason for not buying ANY organic category was price. Younger consumers don’t believe organic products taste better. Base=24% of principal shoppers

20 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres General attitudes to organics Most consumers believe that they cook from scratch, and that it is a good thing to know where foods come from and to support local suppliers ‘Better taste’ is the main driver of organic food purchase The 1 in 4 shoppers who don’t buy any organic foods give ‘expense’ as the main reason. Significantly 1 in 4 of the under 24’s don’t think organic foods taste better than non organic

21 Entry points

22 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Fruits and vegetables the most frequent entry point. Q. B3 Which of these do you try first, second, third Base: All organic shoppers

23 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Medium and heavy buyers enter the market in similar ways Q. B3 Which of these do you try first Base: All organic shoppers

24 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Eggs and Dairy products are second most frequently mentioned entry points. Q. B3 Which of these do you try second Base: All organic shoppers

25 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Entry points Fruit and vegetables is the category which most try first Eggs is the second most likely category to be tried first Shoppers who are now medium/heavy buyers of organic foods entered the market in a similar way

26 Finding / recognising organic foods

27 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. A2 How do you identify organic products Base: All principal shoppers 17% AB 29% 65+ 30% DE Clear information on the label is critical to make organic identification easier.

28 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. A2 How do you identify organic products Base: All principal shoppers High proportion of organic non-users unaware as to how to identify organic products. Identification becomes easier with increased use.

29 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Heavy users of organic products rely more on the channel to identify the product than the actual labelling, whilst light users rely on the label. Dimension 1 = 84% Dimension 2= 16% 201-300 101-200 51-100 1-50 0 Don't know I buy/would buy in an exclusively organic shop I buy/would buy in health shops Code number of the organic certification body I buy/would buy from an organic farm I buy/would buy at weekly markets I look/would look for symbol or logo or organic certification body I look/would look for the natural on the label I buy/would buy fresh produce I look/would look for organic on the label -2 -1.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -201234 Label informs Channel informs

30 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Finding / recognising organics ‘Organic’ on the label is of paramount importance 1 in 5 shoppers (more 65+) don’t know how to identify ‘Fresh produce’ and ‘natural’ are also assumed to indicate organic Heavy users are more reliant on shopping in specific channels whereas lighter users rely on product labelling

31 Influences on first purchase

32 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Media (Press and TV) are claimed to be key initial influences. More in advertising by AB’s. Q. B4 How did you first find out about organic…. Base: All organic shoppers 33% AB 29% C1 28% AB

33 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres TV coverage appears to have influenced initial purchase of organic eggs Q. B4 How did you first find out about organic…. Base: All organic shoppers Significant difference, 95% confidence

34 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Significant difference, 95% confidence Better taste and safer food are the main general drivers of organic purchasing. Concern about animal welfare has encouraged purchase of organic eggs. Q. B5 Factors influenced decision/ Q. B3 Products tried first Base: All organic shoppers

35 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Significant difference, 95% confidence Those who buy most organic foods are not necessarily as concerned about pollution / GM / animal welfare as others who actually buy less. Q. B5 Factors influenced decision Base: All organic shoppers

36 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Reasons for deciding to try specific categories influenced by self/others and taste/health dimensions Dimension 1 = 41% Dimension 2= 33% Q. B5 Factors influenced decision Base: All organic buyers of category Fruit and vegetables Fruit juice Packaged foods Pork, Chicken Beef Eggs Dairy products Don't know None I got to know a local organic farmer Medically advised For my children I had developed understanding of organic approach Organic food higher in vitamins and minerals Concerned about animal welfare Organic farming produces better quality foods I was concerned about pollution I was concerned about GM Wanted to reduce exposure to pesticides Concerned about food safety Organic would taste better -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 3 -3-201234 For others For me Health Taste

37 Specifics by category

38 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres 12% South 65% 65+ 70% DE Q. B1 How often do you buy: Fruits and vegetables Base: All principal shoppers Entry to organic: 55% 71% Eggs 65% Dairy products 58% Packaged foods 55% Juice, soft drinks 53% Pork, chicken 46% Beef 44% Lamb Also purchase: Only buying this organic category: 15% Most frequent entry to organic, only 58% have never purchased. A high 15% of current organic fruit and veg buyers don’t buy any other organic products. Buyers

39 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. C8 Reasons for buying organic fruit j and vegetables Base: All buyers of organic fruit j and vegetables Quality and safety are significantly higher among heavy users H+ H H H

40 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres 15% 55-64 20% AB 21% Greater London 72% 65+ 76% DE 72% North Q. B1 How often do you buy: Eggs Base: All principal shoppers Entry to organic: 26% 87% Fruit and veg 74% Dairy products 65% Packaged foods 63% Pork, chicken 62% Juice, soft drinks 55% Beef 51% Lamb Also purchase: Only buying this organic category: 6% Second most frequent entry into organic category product. Relatively large proportion “almost always” buying Buyers

41 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. C2 Reasons for buying eggs Base: All buyers of eggs The importance of health increases as the usage level also increases. Animal welfare matters to medium buyers more than heavy buyers H H+ H

42 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres 12% 16-24 10% AB 13% Greater London 76% 65+ 78% DE 80% Scotland/North Q. B1 How often do you buy: Milk, cheese… Base: All principal shoppers Entry to organic: 21% 90% Fruit and veg 83% Eggs 72% Packaged foods 69% Juice, soft drinks 66% Pork, chicken 58% Beef 55% Lamb Also purchase: Only buying this organic category: 3% Almost all the buyers of this category also buy fruits and vegetables. Demo profile younger and upper class. Buyers

43 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. C1 Reasons for buying dairy products Base: All buyers of diary products Quality is a key driver of heavy usage H H+ H H H

44 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres 8% AB 8% Pre-nesters 9% Greater London 83% 65+ 83% DE Q. B1 How often do you buy: Pork, chicken or bacon Base: All principal shoppers Entry to organic 7% 94% Fruit and veg 90% Eggs 83% Dairy products 76% Beef 73% Lamb 73% Packaged foods 73% Juice, soft drinks Also purchase: Only buying this organic category: 0.3% Only a quarter have ever purchased into the category. Disproportionately higher purchasers of other meats. Buyers

45 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. C5 Reasons for chicken, pork Base: All buyers of chicken, pork Taste and animal welfare matter, again to medium buyers. L H H+ H H

46 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres 10% 16-24 11% Greater London 82% 65+ Q. B1 How often do you buy: Bread, past, cereals… Base: All principal shoppers Entry to organic:* 7% 95% Fruit and veg 87% Eggs 85% Dairy products 80% Juice, soft drinks 69% Pork, chicken 62% Beef 59% Lamb Also purchase: Only buying this organic category: 1.3% Buyers of bread, pasta and cereals tend to be younger and living in greater London. Buyers

47 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. C6 Reasons for buying packaged goods Base: All buyers of organic packaged goods Taste and safety (avoid GM?) clear drivers of bread, pasta and cereal purchasing. H+ H H H

48 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres 11% 16-24 12% Greater London 84% 65+ 82% DE 83% Retired Q. B1 How often do you buy: Fruit juice and soft drinks Base: All principal shoppers Entry to organic:* 5% 96% Fruit and veg 87% Eggs 86% Dairy products 84% Packaged foods 72% Pork, chicken 63% Beef 61% Lamb Also purchase: Only buying this organic category:.1% Buyers (younger and living in greater London) of this category almost universally also buyers of fruit and vegetables. Buyers

49 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. C7 Reasons for buying organic fruit juice and soft drinks Base: All buyers of organic fruit juice and soft drinks Quality and additive avoidance, but not sacrificing taste are the main drivers H H+ H

50 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres 8% AB 9% Greater London 85% 65+ 86% DE 84% Retired 84% 1 person household 83% North Q. B1 How often do you buy: Beef Base: All principal shoppers Entry to organic: 7% 95% Fruit and veg 92% Eggs 89% Pork, chicken 85% Dairy products 83% Lamb 77% Packaged foods 75% Juice, soft drinks Also purchase: Only buying this organic category: 0% Buyers of organic beef tend to be AB and also frequent purchasers of other meat organic products. Buyers

51 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. C37 Reasons for buying beef Base: All buyers of beef As with eggs, importance of farmers care decreased as usage reaches it’s highest level. Overall no clear attitude/behaviour relationship. H H

52 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres 6% AB 8% Greater London 84% 65+ 86% DE 84% 1 person household 85% North Q. B1 How often do you buy: Lamb Base: All principal shoppers Entry to organic: 2% 96% Fruit and veg 90% Pork, chicken 89% Eggs 87% Beef 86% Dairy products 78% Packaged foods 76% Juice, soft drinks Also purchase: Only buying this organic category: 0.4% Appeals to those already committed to other organic foods Buyers

53 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. C4 Reasons for buying lamb Base: All buyers of lamb As with eggs and beef, importance of farmer decrease once the highest usage level is reached. H H H H H

54 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. C1-8 Reasons for buying… Base: All buyers of organic… Fruit & veg Fruit juice Packaged Pork, chicken Lamb Beef Eggs Dairy They taste better They are safer They are more healthy They are better for the environment The quality is better Animals are better cared for by farmer I want to avoid GM food I have to use it for medical reasons -2.5 -2 -1.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -1.5-0.500.511.522.53 Dimension 1 = 83% Dimension 2= 12% All organic buyers Animal welfare dimension but taste/quality and safety are universal

55 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. C1-8 Reasons for buying… Base: All heavy (201-300) buyers of organic… Fruit and veg Fruit juice Packaged Pork, chicken Lamb Beef Eggs Dairy They taste better They are safer They are more healthy They are better for the environment The quality is better Animals are better cared for by farmer I want to avoid GM food I have to use it for medical reasons -2.5 -2 -1.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -3-20123 Dimension1 = 49% Dimension 2= 22% Heavy organic buyers (201-300) Amongst heavy users safety is not the main unifier. Health and taste main reasons for all.

56 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Category specific drivers Fruit and vegetables – quality and safety backed by taste Eggs – health. Care of chickens of great importance to medium users Dairy – quality. Chicken, bacon, pork – taste. Care of animals of importance to medium users

57 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Category specific drivers Bread, pasta, cereals – taste and safety Drinks – taste and quality, plus avoidance of additives Beef – Animal welfare more important for medium users than heavy users Lamb – Animal welfare more important for medium users than heavy users

58 Country / region of origin and price levels

59 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. I1 Groceries bought from nowadays Base: All buyers of organic products Heavier buyers of organic buy from more outlets

60 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Limited awareness of origin of organic foods. Eggs and dairy assumed UK Q. D1 Where do… come from Base: All principal shoppers

61 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres UK is preferred, regardless of the organic category, as country of origin Q. D2 Where do prefer to buy … Base: All buyers of organic products

62 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. E1 Label or packaging indicated…produced in UK/locally Base: All buyers of organic products More people prefer UK to region. Strong Welsh identity apparent. Purchase likelihood if product from region where live Purchase likelihood if product from UK

63 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Two thirds claim they are prepared to pay more for locally produced organic products. More likely Q. E1/2 Would be prepared to pay above the normal price, locally? Base: All buyers of organic products Purchase likelihood if product from region where livePrepared to pay more

64 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres As expected highest purchase likelihood amongst residents of area of origin. Q. E3 Likelihood to purchase if from …. Region? Base: All buyers of organic products If from ‘Cornwall’.. If from ‘the West country’If from ‘Wales’

65 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Q. J1 Prepared to pay more for… Base: All buyers of organic category In general organic products can only command a 10% premium. Prepared to pay more? How much more?

66 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Country / region of origin and paying a premium Widespread lack of knowledge about country of origin for all categories. Eggs and dairy tend to be assumed to be UK sourced UK is preferred to non UK source and overall UK preferred to local region (except Wales / rural areas) About 2/3 claim they’d pay more for local products In general all categories may command 10% premium

67 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Overall conclusions

68 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Overall Conclusions(1) Market growth slows as lighter buyers leave Even for the heaviest of buyers, organics only account for 14% of their total spend Really heavy buyers are significantly different to medium buyers Medium buyers may have a specific (e.g. health) reason underlying their buying

69 Prepared for the Soil Association By Taylor Nelson Sofres Conclusions(2) Taste / taste better is the over-riding driver of heavy organic purchase Motivations for buying specific categories differ but invariably include taste as a major reason Entry to market is via fruit/veg and eggs. Ambiguity re organic eggs may be a problem Origins of organic produce largely unknown UK origin preferred but strong Wales/SW in those regions 10% premium seems acceptable

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